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Everything posted by hiemfire

  1. In A19 Radiateds are the next step above Feral in spawn difficulty for the generic zombies, like the zombie Bo you have there. If you're talking about Feral Wights then yes, there is a radiated version of them but those should not start showing up for several levels.
  2. They're planning for the Public Experimental of A20 around the end of this month, October. First stable version of A20 should be within a few weeks after that depending what bugs and glitches a broader test group finds.
  3. Account 3 hours old. Only posts are on this thread, all of which fall squarely into the mantra of one of the current hardline political factions in the US. @Roland, @meganoth, or whichever mod may be perusing this, could we please get this thread locked before it follows the inevitable rails much further.
  4. I figured that it might be something like that. Glad you were able to get help.
  5. If this isn't what pops up when you press "e" while you're reticle is on it then you're probably running one of the overhaul mods or some other mod that changes the work stations. If you are running a mod then ask on the mod maker's thread in this part of the forum here: Mods - 7 Days to Die
  6. Um Or did you mean @samljer that Vegetable Stew requires animal fat? If that is what you meant then you're incorrect.
  7. Year. 😁/obvjk "Next month" is day after tomorrow here. More seriously, I'm looking forwards to catching the stream recording (please have one up on YouTube). My ViaSat connection doesn't like live streams.
  8. They look like they're part of the tile's with drainage culverts and not separate POIs to me.
  9. The one in front of the post office? At least it looks like a post office to me. Might be a police station. You see "news stand", I see burrito shack.
  10. Looking forwards to doing the quest you mention. I did have to go back and edit my post though. The gas station in faatal's teaser image is in game, just not where dcsobral thought it was. They were right and I was wrong, it isn't new for A20.
  11. @Younotus Since you probably missed @unholyjoe's link to what is planned with console, I'll link it here again with you tagged. Console News | 7 Days to Die Read it over completely please.
  12. Explains the handwaving of fuel usage having the helo hanging around hovering while you looted a poi. 😁
  13. A helo with a naval cannon? 25.4 mm per inch. 200/25.4= a hair over 7.87 inches. That's just about what cruisers were using as their main armament in early WW2... I think you meant 20mm. 😁
  14. There'll probably be a mod for that. And Noah. Iirc madmole said which group gets pulled from for the bandits depends on which faction you side with, Cazadors (the Duke) or White River (Noah).
  15. Okay, so you'd like 3+ seats in the 4x4. Have sprint mashed constantly do you? I don't want your fuel bill. Motorized vehicle speeds in 7d2d, confirmed back in 19.3 (iirc it was @Boidster that did the checks, might have been @meganoth) Vehicle Speed Sprint Speed Minibike 7 10 Motorcycle 9 14 4x4 9 14 Gyrocopter 7 15 Funny thing is that sprinting Bicycle + College jacket, Steroids and Mega Crush is even faster than a sprinting Gyro (if what I noticed in game about the jacket and chems effects working while on the bicycle as well is accurate) Bicycle Sprinting 10 With College Jacket 11 With college jacket and steroids 12 with college jacket, steroids and mega crush 17 Just doesn't have the same ability to ignore terrain as the Gyrocopter.
  16. I actually prefer the minibike due to the nice 2 stroke song the engine plays as you ride it... Nothing wrong with the motorcycle though.
  17. My bookmark for JackSay's calculator is broken as well, so it isn't just you.
  18. There is no "mission zone" for the first chain of quests that end with the quest that takes you to the trader. You can literally walk to the opposite side of the map with the starter quests up and finish them there. The main draws for doing them where you spawn at are getting them out of the way and the initial spawn area is clear of hostiles till you leave it.
  19. Maybe lump it in with the First Aid Kits and First Aid bandages, what you find in loot only?
  20. The bonuses are enough to be noticeable for me vs not having the mags. It might be part of why you find so many painkillers and other meds in loot. I'm mainly suggesting it so you have as little monkeying with the base loot rng as possible. Lucky Looter Perk mag rewards: Vol. 1 Lucky Looter: Dukes Find more dukes coins in loot Vol. 2 Lucky Looter: Ammunition Find more ammunition in loot Vol. 3 Lucky Looter: Brass Find more brass in loot Vol. 4 Lucky Looter: Lead Find more lead in loot Vol. 5 Lucky Looter: Junk Find more junk in loot Vol. 6 Lucky Looter: Food Find more food in loot Vol. 7 Lucky Looter: Medical Supplies Find more medical supplies in loot Final Lucky @%$# Enemies have a higher chance (20%) to drop loot Did they remove the less efficient 2 coal + 2 nitrate = 1 gunpowder craft from the player inventory? News to me if they did.
  21. I'd adjust this one to using them only to treat concussions. They're basically a Fallout Stim pack with a cooldown though so I understand why you're not wanting to use them. I think you can set it to destroy everything in your inventory and hot bar using the base game options. I'd also suggest banning Lucky Looter. Both the perk and mags. May I introduce you to my friend Whode La'Hter. People still waste their time with these?
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