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Everything posted by Subquake

  1. Edited the main post and organized it a little bit more tidier and also added a poll question link under an image about the UI changes and you can go and rate how much you like the new look of the UI or just click the image below: And for those of you, that aren't that patient, I'm working on the main HUD at the moment and once it is done, I'll post a download link for the UI changes.
  2. I'm developing it on a local dedicated server, so Yes, it definitely will support dedicated servers, however clients will require textures to be downloaded by themselves, because as of now game doesn't push item icons to the clients. The user interface uses some custom textures from ItemIconAtlas and thus also requires textures downloaded separately and those, that will join a server with this mod and without downloaded textures, will have a wall of red text in the console of missing image files. For server owners it will be basically a two part mod: Textures - Required by the client and not the server XML edits - Required by the server and not the client For single player mode: Textures + XML files will be required.
  3. Not much till the UI part, I want to finish up making the main HUD itself. The rest might take a bit longer, a few weeks give or take. Yes it should, I'll make some instructions once portion of it will be available for download
  4. More news! I finished making the character window: As you can see, it only occupies one side, because I removed the text for the player statistics and moved it to the tooltip, so when you hover over in case you don't know what the icon means, you can get the name of the stat or buff. Also I made the buff info window very similar to the item view window. Yes, the character model is smaller, but I think this way it's more functional and I think that it looks more coherent instead of having one long strip of inventory slots and the new character model size is appropriate for those slots now, like in many other games (wow, torchlight, fallen earth etc). Also the temperature is right besides the feels like temperature and I think that this way it's more informative instead of looking across two windows with the inventory in between the stats of the gear and stats of the player. And on top of all that I added tooltips for the resistances. The default game doesn't have them.
  5. Thanks, glad you like it I finally finished the minibike UI as well, took me quite a while do do it, because I wanted to cramp in a lot of stuff in a very small area. To reduce clutter I removed labels on minibike's parameters and left the icons and values, but when you hover over those values or the icon, it will show what's the stats name. The durability is shown, when hovering over the repair button. Enough talk, here's some pictures:
  6. Thanks! I just finished up all the crafting workstation UIs and the loot container window UI, next step is to change the weapon assembly window and minibike window, since they share some similarities regarding part placement. Once I will be comfortable with the core UI changes, I will definitely share a download link for the UI part of the mod first. That way you will be able to test out the UI separately and give some feedback through using it. I still have quite a bit of work to do with the additional items so they will be released a bit later. What I still need to do with items before release: - add proper economy values (atm every item has economic value of 20) - balance out scrap weight amount for new items - incorporate most items in crafting recipes And I should also point out, that with this UI I removed item restrictions for workstation tool slots, so you can place any item you want there, but it will only work with the required items as intended. The only difference is that you can place required tools in any slot and in any combination. I did this, because this will allow me to define more various tools, that might be required to make certain items later on, that will come with the mod. Some screenshots: Workbench Forge Cement Mixer Campfire Chemistry Station Stove* Wall Stove* _____________________________________________ * Undead Legacy additional workstations UPDATE @07.10.2016: Finished first iteration of Weapon Assembly window:
  7. @zigstum, Any kind of xml change on the server side automatically makes it go to the modded server list tab, because well you changed something and it's no longer the default experience
  8. I also love ton of items, that's why I'm making this mod, since I think while the items the default game offers are nice and all, they are far and few between. Here's an update: Worked quite a bit to get the hardest workstations UI done, which in my opinion is the forge of course: And also I updated the workbench:
  9. I'm sure Steam Workshop support will be available at some point too, they just have their hands busy with other things first. The fact, that you can push XUI xmls now to clients is very nice and you can make the UI so that the images are pushed from a url too as you mentioned, however I'm making this with local images, so that you can play even when you have no internet access For anyone interested, here's some bit of code: in windows.xml <sprite depth="2" name="backgroundMain" size="452,235" style="ui_image" type="sliced"> <texture style="bg_item_desc2"/> </sprite> in styles.xml <style name="ui_image" type="sprite"> <style_entry name="width" value="116"/> <style_entry name="height" value="80"/> <style_entry name="pivot" value="TopLeft"/> <style_entry name="globalopacity" value="true"/> <style_entry name="foregroundlayer" value="true"/> <style_entry name="atlas" value="ItemIconAtlas"/> <style_entry name="sprite" value="_ui_transp" /> <style_entry name="tipe" value="Sliced" /> </style> <style name="bg_item_desc2" type="texture"> <style_entry name="material" value="Materials/Transparent Colored"/> [b][color="#00FF00"]<style_entry name="texture" value="@file:Mods\UndeadLegacy\Textures\UI\Windows\item_desc2.png"/>[/color][/b] </style> It's a relative path to the image, not absolute and this way I have all the images, including the icon images in <game folder>\Mods\UndeadLegacy folder:
  10. So it's been a while since my last post, but for a good reason. I did some brainstorming about how I want the UI of the windows to look and asked around to my friends and I redrew most of it to have a totally new and hopefully better looking UI (At least I think it's now much better) I've updated my main post with new screenshots, scratched the old ones.
  11. PERMISSIONS Here's a list of users or mods, that were granted permission to reuse parts of Undead Legacy for their own mods: [table][tr][td]Mod or User[/td][td]Assets[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Veldian[/td][td]9mmBullet.png, 44MagBullet.png, 762mmBullet.png, shotgunShell.png, shotgunSlug.png[/td][/tr] [tr][td]七日杀吧[/td][td] Undead Legacy and older versions User Interface XML code only, excluding all textures and icons [/td][/tr] [/table]
  12. TERMS OF USE Terms: Mod Author - Subquake, the developer and author of Undead Legacy. Usage: You are allowed to use Undead Legacy with or without any kind of modifications to its source material. All modifications and/or derivative works of Undead Legacy are restricted to private use only if not stated otherwise with written consent from Mod Author. Your rights to use, reuse, distribute, duplicate, copy and modify Undead Legacy is limited to private use only if not stated otherwise with written consent from Mod Author. Mod Author is not responsible for any damage, that may be inflicted during an incorrect or correct installation of Undead Legacy. All included Undead Legacy asset file (any format) use, reuse, distribution, duplication, copy or modification is prohibited outside of private use unless you have a written consent by Mod Author and proof of said asset ownership from their respective authors. All artwork related files (any format of images or video files) for Undead Legacy posted, shared or distributed by Mod Author in any form (digital or physical) belong to Mod Author unless stated otherwise by Mod Author and duplicating/copying these files is limited to private use only unless stated otherwise by a written consent by Mod Author. If you have a written consent (digital or physical) from Mod Author to do one or more of the following: use, reuse, distribute, duplicate, copy or modify Undead Legacy outside of private use only, you are obligated to give appropriate credit to Mod Author, provide a link to the original source of Undead Legacy and these Terms of use, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the Mod Author endorses you or your use.
  13. ABOUT Overhauled User Interface Improved Journal User Interface with thematic topic header images Vehicles have custom UI, showing speedometer, encumbrance and more Map window now supports 40 custom POI icons to choose from Advanced Sorting and Searching feature in inventory and storage Optional Undead Legacy UI parameters in Options -> Video -> User Interface -> Undead Legacy Overhauled Encumbrance system where all items and blocks have certain weight, inventory limited by carry weight, slot limit 300 Overhauled attributes and perks Perks no longer unlock new schematics, nor they level up crafting tiers Introduction of Action Skills, that level based on what you do Introduction of Research System New lockpicking minigame Overhauled crafting system and crafting progression Overhauled material progression Hundreds of new items, blocks, recipes, vehicles etc Player crafted electrical lights support for full RGB customization More immersive world interaction, water sources require jars to interact, fuel barrels and pumps require fuel cans Pick up all wild plants and player crafted ones with action key A lot of slightly damaged vehicles found in the world can now be fully repaired More info about the mod can be found on my website (including screenshots): http://ul.subquake.com/ A20 Features (Experimental): Brand new User Interface with even more stunning graphics New Item Upgrade & Repair mechanic featuring a Mechanic Station with 3 tiers Lockpicking v2.0 Deeper crafting recipe rebalance TERMS OF USE https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/4085-subquakes-undead-legacy/?do=findComment&comment=54613 LINKS DOWNLOAD DISCORD DONATIONS AND SUPPORT
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