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Everything posted by SylenThunder

  1. There are a number of threads on how to prevent, and recover from, the MD5 issue on the XB1.
  2. Completely not supported. In fact is is guaranteed to have connection issues, sync issues, and other similar problems. I have tested this extensively with a large variety of hardware. The only error I really noticed in the log is that the server you're connecting to has a custom prefab. So when you're in that area, it will not display properly, and will cause sync issues also.
  3. Just clicking it should open up the save file window. Unless your browser is broken.
  4. The file is attached directly to the thread. We covered this in detail just a few posts ago.
  5. The Worlds folder is in the client folder. Example: E:\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Worlds
  6. Not related to the console version at all.
  7. Best troll. Waay back in a10. We were on our first dedicated server I had set up. Had a little group of us that had converted one of the brown-brick homes into a concrete fort. Had built a basement section with secure bedrooms to keep our personals safe. Full defensive outsides, and had cleared the better part of a city block around it so we could see them coming. We're all sitting up on the roof waiting for the horde. Odd.... where are the zeds? Go down to my chest to grab another weapong. Found the horde. Spawning basically inside my bedroom in the basement. Also note that since I had the server hardware to support it, horde was set to 64, and our max alive was 450 zeds at the time. Or Alpha 12 with the gore blocks stacking.
  8. Ultra-high ping numbers are usually caused by security software interfering. This is covered in detail in the Support FAQ thread.
  9. Sounds like you didn't copy the data into the correct location. You would want to put the Voluya territoy folder into the Worlds folder, and not the Navezgane folder. 7DaysToDie\Data\Worlds The Pinned FAQ thread has details on migrating saves.
  10. I get the same on my 1060. It was made available via the drivers a while ago. If a program doesn't use it, it won't have any effect. If a program does try though, be ready for some FPS issues. I tried the Quake RTX demo. Max FPS was 5, with the average being below 1. Our systems aren't that far off from each other, so I'm at a loss to understand some of the issues you're having.
  11. I would strongly recommend wiping all client files, and then re-installing the client. That mod you used would have modified core client files, and though you removed part of it, you likely did not remove all of it. Which is what is causing the issue.
  12. Looks like the mod isn't installed correctly. Or are you double-nesting folders on purpose?
  13. The game isn't even fully loaded into the save when it gets the first error. I'm not sure he was crafting anything. Might be an indication of corrupted xml data.
  14. Then you do have mods. Compo-Pack must be installed on both the server, and all clients. Also, are you double-natted? A lot of lower quality ISP's are using GC-Nat with can make it so your "public" IP address isn't actually your IP address. Are you running the dedi from the same PC as the client? Logs would be helpful also.
  15. Just curious, your CPU-Z shows your RAM is clocked at 2133MHz. Which is pretty common if you don't set XMP in BIOS, and just leave the motherboard to set default values for everything.
  16. Do they have an overhaul mod installed? Or any mod that adds extra assets to the game?
  17. Make sure both you and your friend have excluded the client from security software. Also always ensure the client is exited properly. This normally isn't a glitch in the game client, but something caused by external means.
  18. Instructions are Pinned right here in this section. Please take the time to get the details.
  19. Logs? Hardware information? Any useful information? Not to offend, but this doesn't add any really useful information. We have way too many posts like this already. We need hard data.
  20. Your log shows issues connecting, but no error. Your profile on the host is likely broken. They will need to remove your player file.
  21. This is an English forum, and as such posts are required to be in English. I have translated your posts using Deepl Which answers #1 #2 General Support forum has a Pinned topic on how to report an issue. #3 You don't get experience for damage you do not cause directly. Passive traps aren't going to be experience farms. #4 They would need to be added as a friend. Then they can update your claimed areas.
  22. The Support FAQ thread also has instructions for how to recover a corrupted save.
  23. Also be aware that neither the bedroll, nor the LandClaim Block, suppress all spawns. In the case of the LCB, it will only suppress POI sleeper spawns. In the case of the bedroll, it only suppresses POI sleeper, and random biome spawns. Neither is going to completely stop zeds from spawning. The console command should work for that game session, but it's going to be difficult to have it persistent. The setting is stored in a flat database file in your save folder.
  24. According to @faatal from earlier in the a18 or a19 developer diary, bedroll only blocks POI and biome spawns, and LCB only blocks POI spawns. Also I like Vedui, but some of his videos are a bit misleading and tend more towards theatrics. (Which honestly isn't any different from 95% of the other video game streamers.)
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