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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. If you want it back, you can always mod it in. I only play SP so I never had a lag issue with the dead bodies (and searching them). However, I really like the new mechanics in play as I don't have to search every zombie body I kill, I know that the ones that drop bags have something to look at. In addition, I been loving the new mechanic they added where you get bonus damage to zombie bodies after you kill them. Makes it easier to deal with now since they go poof as soon as you hit them.
  2. The core game hasn't changed though. It is still a survival, looting, crafting, building, zombie defense game in a total destructible world. However, if you want to eliminate or ignore certain aspects of the game, you will have issues unless you mod the game to address those issues or use CM like meganoth suggested. If the core game was simply building structures, then you would have a point on the changes made.
  3. FYI I did create a modlet awhile back for someone Replaced the snake with the coyote model
  4. effect_group should be removed, should be xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandMaster']/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Range']/@value" ignore me, Khaine is already on it
  5. This should be in general support then, not mods discussion. In that section, there is a post at the top saying to read it first. It has directions on what you need to do to get assistance.
  6. Nope, by previously I meant as late as 20.5 for certainty (I have 20.5 files on my work laptop and it shows p=0.4 for POI stumps and p=0.2 for biome stumps).
  7. Are you running mods? What mods are you running? And that error can be anything without any details provided.
  8. Observations are speculation. The code though, doesn't show a change of buff chance from A20 to A21. The odds of getting a critical debuff is based on the players buff resistance. First hit reduces the resistance by 0.12. Successful hits after that reduce resistance by 0.19 with a cap (based on what I see) of 1.1 in total And from what I see, buff resistance from armor hasn't changed. Maybe some code was updated where it wasn't being applied correctly in the past, but it doesn't look like TFP changed debuffs being applied more often. And I really haven't seen it in my gaming so far.
  9. By the time I reached the first town, I found something like 6-8 of them. Two I ended up carrying to the city, and the rest I stored away in the various chests I laid down as I was going to the town. As others suggested, residential POIs are more than likely to have cooking pots in them. I prioritize residential POIs for food, cooking pots, and now cooking magazines whenever I start a new game during the first few days to get setup.
  10. And if you don’t want to update, why did you buy an early access game in the first place?🤔
  11. No, I don't have to max out every other tool or weapon. Nobody is forcing you to max out stamina for every weapon and every tool in this game, that is a personal choice, and with choices comes drawbacks. This is max - min play right here. Maxing the gains out of every equipment in the game at minimum cost. I prefer I have choices, but have to adjust how I play with the choices I make and the ones I don't have to make. And I was already maxing out knives to Perk level 5 when it was my main weapon, the same as pistols and bows.
  12. You also need to take into consideration that the equipment parts, weapon parts, armor parts compete with tools / weapons / armor in loot drops. So every time you get the actual item, that is one less time to get the raw parts. The boost also applies to finding more of that item. So if you perk into Dead Eye, you have a higher chance to find the magazines, rifles, rifle parts, and 7.62 ammo.
  13. Loving the changes to crafting so far. Day 6 and I can already craft the bicycle, just need to finish up Forge Ahead to unlock the workbench. All of this without having to sink many points into the Int tree.
  14. You can track my progress for the first 5 days 😆 🤔 I canceled the starter quests, if you are wondering what is going on here. My breakthrough came when I went for the air drop on Day 3.
  15. Actually they are just against you, did you not see that when you were getting all those crits? 😉
  16. If it bothers you so much, mod back in Sex Rex. Personally, I like the fact I don't have to spec in Strength anymore to max out stamina reduction for knives or batons. I also like that I can now speed up any weapon without having to spec into agility. TBD is dead, devs have stated countless times it is not coming back.
  17. yeah, as an agility player, I don't have to spec into strength now to max out stamina reduction for knives.
  18. No, baton parts are located in the melee weapon parts group. So if you are finding any melee weapon parts, you can find those as well. However, weapon parts won't show up until loot stage 42 based on their probability scale. Range parts (robotic parts in OPs case) share the same probability as melee parts
  19. you can remove storms (not the BM though) via a modlet.
  20. I find that hard to believe after seeing your comment in the Consoles section trashing consoles.
  21. I think they are in the same group as all weapon parts so should be same chance.
  22. And it even has players that try to help
  23. I’m on day 5 right now and I had one bleed and one infection only….from a dog….and it was my fault because I forgot to load my pipe mg when I swapped out a Q2 with a Q3. Not sure what you guys are doing to get crit so much.
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