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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Have you tried the following: Verify that Microsoft Xbox game bar is installed and active Verify that all file are updated
  2. If you are eating glass just to super heal, the issue lies with you my friend, not the game
  3. For the new spikes, don't you also need to have a new spike master in the materials file? For example wood spikes From blocks <block name="trapSpikesWoodMaster"> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property name="Class" value="TrunkTip"/> <property name="BlockTag" value="Spike"/> <property name="Damage" value="33"/> <property name="Damage_received" value="33"/> <property name="Material" value="MtrapSpikesWood"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="33"/> <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/> <property name="Model" value="Entities/Traps/woodSpikesTrapPrefab"/> <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="false"/> <property name="ImposterExclude" value="true"/> <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee"/> <property name="LightOpacity" value="6"/> <property name="Path" value="solid"/> <property name="FuelValue" value="1000"/> <!-- <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="trapDamageZombie"/> --> <property class="RepairItems"> <property name="resourceWood" value="10"/> </property> <property name="CustomUpgradeSound" value="place_block_wood"/> <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceWood" count="2,6"/> <drop event="Fall" count="0"/> <property name="Group" value="Tools/Traps"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="trapSpikesGroupDesc"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="30"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="20"/> <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_traps"/> <property name="SortOrder1" value="70g0"/> </block> From materials <material id="MtrapSpikesWood"> <property name="damage_category" value="wood"/> <property name="surface_category" value="wood"/> <property name="forge_category" value="wood"/> <property name="Hardness" type="float" value="1"/> <property name="stepsound" value="wood"/> <property name="stability_glue" value="20"/> <property name="Mass" type="int" value="5"/> <property name="MaxDamage" value="33"/> <property name="movement_factor" value="0.18"/> <property name="Experience" value="2"/> </material> I would start there first (if I was you, I could be wrong though). As for the second part, it doesn't show an icon because you haven't defined an icon for it <property name="CustomIcon" value="foodCropYuccaFruit"/> Creative Mode needs to be set to Player, not None
  4. The problem is not on their side. Their product (the Steam client) uses the embedded Google Chromium browser for a lot of the core functions of their client. And Google has stopped supporting Chromium for Windows 7. Throw in the fact that Microsoft themselves has stopped supporting Windows 7 and 8 which has its own issues. Both Google and Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 about 2 years ago. Steam kept it going for awhile, but eventually everyone was going to have to make a decision on their OS if they want to continue running Steam. You have options. You are focused on Windows OS, but Linux OS does run on older versions (though I know nothing of the age of your hardware) so that is a possibility for you. You can try and upgrade to Windows 10 to see if that will work for you. You can upgrade your computer (seeing how old you state it is). Also, want to point out, you don't own the game; you just purchase a license that allows you to download and play the game.
  5. That change doesn't just affect 7D2D, it affects all games run through Steam. I don't believe that Offline mode will work after January 2024 (though I could be wrong). Offline mode just removes the requirement of being on the internet, but still runs the exe application for Steam. Based on what Steam has stated, the steam client won't run on those old OS after January 2024. Even then, you wouldn't be able to update the game anymore (so your last version will be A21). In your case since it doesn't sound like you want to upgrade your computer to run at least Windows 10, you can always switch to Linux OS. I believe that 7D2D works with Linux OS and we have people here in the forums that know a lot more details about that setup (I have Win10 so I am not as aware of Linux as others here are).
  6. One wonders if people already make up an opinion on something based on a youtuber they follow, then go into that area and only grasp the things that reinforce that opinion while ignoring anything that counters that opinion..... 🤔 That's my deep thought for the week
  7. Well, at least I won't be getting any private messages threatening me.
  8. What's your tolerance? 94 +1/-10% ? ☺️
  9. Blade traps are affected by the Advanced Engineering perk and will give experience on kills to the player if they perk in to level 3 or higher. Any trap considered electrical would give a player credit if they perk into Adv Engineering.
  10. The release date on A21 will depend on how many of the mf bugs (must fix) that are completed and when the team is comfortable with A21 being released in the experimental stage. Since you cannot quantify how long it will take to fix the mf bugs (along with testing the changes to verify they work and check for unseen side affects from the changes), the timing cannot be given in a definite release date. Rick likes to give estimates, but the actual release date of the next Alpha will always depend on where they are at with quashing the bugs that have cropped up.
  11. The only thing that affects would be the dropped bags from the zombies during horde night, and assuming that they drop inside the POI boundary. Bases from scratch don't need a loot bonus to get people to build them.
  12. I've done 3 iterations of building: Take over a POI and reinforce it for hordes Take over a ruined POI and build up a base on it (lot more involved compared to the first option, but less than the third option) Build a base from scratch Not incentivized to do any of the 3, it is just what I want to do in that playthrough. We don't need a carrot to push people to build a specific way, it is up to them and what they want to do. This is, for all purposes, a sandbox game; and it is up to the player on how they want to play this game. If all they care about is min/max play, then that is how they will play. If you want to put yourself in different (and not always the easy way) situations, then that is up to the player. I prefer making my horde base my main base. Keeping my benches / supplies safe from the horde makes it dull and sloppy. Having to design a base to both house you and defend yourself makes it more challenging and fun (and I don't mind making a mistake that costs me resources / workstations, gives me an opportunity to see if I can recover).
  13. Take a look at your quest_RedKeyPart. The Quest reward type says quest_WholeKeyPart but the next quest in your list is <quest id="quest_WholeKey">. I am assuming that once you complete the quest RedKeyPart, you want to start the quest WholeKey as the next one.
  14. Take a look at your quest_RedKeyPart. The Quest reward type says quest_WholeKeyPart but the next quest in your list is <quest id="quest_WholeKey">. I am assuming that once you complete the quest RedKeyPart, you want to start the quest WholeKey as the next one.
  15. You might have too many phases. Try breaking the quests with 12 phases into two parts
  16. Ah, so you want to force your friends to play the way you want to play, not the way they want to play..... If that is the case, why don't you mod the game not to place any trader POIs in the game
  17. One thing to note: Khaine replaces the entire file, he doesn't simply append his items onto it (he did talked about one point of changing his code to make it more friendly to other mods, but not sure if he did it yet or decided not to go that route). He changed the loot groups in the container which is why you are not seeing the rings being added. So even changing the order, this mod is adding the rings group to groupSmallSafeLoot, but DF is pointing to groupSafeLoot which is a new group created by Khaine. vanilla <lootcontainer id="6" name="smallSafes" size="8,5" sound_open="UseActions/open_safe" sound_close="UseActions/close_safe" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="qualPlus1Template"> <item group="groupSmallSafeLoot"/> </lootcontainer> DF <lootcontainer name="smallSafes" count="1,3" size="8,5" sound_open="UseActions/open_safe" sound_close="UseActions/close_safe" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="qualPlus1Template" buff="buffScavengingServerHack,buffScavengingSkillXPTick"> <item group="groupSafeLoot"/> <item name="oldCash" count="100,500"/> </lootcontainer> Note: This is an older version of DF I am referencing to (at work) so there might be changes since then, but this should help you to make a patch to work with DF.
  18. Isn't that the whole point of the wasteland biome? To be more difficult than the other biomes?
  19. Was this a change in one of the 20.x patches? Because in my A20 test runs, I had to manually remove some of the extra spawn points if I wanted to spawn in the same location every time.
  20. Darkness Falls added more than 5 mod slots so Khaine's mod has examples of modifying the UI to account for more than 5.
  21. It's an issue with objectives AnimalKill/ZombieKill and entity classes. Khaine has the animal kills setup as AnimalKill (target is 5) which doesn't work for snakes and vultures (you have to use ZombieKill for them - same as ZombieDogs). With animalKill, it works for any bear, even Zombie bears. Kind of wonkie since all of those entity classes have the animal tags in them. So the quest is: 5 zombie kills - can be satisfied by Zombie Dogs, vultures, and snakes (also any zombie entity really) 5 animal kills - all other animals (not sure on his custom ones that he added, but I assume they count in this category).
  22. I'm neither and I am fine with it. Regardless if there is or is not a streamer weekend, the experimental branch gets released for the mass public on a Monday.
  23. Don't always believe unofficial sites. Both of the store pages for the console version do not state that you can cross-play with the other console.
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