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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. You have to enable advanced rotations by holding R and selecting Advanced, then rotate it with LMB.
  2. Yes and no. Sometimes it does feel, that TFP are very short sighted in terms of certain aspects of the game, when designing some new elements, but overall they have done a great job, because if it wasn't the case, I wouldn't have started to make the mod, if the base game wasn't great to begin with There are so many modders out there and only a handful of programmers for 7 days to die and it's normal, that they haven't thought about every single possible scenario, that could be modded in to the game. Some mods push the game to it's very limits in certain ways, further than the devs could have imagined or needed even, so I can't blame them
  3. The fun pimps designed the generators, so that only a specific type of engine can fit into the slot. I can't changed that just by XML. There is a more powerful version for car engines, but for other engines I didn't add generators because of block ID limits.
  4. Yeah, but it's getting better. Slow, but still it's progress
  5. Yes, with A17 I will add more recipes, a lot more as well as more items related to them, such as farming. I toned down with recipes and items because of the increasing inventory lag, that hopefully will be fixed to some extent with A17 and I'm waiting for that fix.
  6. 2018-04-18 10:09:50 232.058 Warning Steam OpenID login result did not give a valid SteamID No other errors.
  7. Deleted the file, then restarted the server so that it generates a new one. Now the time displays correctly and doesn't show Loading, but I still can't log in (same error). The server is modded, running Undead Legacy + ServerTools + MuratusMinibike (Lost Minibike) + the 3 Allocs mods. Mind you it was working a few weeks ago. One of the server players noticed that it's no longer working now and that's why I'm here, trying to to solve the issue...
  8. Then what am I doing wrong? =/ Just connected to my Telenet and here's what the console said: WRN Steam OpenID login result did not give a valid SteamID I downloaded the server files from this link: http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/server_fixes.tar.gz I also tried this version: http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/server_fixes_v14_17_24.tar.gz didn't help, same issue. (I did reboot the server after uploading the new files before trying) My steam profile link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/voldzito/ My server map: Is it because my steam profile uses a custom url with "voldzito" and not steam 64 id?
  9. Just had the issue of not being able to log in using steam, checked the update and saw you fixed it, installed the updated version, but still I can't log in, didn't help =/ That Valve.... suddenly decides to screw people up with how their information is perceived online....
  10. I will look into it, but only special zombies will have a chance of having it as well as military related containers/safes
  11. You have to use either one of the Claw Hammers (Iron, Steel or Titanium) or a Nail gun, other tools won't work Here are the allowed materials per item tool type (names from XML): Stone Axe: wood, clayLump, dirtFragment, snowBall, yuccaFibers, ulmTwigs, ulmPlanks, cobblestones, scrapIron Crude Iron Axe: wood, clayLump, dirtFragment, snowBall, yuccaFibers, ulmTwigs, ulmPlanks, cobblestones, scrapIron, concreteMix, forgedIron, shortMetalPipe, ulmRebar, padlock Wrench (Iron, Steel or Titanium): wood, clayLump, dirtFragment, snowBall, yuccaFibers, ulmTwigs, ulmPlanks, cobblestones, scrapIron, concreteMix, forgedIron, shortMetalPipe, ulmRebar, padlock, forgedSteel, steelPolish, ulmShortSteelPipe, ulmShortTitaniumPipe, ulmSteelRebar, ulmTitaniumRebar, ulmWaterTank, ulmPropaneTank Claw Hammer (Iron, Steel or Titanium): wood, clayLump, dirtFragment, snowBall, yuccaFibers, ulmTwigs, ulmPlanks, cobblestones, scrapIron, concreteMix, forgedIron, shortMetalPipe, ulmRebar, padlock, forgedSteel, steelPolish, ulmShortSteelPipe, ulmShortTitaniumPipe, ulmSteelRebar, ulmTitaniumRebar, nail Nail gun: wood, clayLump, dirtFragment, snowBall, yuccaFibers, ulmTwigs, ulmPlanks, cobblestones, scrapIron, concreteMix, forgedIron, shortMetalPipe, ulmRebar, padlock, forgedSteel, steelPolish, ulmShortSteelPipe, ulmShortTitaniumPipe, ulmSteelRebar, ulmTitaniumRebar, nail
  12. No, but it's compatible with compo pack, you can install it on your server, nothing required on the client side for that.
  13. Funny you asked, there is one guy i spoke earlier on discord, that might consider starting to work on translating it for Spanish in the future
  14. You can always set the loot rates lower, for example 25%
  15. It's intentional vanilla game mechanic, however I will look into that and possibly will improve its performance later on
  16. Thanks for noticing that, I will include the fix for it in the next update
  17. Colors for hp, stamina, water and food will be slightly altered to more neutral and less "in the face" colors to more subtle colors in the future to give it a more retro vibe
  18. His computer might be too weak to handle Undead Legacy since it's the only mod to replace the whole UI of the game and because TFP haven't optimized the performance and loading/unloading of textures for the UI, something like that might happen on a lower end machine. My only suggestion with this issue is to try to lower the graphical settings for him to the bare minimum, everything down, like render distance etc, everything minimum and then try to launch the game with the mod. If he does manage to launch the game with the mod and join the server, then what he can try is to start cranking up the settings until he bumps into this error again. That way you could troubleshoot the cause. If with everything in graphics settings set to minimum he can't run the mod, then that simply means, that his pc isn't capable of running the mod, because TFP haven't optimized it that well for this kind of major UI changes.
  19. So true! And I'm the sole maker of Undead Legacy if were not counting a little bit of help on making translations for other languages. Some features people want me to include in the mod sometimes would take up way too much of my free time to implement with very little gain. I do understand, that certain things, that people ask would be cool to have and all, but sometimes something just have to be left behind in favor for other things, that could impact gameplay in a more significant manner.
  20. I remember times, when you could pick up fridges and other crap by destroying them and they would give the block instead of scrap metal etc. From a realistic standpoint I understand the fact, that bedrolls are light weight and you can roll them up quite fast and pick up and tie to your backpack, but beds have frames (either wood or metal pipes) and much more heavy weight, though from gameplay standpoint the character can carry around thousands of concrete blocks without breaking a sweat, but not being able to "pick up" beds. I was thinking about making all the non blocky blocks actually give the blocks themselves when destroyed instead of raw materials, but I decided not to at some point, however once I go into SDX more deeply and start adding custom tools/weapons etc to the game, I might consider making it so that with certain tools you could disassemble a block, in this case, for example, a bed, so that you get the bed block item instead of its components, but it would require special tools and axing, pickaxing or other crude tool usage would give scrap materials back instead of the block. In terms of gameplay, for example, in Portal Knights when you destroy any kind of block, you get the block back instead of its raw resources, however TFP wanted to go to a more semi-realistic way so that you get resources back instead of the full block. This mechanic makes it so that players require to know how to make those blocks to rebuild them instead of picking them up by smashing them and then placing them back in the world where they wish so. It also forces players to think about placement of blocks with more care since it takes quite a bit of effort to destroy them afterwards once placed, therefore the choices are more meaningful regarding where you build stuff.
  21. They are extremely rare, some traders might not have them in their stock at all, depends on the trader type.
  22. There are a few recipes locked under working ovens in Undead Legacy, that can't be made on the campfire, but I try to make recipes follow a certain logic, that is based on what tool it can use. For example, you can't really use a fry cooker on a campfire - - - Updated - - - Crafted versions of certain containers, that are found in the world have more slots and are much, much more durable. P.S. Sorry about late reply, I kinda missed your post there. Crafted dumpster: 120 slots, crafted secure safe: 120 slots, crafted 2 blocks high fridge: 100 slots, wooden and metal (iron?) desks have 100 slots each. The logic behind them is: if the container takes up 1 block dimensions, it has 49 slots, but if the container takes up more than 1 block space, for example, desks, then those have 100 slots or more. Exception is ammo box with 100 slots, that take up 1x1x1 space, because it's hard to craft and require the advanced welder. Most if not all containers you find in POIs have much smaller storage slots for looting convenience and are way weaker than the ones you craft. Once I go into SDX modding with A17, I will be adding custom models for blocks and I do have plans to add custom storage solutions, that might look something like you posted in those images
  23. It's intentional, because in the mod mid and late game you can craft secure furniture of various kind, that have 60, 100, 120 slot sizes. wooden boxes and chests are early game storage solution. Problem with vanilla is that nobody even bothers checking out other storage solutions and just stick with the boring boxes/chests and never bother checking out or crafting other storage containers / furniture.
  24. There was no update to the mod for quite a while, because I'm currently busy working on update for UL, try cleaning up your mod launcher files and redownloading the mod. Last update for UL was: 2018-03-16 - - - Updated - - - It's http://ul.subquake.com/wiki though I haven't added much to it yet, busy with RL stuff.
  25. With Alpha 17 of 7 days to die, I will probably stop supporting EAC friendly/smaller backpack version of the mod, because I want Undead Legacy to have fancy cool looking 3D models like Ravenhearst/Starvation and other similar mods and I can't do that with EAC =/ Also playing the vanilla backpack size with this mod is... challenging to say the least
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