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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. Correct. They might have been able to get in most of a16's features, but that is about as far as it could go. Not only because of the hardware limitations of the XB1/PS4, but also because changes to core mechanics would invalidate all existing saves.
  2. Add the startup argument -popupwindow to the launch settings in Steam.
  3. I stand corrected. I could have sworn it was just before a16 that it was pulled.
  4. Alpha 15 actually. Will need to upgrade the server OS to 64-bit, or stick with the older versions. If the server cannot be upgraded to 64-bit because of the hardware, then the system is very likely not capable of running the current version anyway.
  5. Have done this before, but there isn't a flat set of settings and configuration that works on all systems. Add to this that it's a moving target. Each update changes values. Sometimes quite severely. I do keep track of a lot of the tips, and when the game is closer to the end of Beta, I fully intend to put something like this together. It's a lot of work though, and as it is right now, I'm about a year behind on updating some of the support FAQ. I need to do a full re-design there, and am thinking of splitting it into two separate threads. Maybe three. Seems like every time I start to get caught up, life throws a wrench in the mix. Soon as I get done with restoration from the tornado damage, and take care of a few other tasks, I should have a fair amount of free time again. At the current rate of affairs, that will probably be around the time a20 drops. So then I'll be busy with stuff again. :P (Actually might work out in favor of things here though. I'm already gathering some things together. Like chess, I'm typically thinking several moves ahead.)
  6. Yep, that looks like it was the issue. Removed that folder, and it's working now. EAC is still broken though. Not sure how to fix it so it displays the names again. ah well. Another day.
  7. Ok, first off, not trying to run without Steam. Just trying to run from a desktop shortcut for a separate client installation. Have been doing this for years without any issues, and suddenly for the past couple of months I have been unable to. Curious if anyone else has run into this, or has any fresh ideas on working around it. Issue is that you start the client from a shortcut pointed at 7DaysToDie_EAC.exe, and then upon attempting to connect to an EAC-enabled server you get the following console error. Sometimes (but not always) this is also triggering a Windows Explorer message about one of the game client DLL's being an untrusted system file. I feel this is probably the cause of the issue, and is happening every time, and it's just not always displaying the message. This message does not stick around in the notification tray, and I have not located any events in the Event Viewer that correspond with this. Log file from the most recent event. https://pastebin.com/raw/zGJWAVe8 Also, not sure if it's related, but EAC stopped showing names for installed programs. I feel like I have seen this before, but cannot for the life of me find it recorded in my notes. Now, for the things I have tried so far. I attempted re-installing EAC. I attempted re-installing the client. I completely wiped and re-installed the client. I have run all Windows repairs. The client is fully excluded from AV software. Have also tried disabling, and even completely removing said software. (Including Defender) I have re-installed Windows 10. I have installed Windows 11. I tried adding the separate client to Steam as a "non-Steam game", and starting it from Steam. Same issue. And for the life of me, I have been completely unable to find a workaround. Usually it's something simple like I needed to run the client as admin. Even without attempting to connect to a server, I can exit out of the client and will see the Windows Untrusted System File error. And if I start the client from the standard client install inside Steam. Zero issues. Everything is peachy. Also note that I have not been able to test this on another PC yet. I haven't had a ton of free time, and have just been smashing my head into the wall occasionally over the past few weeks trying to come up with new ways to troubleshoot the issue. I have used three different OS installs on this PC though so.... Thoughts?
  8. Sorry, I probably should have been more clear. Yes the GPU is necessary, and it is recommended to have quite a good one. Just the difference between a 1060 and a 1070 is noticeable, though not significantly different. What I meant was that the 3080 won't see a notable improvement compared to the previous generations because the game is primarily CPU-bound still for SI and AI mechanics. For this particular title, it most likely does not perform significantly better than a 1080 or 2080. I am almost constantly inundated with people asking "Why can't I get 144+FPS at 4k on this game?", when they're sitting there running it on a 6th or 7th-gen Intel. Even Gen4 AMD CPU's aren't seeing significant improvements over the Gen3's simply because the game can't really utilize all the extra cores. Back in Alpha 18 I did a direct comparison on varying clock speeds here. It shows how much of a difference small changes in CPU and RAM can make with no change to the GPU. Somewhere in General Discussion here there is a similar thread where I also included benchmark scores on the different setups.
  9. IIRC, the counter is that it costs more materials to upgrade than it does to make them straight out.
  10. Was looking at some builds a friend was doing, and the wiring was all over the place. Made it very hard to determine what went where. Add in a radial option to choose a color for the wire placed with the tool. This way we can make section easily identifiable.
  11. Just a reminder that this is a CPU-bound game. It's also a 3D Voxel game, not something flat like CoD. Your 3080 doesn't really mean a whole lot in regards to performance.
  12. You need UDP 26903 open for LiteNetLib, which is the protocol responsible for network performance. Also extremely high ping usually indicates a failure to exclude the client from security software. This is covered in the FAQ thread. Since he has the high ping, it's likely on his system. On your system, just because you disabled firewall and AV, does not necessarily mean they aren't causing an issue. Windows Defender and Norton both are notorious for this.
  13. This hasn't had a response in almost two weeks because you posted in the incorrect section. I have now moved it to the correct section, and advise that you read the Pinned thread on how to report an issue, and then follow the instructions it. Video and logs would be especially useful.
  14. Could do a sanity meter. More sane likens you towards the survivors, and less sane goes to bandits. Player actions and "health" would impact sanity. Like if I'm spending days and days mining and drinking blackstrap coffee, I might be leaning towards much less sane than someone hunting and eating properly.
  15. Did you expose all the ports, and forward them properly? Default ports are 26900 TCP and 26900-26903 UDP Also note that for GameTracker, you will need to use base port +1. So if your server is 26900, you will enter 26901 into GameTracker. Honestly though, I don't even know why that site is still alive. Support for it died years ago.
  16. Agreed. Replaced Nitrogen. I should sift through this list again in the very near future.
  17. We've recovered enough from the tornado that hit us last Saturday that the servers are now online again. Updated IP addresses to reflect changes as a result of being without power or internet for several days.
  18. The visitmap command crawls the map in this method. However what you describe sounds like a local hardware issue with loading the data visually. Which doesn't have anything to do with how the map is generated. Is the save data on SSD? What graphical settings do you have? That RX 580 8gb is a little bit dated, though it is on-par with the same performance as a GTX1060.
  19. Heh, yeah I've got a few spare drives left as well. Along with a couple of motherboards, and some CPU's. May even have a PSU or two that has more than 500W sitting around too. Also last I checked, the Console version was 14.7 with some features from a15. It is most certainly not a16, though a16 did get a couple of features that spurred from console development.
  20. Yeah, you want as close to direct I/O as you can get. This is why I haven't used VM's in like 10 years. Even with hardware virtualization, they do not get the same performance as bare metal.
  21. 1. Don't use Nitrogen. It hasn't been supported since before a19 launched, and is more likely to cause you trouble than not. If you want to use a custom map generator, then use KingGen. 12k maps would be fine on that system. 16k is not stable long-term yet. 2. You would have to run a dedicated server with a server manager. There is a Pinned thread in this very section regarding those. 3. Allocs Server Fixes has a visitmap command to crawl and populate the webmap. It can be CPU intensive, so you would want to run it without a lot of server activity.
  22. All of this is covered in the Pinned Support FAQ Thread. Both the location of save files, and how to possibly recover a corrupted save. The game launcher also has a tool for cleaning game data.
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