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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. Great early food if you spawn on the edge of the snow biome. Dip in to the snowy area and gather a bunch to keep you topped up till you can get some meat or more canned goods.
  2. Wow this thread is a muddled mess of disconnected conversations and random thoughts.
  3. Erm. They're saying it doesn't work that way.
  4. @MechanicalLens Iirc you're looking for "corner bars". Have you checked the "Fences and Railings" block's shape menu. There is a corner railing that might do what you need it to.
  5. Nah. You just got swept up by a bit of house cleaning by Roland and there was some confusion because of how the divergent discussions from the dev thread were put together and ended up here in general chat.
  6. @Jay_ombie didn't set the thread up. One of the moderators (most likely @Roland) did. Jay_ombie's post in this thread's OP was originally in the A19 Dev Diary and got moved.
  7. The Basic tab when you're setting up a game or going into a saved game has options to change when Blood Moons occur and a range days after the first possible day where it can occur instead. Set the first one to the earliest you want your range to start and the second one to the latest.
  8. Not sure I want them to fix that. Means my "spidey sense" for when to prep for a large wandering horde would be gone... 😁🤣
  9. 1. The cone needs to be narrowed. This is a survival sim/1st person tower defense game, not quarter slots at a casino. 1b. I think you're mixing up RPGs with Gatchas. Character abilities/perks don't affect accuracy in 7D2D. Damage dealt and effect on hit yes. Accuracy is fully dependent on rng, either where the shot lands or adjusting the cone via rolling lucky on loot. 2. Here once again all you're saying is "Get lucky.".
  10. I think you might want to add plates above the trap doors, rotated so they're flat against the roof's overhang. Dogs can slip through a 1 block high hole iirc and the plates help mitigate that.
  11. You talking the tank top guy (aka bloated walker) or the hawaiian shirt guy (tourist)?
  12. That said, Moe strikes me less as the stereotypical "fat" and more of a tired rig worker 3/4 of the way through a 6 month layover pudge. Paunch is there but it doesn't jiggle much.
  13. If it blows up, you didn't kill it. At least not in vanilla.
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