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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. On 7/9/2023 at 10:08 AM, theFlu said:

    Yeh, I got that. Might be simple enough to just xpath it into a game (quest reward lists and inventory lists, seek and destroy) and not have to pretend.


    It might be for a good reason, but the act itself is still stupid ;)


    Part of it is really just how one approaches the game itself.  For you (this is based on what I have perceived in this discussion with you and I may be way off), if you receive an item that is better than what you are currently using you want to use it right away regardless of where it comes from.  For me when I play, I don't get hung up on that, I use what I have available and go with the flow.


    But I also never compare same Q6 weapons to see which one has the higher stats.  I just grab it and go, using it in vanilla until the end of the game.  But I know others when they get a new Q6 M60, they want to compare the stats and see if the new one is better than their current Q6 M60.  Neither playstyle is wrong, it is just what you want to do as the player that matters.

  2. In my non-modded playthroughs so far, I have seen an equal amount of loot finds and crafting my own equipment. - at least among the perks I perked into.  Non perked perks tend to lag behind, but not too far.  Also note that I tend to stick to the forest biome so I am not boosting my lootstage through harder biomes or with lucky looter.


    Even perks with only 1 point allocated gave me magazine drops to get up in crafting levels.  I think I had the ability to craft steel tools before I even found them in loot.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Archael said:

    I would love to see some higher tier recepies that req no can food, only plants and eggs. Its more logical that sole survivors of post apocalyplse would develop perfect food from crops, nor relying on resource that may disapear from containers.


    I did that, via a mod I created ( @theFlu will like that  😉 ), though the higher tier ones required meat from the more dangerous animals in the game.  Cans were limited to lower quality meals.  Same thing with meat from rabbits, snakes, coyotes, chickens, deer.  You could slaughter as many rabbits as you could, but not be able to use it for higher tier recipes.  Trying to increase the risk vs reward in the food area of the game.  Food is still way too plentiful in SP so still trying to tweak that.

  4. Looks like you guys figured it out so I don't have to  😉


    Any changes from A20 to A21 need the TraderStageTemplate property now in order for it to show up properly in trader inventories.  Easy thing to miss.

  5. Setattribute would add the destroy on close variable to the node itself.  So as an example


    <setattribute xpath="//lootcontainer[@name='hardenedChestT5']" name="destroy_on_close">true</setattribute>


    So assuming I got my pathing right, if you were to enter this code, the T5 reinforced loot chests would now get the destroy on close variable and would behave like a nest now after you loot and close it.

    On 7/9/2023 at 10:46 PM, Wacko said:

    Thanks mate, I guess the way I did it isn’t optimal, but it worked.


    Yeah, not optimal which is why I said it was another way.  This way you don't have to remove the code first, and then re-enter it again (reduces your 7 lines of code down to 1 in this example).


    Another advantage of doing it this way if in future updates they make some minor changes to the other parts of it, your code would still work (most of the time).

  6. 8 hours ago, Ananais said:

    I would actually be interested in looking at that, I recall I tried adding a buff directly into entityclasses but had issues with it applying consistently, my impatience probably kicked in and I ended up doing it the long way round via the buffs xml.


    This is what I did in my mod


        <insertAfter xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='PlayerExpGain']">
            <passive_effect name="ElectricalTrapXP" operation="base_set" value="0.1"/>


    What you probably need to do:


                <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" level="1" value=".1">
                    <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" target="other" tags="human"/>


    Obviously change the value number to your target.  In theory, this should reduce damage to players from other players.


  7. I have used the burst one on the 9mm, the smg, and the assault rifles for the burst fire; and the auto one on the auto shotgun to increase its fire rate (not much lately though as I prefer the pump even when I can get the auto).


    I don’t use them to increase damage, as I modded out the flat damage increase for all mods as I didn’t like it

  8. You could try something like they did with the crafting magazines, except in reverse.  When you read the book, it modifies the chances to find another in loot less likely.  Haven’t done it myself, but that is the route I would first try.  However, each book would need an unique tag (for example, bookHunter1, bookHunter2) so that specific book would get the probability modifier only applied to it.

  9. On 7/7/2023 at 8:41 AM, theFlu said:

    I know, you Mod the game to fix the issue. You can do that, more power to you; but you're telling people to play vanilla that way, instead of asking for fixes to vanilla... why?


    Never against fixes in the game, nor have I told people that they should not ask for fixes or balance changes to the game.  I just said it is possible to play this way, even without mods.


    In A19, I started that way in pure vanilla.  No fixes were available as I didn't learn to mod back then and I figured I would see what I can do with the vanilla game itself.  Since you couldn't craft non-perk gear higher than Q1 at the time, I made an exception of purchasing off-perk gear from the traders but I know I hacked the file to make everything more expensive.


    In A20, I started to mod the game.  I removed trader quest rewards (so I didn't have to drop the items all the time), removed recipe unlocks from perks (so you could only unlock them via schematics), removed the ability to repair equipment, and added a new perk so you can craft non-attribute equipment higher than Q1.  But the principle was the same, pushing myself to use crafting more and more.


    I have talked over the years how I play the game and what I do, but I just haven't been as vocal as others are about things they want or don't want.  Heck, I am still waiting on TFP to relook at bulk stone arrow crafting because once you unlock the ability to do so in vanilla, you are already at iron arrows if not steel arrows.  I know I mentioned that awhile back, but it isn't something I keep bringing up as I understand that in the end this is their game that they are developing (and I fixed it myself in A20 once I started to learn how to mod).


    But the question I have for you is this...Have you seriously tried to play that way in vanilla?  Have you pushed yourself to see how far you can survive that way?  I have, and that is why I am talking about my experience.


    I have also stated in the past that I understand my way of playing is not the baseline, nor that it should be.  But I didn't know it was possible to play that way until I tried it...and didn't realize how much fun I had doing it that way until I tried.

  10. On 7/7/2023 at 8:09 AM, meganoth said:


    If someone plays with 300% XP, 25% loot, 300% loot, no trader or adds a mod or follows self-imposed rules then I would normally ignore him when he talks about balance of the game. I.e. his experience is not a measure for the vanilla game. If you disagree for any of the above cases, please explain why the situation is different.



    I never said it was balanced if you play this way compared to vanilla, and I know as I do play vanilla, most of my hours playing the game from A16 to A21 are vanilla game with mostly default settings (just survivor and more BM zombies, loot respawn turned off, feral sense on).  But my point still stands, you can play this way; it just is not going to be as easy as playing the game as it is today in its vanilla form.


    Balance is subjective.  Everyone has a different opinion on how the game should be balanced.  Some people like where it is today, some want it to be easier, some want it to be harder.  We have seen some changes to the traders and looting, but you can force rush through progression if you desire - via trader quest spamming or inflating your loot stage via harder biomes.  So the game allows a player to speed their progression while at the same time, you can slow down your progression by the choices you make in game - only using crafted items, no trader awards, staying in the forest biome.


    Playing those ways (per your post) are a valuable way of looking at how the game plays out in different scenarios.  If you only use the equipment you craft yourself, you can see how the game reacts to your playing, and know what works and what doesn't.  If you play with no traders, then you can get a feel on how the game plays without them.

  11. 13 hours ago, theFlu said:

    You're seriously going for broken windows economics..? Break it just so you can have the work of fixing it?


    13 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    I don't see how you are even trying to be serious with that suggestion. Might as well say hey that gear you got from a raid yeah scrap it for crafting materials even though it's an obvious upgrade. 


    No players and especially new players would even consider doing something like that because it makes no sense. 


    Yes, not only am I serious with that suggestion, I actually play that way.  Started playing that way back in Alpha 19.  Only using equipment that I could craft myself.  I allowed myself to use equipment from looting in A20, but since I couldn't repair it, I still had to use equipment I crafted myself as finding something that had more than half durability was hard to find..  Will be doing that in A21 now that the game is stable and I mod it so you don't see a lot of equipment above Q3 and traders don't give out quest rewards anymore.


    But hey, not everyone is up for the challenge.

  12. +/- 20% is a large random variation range.  Entity damage was change to only +/- 2% random variation in order to minimize the overlap between the quality levels.


    And the effect gets larger as the Q level increases


    20% of durability at Q1 is +/- 60 while 20% at Q6 is +/- 130.  When the quality levels are only around 70 difference as you increase quality levels, you are going to see this occurring.


    Range has the same +/- 20% variation in it.

  13. 4 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    Doing activities? You mean the whole premise of quests, traders, looting and going into biomes. 


    How is that not ignoring content? How is that you not telling people well if you want to craft ignore all of this content vanilla content that basically makes up like 90% of gameplay. So yes that is exactly what it sounds like you are saying but doing your best to word it differently. 


    You can do all that and still craft everything you want to.  Nobody is saying use that shiny new weapon you found while looting or doing a quest.  Instead, turn it into scrap parts to use for crafting, or sell it to a trader to get dukes so you can buy those weapon or tool parts you need to craft those items.

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