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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 18 hours ago, Phoenix830 said:

    Fo the time being I have a bat script that creates a backup every 5 minutes (customizable) with 3 backups at anyone time.

    Aswell as one that creates a single backup before launching the game (steam). Keeping 4 backups before starting to override the first one.


    Unfortunetly when I have tried to post them it registers my message as spam. If anyone want them I will figure a way of getting them on here or use github.


    I use github for any of my modlets I posted for others.  I don't think you can post the actual file, it has to be placed in a file hosting site and you can post the link.   Also, Riamus's comment on new users is also in effect.

  2. 13 hours ago, Survior said:

    A tryhard with 3k posts doesn't represent the new player experience who shouldn't get whacked in a t1 POI just because lolz.


    No offense :D



    Some people like to engage, like to contribute, and like to help others.


    Some people like to try and tear down others.


    I'm comfortable with myself being the former, so no offense taken.  🤷‍♂️

  3. 9 hours ago, LackLustaFilaBusta said:

    Pretty sure LoTL doesn't even give 5 crops back anymore at max rank and that skill alone is broken with only the 50% chance to get a seed back on harvest. You can't really have a self sustaining farm unless you get extremely lucky and get your seeds back on every harvest.


    As already mentioned, you are not getting 5 crops back at max rank, you are getting 6 guaranteed crops back when you harvest player planted seeds and have a 50% chance of getting a 7th crop each time you harvest.


    Have you actually played with LoTL maxed out and harvested player planted crops (not wild crops you find on the map, not crops you put into farm plots via CM, crops that you or another player actually planted)?


    Unless there is a bug (and that is always possible), nothing has changed with LoTL perks from A20 to A21 with the exception of removing the seed recipes unlocks.  I am right now comparing code for the perk between A20.5 and A21 experimental and it still shows a 2x (At perk levels 1 and 2) and 3x (at perk level 3) harvest count when you invest in those perks.  And looking at the blocks file, wild potatoes has a default value of 1 crop per harvest while player planted potatoes has a default value of 2 crops per harvest.


    I know perk levels 1 & 2 are working as intended as my current playthrough I got that perk up to level 2 and getting 4 minimum each harvest (player planted) with the occasional 5 crop.  When I am out looting or exploring, I am getting 2-3 each time I harvest plants.


    Even if you are the unluckiest person in the world, you are going to get 10 crops per harvest (based on a 10 plot farm) if you have to make 10 seeds every time and never get the bonus crop.   And if you are only planting potatoes, corn, and mushrooms in those quantities, that is enough crops to make 5 hobo stews, 5 meat stews, 5 steak and potatoes, or 10 shepherds pies

  4. 9 hours ago, iamnuff said:


    If people keep bringing this up, then maybe you need to re-examine it. 


    I set up a farm in my recent game in the experimental (about 10 farm-plots) and I had plenty of seeds to plant... but few useful ones. 


    Pumpkin seeds and goldenrod seeds are common loot in trash, but there's little point planting them. Corn-seeds can be gathered on-mass from bags in farm POIs, but then actual corn can also be gathered on-mass from farm POIs, so there's little need to plant them. 

    Potato seeds seem fairly rare, which is a problem because that's the most important crop in the game. 


    Pumpkin seeds and blueberry seeds are indeed valuable.  Blueberries are obvious used in pies which give you 45 food.  Pumpkins are used in pies and cheesecake which gives you 50/42 food back.  And that worthless cornbread you mentioned, with meat and a can of chili, you now got a chili dog that gives you back 53 food.  All which are similar to that meat stew you ate that gives you back 50 food.  Don't get me started on Gumbo stew, Tuna Fish gravy toast, and spaghetti - none of which require potatoes and all are vastly superior to meat stew (Shepherds pie is also in this group, but requires 1 potato   -----  1 potato!!!!!!)


    And yes, meat stew also gives you 20 water back, but that is basically what you would get from drinking one jar of boiled water.  Instead of that, you could eat a chili dog and drink pure mineral water and get 60 water back (costing you just 2 jars of water = 40 water).


    And guess what, that chili dog cost you less ingredients in terms of crops as you only need 1 corn while the meat stew costs 2 corn and 2 potatoes.


    Players seem to focus on just a few of the cooked items, not realizing that the other items can be substitutes for things like bacon & eggs and meat stew.

  5. 18 hours ago, Riamus said:

    It is very unlikely they'll add another quality level to weapons/armor.  That seems to be a firm "no" from them.


    Quality 6 is apparently a placeholder for legendary items, which would not be something you'd be able to craft.  I don't know how accurate that is as although I've seen it referenced various times here, I don't remember if it was stated by a dev.  But if true and if they do eventually put in legendaries, then they wouldn't want to backtrack and remove crafting of quality level 6 items.


    It was talked about before, I think Madmole was the one who mentioned legendries

  6. 12 hours ago, Lokeus said:


    Legit way to play but trying to become half-god as fast as possible was also an interesting challenge everytime, but got too repetetive by time. I think overall it is really better now and you did well by slowing down your pace in your game. Nice to know that you modded... 😏 I am thinking about playing around with loot stage or loot tables a bit. Do you got any hint for me to learn easy-first-try mods?


    Example of something I did in my mod, regarding loot changes



  7. 42 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    I'm still hoping for a full attribute rework, because they are pretty illogical as a whole, and confusing to players. My friend has 700+ hours in the game and still makes comments that leads me to believe he doesn't understand them lol.


    "I invested 10 points into strength, so I can carry more stuff!"


    Nope, you just do more headshot damage with shotguns for some reason


    "But I have 10 points in fortitude, so I'm a tank"


    Nope, you just do more damage with an m60 for some reason


    The names don't reflect anything relevant so they might as well just rename them to Perk Tree 1, Perk Tree 2,  Perk Tree 3 etc


    IMO Attributes as a whole need to be reworked from scratch so they actually make sense and reflect what is going on


    • Perception - Each point in perception should increase headshot damage with all weapons
    • Strength - Each point in strength should let you carry more items, basically just rebrand Pack Mule. That, or it should increase damage with melee weapons
    • Fortitude - Should increase your health / regen / or resistance
    • Agility - Should grant cardio or Parkour by default. Letting you run further or jump higher makes way more sense for agility than how much damage you do with a bow
    • Intelligence - Each point should do something like reduce crafting costs for all items, or work like better barter and grant selling boosts


    The benefits of the above is that first of all, none of your points are wasted. It would also let them move the weapons and perks to a logical place, like putting all the ranged weapon skills in Perception, while Strength got the Melee ones, and Fortitude got the Explosives, and Agility got sneak related things etc. It would also let them move the perks around that make zero sense, like why the hell salvager is in perception or farming is in fortitude



    Those are great ideas....for a RPG.  This is not a RPG though.




    Currently if you say "I want to do a playthrough using an m60 and a spear" you just . . . don't. The weapons are in two completely unrelated trees, and you'll be wasting your points on the attributes you are only getting partial value out of.


    It's even worse if you say something like "I want to jump really high while using a spear" because then you have to waste all your points on the agility attribute which grants you absolutely nothing per point wasted. Not a single thing, because you aren't using the "on perk weapon" the devs try to force you to use


    I'm in this exact situation right now where I want to have a small farm, which means I have to waste like 8 points into fortitude attribute (to get it to leve 5 or 6 or w/e) for zero return on investment, just to meet the criteria to get more food back from my farm.  I get absolutely no benefit from "headshot damage with an m60" because I'm not using an m60 or knuckles



    Thing is though, nothing is stopping you from using the M60 just because you haven't perked into it.  Sure you are not as powerful as someone who specifically perked into Fortitude, but this mindset that you can only use the ranged weapons that you perked into is an internal issue which one approaches the game, not with the game itself.  Shotguns used by my Agility character deal damage to the zombies just like the Strength player, just not as effectively.


    Also, if you are building a small farm, you need just one point (or at most 3 points for LoTL2 and Tough guy glasses) to spend to improve your returns.  You are getting 4 back (possibly up to 5 with LoTL2) each time you harvest and that is more than enough unless you are the farmer for a large group.  Then you should be getting up to LoTL3 in that situation.

  8. 2 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    It only applies to item stack values. If you would normally get one magazine from a box, and you set it to 200%, you will get two magazines. If you set it to 50% it just rounds up and you get one.

    It doesn't have anything to do with how many different items you receive in a container.

     Just me nitpicking, but you shouldn't be getting two magazines instead of one if you set it to 200%.  Those types of containers have a variable that causes the container to ignore the loot % setting.

  9. 3 minutes ago, OccamsShavingCream said:

    And why does a 'dew collector' need a filter, anyway? Dew is condensed moisture from the air. It's literally already naturally distilled. Even rain is safe to drink without boiling.


    Uh, no its not.  Rain water can collect pollutants before it even reaches ground level.

  10. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:


    NOT AGAIN!  This is wrong and I had hoped these false rumors were gone after more than a year


    Lotl1 is perfectly enough to have a self-sustaining farm and making seeds out of plants will generally grow your farm. The only drawback is that with a string of VERY bad harvests you could be left without seeds eventually. But for that you have to also be so unlucky to never find any seeds in loot.


    Only without a single point in Lotl it makes no sense to convert plants to seeds. Just put any seeds you find into your plots and grow them.


    But if you have Lotl1 or more, you can just convert any plants you have into seeds and on average expect to get more out of the seed later. And mathematically it makes sense to start planting as soon as you have plants, there is nothing gained by waiting except if you plan to put more points into the perk later.



    Sure for the most part, you are going to be fine.  But not always, and players idea of success will be different.  I did have a playthrough (back in A20) where I started with a 10 plot potato farm.  RNG was not my friend, as it took about 5-6 cycles before I got enough seeds and produce that after replanting 10 seeds, I had extra potatoes.  Now this is not normal as I had other times when I got 5+ seeds when I harvested or found a lot of seeds in loot to supplement my crop production.  And I know the game was mocking me because my 10 plot Chrysanthemum farm was doing successful (I was drowning in red tea).


    So technically I eventually got a self sustaining farm in that case by always converting crops into seeds, but I didn't feel it was worth the effort as I went about 15+ days with no potatoes from my crops to turn into food.


    So now, what I do is plant the seeds I find and harvest them.  At LoTL 1 and 2, I just use the crops to expand on my food.  At LoTL 3 (if I decide to go that far), I will always maintain max plots by utilizing the seeds I get back, the seeds I find, and convert crops into seeds to get my target.


    I wait to plant until I get LoTL 1, but that is really for the farm plot cost reduction.

  11. 2 hours ago, DiscoHeavy said:

    its about the alpha 21 experimental and i have LoTL perk 3 and still get only 3 crops, and a chance to get a 4 crop. its also the perk say at lvl 3 i get 3 additional crops.... so idk its not working


    Sounds like you are harvesting wild crops and not player planted crops.  LoTL3 will only give you 3 crops (plus chance for a 4th) for anything you come across while exploring.

  12. 6 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    Not sure if anyone mentioned it, but investing in stealth does allow you to hide and make the zombies lose track of you, allowing you to get that stealth hit in. It takes a little practice -sometimes with a bit of nerves of steel -  but most cases you can do this pretty quickly. It's honestly borderline OP once you've perked quite a bit into it/have some books read.

    I do that all the time, backtracking until I find a nice place to hide….though you can’t just run all the way as you are making noise the entire time.


    Having the books to sneak run and no trash noise helps greatly


    Current playthrough I am at perk 3 for both hidden strike and shadows

  13. 4 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    The more I think on it, the more I do think traders shouldn't be able to give over a t4 version of an item just to make sure you absolutely *can't* power creep and  totally ruin a magazine line by getting a t6 steel spear or something when you only halfway through the magazine line, and some of the extra rewards could be more focused on things like resources instead.


    My friend that hate mining and grinding resources loved the t1 rewards like 1500 wood etc, but those disappeared and all we get now are t2 iron gloves and such as a reward. I feel like they could even increase crafting costs, but have traders give stuff to help offset the raised costs, like making it take a lot more parts to craft high tier stuff but have traders give parts bundles. Or have traders give duct tape etc.


    I also do think the traders should give low tier upgrades as high tier reward. Like if you do a t5 infested to get a big reward, it should offer something like farming or gun bundles etc


    There is a lot you can do.  I removed quest rewards and left those as just dukes.  I also removed lower quality gear (so only Q6) and boosted the price.  But my thought process was that they are in business so why would they be giving away gear for free?   🤔

  14. 59 minutes ago, DiscoHeavy said:

    I can not find anything to this "problem" so i try it here.

    It is intended, that you max get 4 crops and need 5 to make 1 new seed, so this makes farming just pointless?

    or do i something wrong ?


    It is not wrong.  At only LoTL perk 1, you get 4 crops per harvest.  At LoTL 2, you get 4 guaranteed with a 50% chance of a fifth crop.  At LoTL3, you can 6 guaranteed with a 50% chance of a 7th crop.


    Each harvest, you have a 50% chance of getting the seed back.  Crafting new seeds costs 5 crops.


    At LoTL 1, it is recommended just to plant seeds you find and don't convert into seeds.  You can sustain a farm with some extra crops leftover if you start out with a 10 plot farm and not experienced any bad RNG when harvesting your first few harvests.  However, LoTL 1 is not setup for guaranteed sustainable farmer.


    I am farming at LoTL1, but I am only planting seeds I find while looting right now.  Been doing it for several cycles now.

  15. Miner 69 affects all items with the perk perkMiner69r.


    This includes:

    • All axes
    • All pickaxes
    • All shovels
    • Chainsaw and Auger
    • All repair tools


    Are you just using power attacks?  Even with the reduction, power attacks will drain stamina if that is all you do with it.


    Power attacks with the Iron pickaxe use 31 stamina (roughly), so a 25% reduction on that (max perk) would mean you are using roughly 23 stamina for each power attack.  Regular attacks would be roughly 14 per swing. 


    Also, have you put an ergonomic grip in the pickaxe?  That adds an additional stamina reduction.

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