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Everything posted by Orclover

  1. We finally added the A20 mod that rolls the farming system back to A19 style, leaving crop in the ground with no seed returned when you farm. Sure its carebare mode for farming but Grinding Plants is not why I play 7D2D.
  2. Remember to Right Click, RIGHT CLICK!
  3. Yea but its just a point sink unless your build was going for that stat anyways.
  4. Yea they gave the skateboarder a different walking pathing than the other zeds I think so it made it hard to hit them until you got used to it. This new guy just has a ton of hp and a bit of a bob to his gait.
  5. Obviously we need glowing rabbits and chickens coming for our crops irregularly. Make us secure our farms with traps and shotgun to put the food supply at risk and then set the return value higher for the time investment without those precious skill points being wasted on farming skills. A small horde night with dozens of glowing rabbits coming to wipe out your food sources if you are not there to defend it. Setup auto-turrets and spikes or grab your guns, the lepus are coming.
  6. Right now farming is best left alone unless you are willing to put skill points into it. -Or you tweak the config file to return a seed every time to treat it like the old farms. Then you save your points.
  7. We had people on our server who had gotten motorcycles and suddenly wanted 4x4's before other people had even gotten motorcycles (groups not big on hand me downs). So there were silent groans as the wheels and acid went toward making 4x4's for some people. It was pretty funny.
  8. Acid and Wheels are the gate for vehicles it seems. In the old days you could chop up cars and tires for wheels and it solved that problem, now with the scarcity of wheels we have people who still have not gotten a motorcycle at 50 days into the game.
  9. I understand the need for it since stealth killing an entire Tier V poi quest is actually pretty common.
  10. I actually had lag last night since the first time in A20, like noticible lag that kept coming back for a while. We had 7 players on and I was away from them in the Wasteland doing quest. I noticed the lag as I moved around generating new areas.
  11. Seems to be random. Sometimes we all see it and sometimes just 1 of us. I actually kind of like it. Need to have dust storms in the desert as well (not sure if thats in) that look different and slow you down and blizzards in the snow biom that make it impossible to hear. Other than that I like it so far.
  12. Once you have a small cache of antibiotics per person then you go with helmet light. But unless you are going for a "death doesnt matter" run you need at least some form of virus counter early on, or plan on never getting hit. Ever.
  13. Ya'lls bows are reloading automatically? Mine does sometimes and sometimes if I am moving around in combat it hangs there until I hate the mouse button again and then reloads. Was throwing off my rhythm.
  14. Took a while to get a server set up but a few of us were playing last night. Also about 200m away from a trader right out of the gate so I think thats not a coincidence for any of us. Hunger and Thirst seem to be going faster, just a feeling. Most of us found very little in the first day. I found some clothing and some pipe guns with no ammo. Killed a few dozen zeds the old fashioned way and a burial and fetch quest for food/supplies. Medical bandages seemed common enough to keep my health up. About 4 deaths from the 2 new people and 1 from my experienced friend. Ran into feral day 1, which is nice. There was a few moments that required a log out/in to unstick accessing looting containers and i'm not sure why. But otherwise the server and the game have been running flawlessly. -edit to say the generated map is way better than previous games. There was some nice details like the ditch with water flowing through it going through part of the town, that was handy. Day 4, plenty of loot to go around. Looked outside and saw 2 vultures, a wolf and a mutant bear hanging out around our base....I took down 2 torches we had up that might be generating heat....ruh roh.
  15. Anybody renting a server or just hosting their own?
  16. I'm going to reserve any judgement on the new system until after I get a few days into actually playing it. I am of course going to be one of those old alpha players who will lament any loss of some survival elements for easier access for new players and more RPG elements. But thats because I always really enjoyed the survival aspect of previous alphas in 7d2d, we get nostalgic trying to retrace that high of A15 or A16, it's gone and we have to adapt and not complain about it(and don't worry, we will.....eventually). There is a reason I have far more hours in your game played than Fallout 4 :D. In the end I loved the challenge of 7D2D, It actually took some work to actually get good at, not grinding but learned skill. And you are right, the farming system did make the survival aspect too easy with not enough effort. I'm no fan of grinding your food out daily with watering and replanting (as some other games do) but to just plop down 20+ plants and never have to worry about food ever again was making players lazy. That's ok, I preferred hunting to farming anyways.
  17. Just skip the streamers. They offer 0 insight themselves since they just live on the page hits generated from drama. Save the discovery for when you get to play on Monday.
  18. My wife got into a year or so ago. I have 2 wool hats now and all the dogs have their own scarves, new small blankets here and there. She wants a spindle now. Thankfully she lets me pick all the shows now while she just sits there and knits. I have to make a yarn run to the store on occasion because she frequently buys way less than she needed. Hoping to get a new sweater soon before the next blizzard knocks out the power grid again.
  19. Finally, a worthy reason to spec INT build.
  20. But they did not mention the flying drone. Or is it just missing the words flying?
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