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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. "Sure", for all of the post; but weren't you arguing against fixing the OP parts of the Traders? They've now "fixed" spamcrafting and cacti, screamer hordes might not be seen as equally exploitative, as long as killing zeds is used as the "basic" way to earn XP. So your examples are basically FOR fixing the traders / related skills, no?
  2. Hmm, the prediction for the OP question is a little pessimistic. It's more of a 2d problem than a 3d one: - You can reach about 3 blocks away from your location to mine the lower block of your two-high character. This means you won't need to clear the entire "second" layer of the world, only the lowest one and then make paths through every 6th row of the world. - Making campfires to fill the bottom layer will* prevent the collapsing blocks from forming destroyed stone; it's a lot of work, but that way you only need to clear one block per x,y - spot. The dirt layer alone causes plenty of re-digging otherwise. Then you can choose whether you want the world to be a one massive campfire, of if you want to clear them out. With those requirement, a 4k world would have 16M blocks as the bottom layer to clear, and an extra 16M/6 for the required tunnels. And then the 16M campfires with their measly health - so about 35M blocks total. Not even an issue. And of course that would require the SI engine not just chocking up. *at least it used to the last time I was collapse-mining, but that was patches ago.
  3. If the game provides unfun and insane ways to achieve things optimally, like hugging cacti; should the game not be judged? Sure, you can always just "not use it" - you can also just "not play it" - but why not try fixing the thing instead?
  4. Caps. Wood Frame Shapes are a separate item from Wood Blocks, you'll need to craft Frame Shapes. You got some blocks from an air drop an confused the two.
  5. Yeah no, TFP won't be able to do that, they have sold a zombie game as a kickstarter. They have to deliver a zombie game. Nothing stopping the community from making a mod to replace the enemies, plenty already do. But with as few words as you have given, no-one has any idea what you'd like the game to be instead. Also, nothing is stopping you from a head canon where the zeds are infected by parasites as is..?
  6. Clearly in the hunting journals; items.xml (19753): <item name="bookHuntingJournalWolves"> <property name="Extends" value="bookHuntingJournalBears"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="perkHuntingJournalWolvesLongDesc"/> <property name="Unlocks" value="perkHuntingJournalWolves"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="SetProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHuntingJournalWolves" level="-1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GivePlayerNotification" progression_name="Don't mess with the dires!" level="1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="SetProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHuntingJournalComplete" level="-1"> <requirement name="PerksUnlocked" skill_name="skillHuntingJournal" operation="GTE" value="7"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="PlaySound" sound="read_skillbook_final" play_in_head="true"> <requirement name="PerksUnlocked" skill_name="skillHuntingJournal" operation="GTE" value="7"/></triggered_effect> </effect_group> </item>
  7. There might; but it does. progression.xml (1050): shows the perks, healing factor changes the heal-over-time value: <perk name="perkHealingFactor" parent="skillFortitudeRecovery" name_key="perkHealingFactorName" desc_key="perkHealingFactorDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_healing_factor"> (snip) <passive_effect name="HealthChangeOT" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value=".011,.022,.05,.1,.16"/> I think the Iron Gut is listed as "perkSlowMetabolism" in there, it does reduce water use when healing, but doesn't seem to touch food: progression.xml (1077): <perk name="perkSlowMetabolism" parent="skillFortitudeRecovery" name_key="perkSlowMetabolismName" desc_key="perkSlowMetabolismDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_stomach"> (snip) <passive_effect name="WaterLossPerHealthPointGained" operation="perc_add" level="1,5" value="-.05,-.25"/>
  8. That was the "electrical" question you had; I was trying to refer to the weird UI you experienced, with the targeting options for dart traps. Sorry, I should've been clearer
  9. In our series on "Harsh Lessons in Animal Handling" we present Part 1: "Don't" ..
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're making ̃̃ 400 block trap fields as your basic setup? In your case, yeah, don't bother. In any case where the zeds manage to gather somewhere or run a line, they're all right. A little on the expensive side in iron, but nothing unmanageable as a miner.
  11. I'm in the camp of "entirely up to TFP", so my opinion on it is pointless. Plus ITT I already said explicitly I don't mind the forcefields in the current game, it's a moat. Place two frame shapes / use hatches for 4x4 access, no difference. If you want my pointless opinion on any other brand of cheese, you'll have to give specifics. Some zombie sandworm eating the player could still be funny though If nothing else, make then into their own set of "grass" blocks. Directly replacable by blocks, no SI support, no pathing, crafted from paint.
  12. Well, it sounds like you have your answer, and a good comparison for anyone playing a long game Technically you should still test against ores in some ways, but I'd predict the auger will gain even more ground there due to the book set bonus and smaller hits meaning less wasted damage - although actual mining with the auger requires more attention not to hit at things you don't want, those could waste plenty of time when not 100% on the ball. But even if in actual mining the pick would get close to even, the time spent optimizing is also time lost from actual mining, so I wouldn't really continue beyond your test - for other than curiosity.
  13. Huh, seems to be the second time we're seeing this: That thread doesn't seem to have a resolution. EDIT: Why didn't I poke @lil_joha while at it..? Did you find a solution?
  14. That's pretty much the current DestroyArea AI task; which seems pretty hard to balance. If it's just based on "number of known cheese blocks", that would create a situation where "I decorated my farm with these nice wedge-fences and now my horde base is suddenly useless". Sure, they can improve cheese detection, but but .. they're already trying I don't envy the task. Harsh penalties for cheesing would be funny, absolutely, but I don't think they're all that practical.
  15. If you're not looting, you might indeed have a hard time. You don't need an anvil to make them though, just the forge. If you happen to have some forged iron, you might want to make a bucket to carry some to your base. One bucket is essentially infinite if you refill your bucket from the leftover splash. Doesn't solve the consumption, but it makes small amount of jars a little more bearable.
  16. That would require.. phh. A whole lot. Probably an entire texture layer on top of the current world, given the current texturing can't handle even replacing different terrain blocks. Would possibly allow for other dynamic "paint events" like blood splatters and footprints and whatnot, so it might be awesome - but it would be a whole new feature set and quite likely way too heavy and complicated for the current engine. Collisions, no; that made me think if they could be made into air blocks. That way they would be replaceable by any other block; I don't know if air blocks are an actual thing though, or are they just "no block" in that sense. In any case, just fixing the road markings wouldn't even solve the force field; the field worked fine with just the other part of that pair, the Slope Plate Filler. Doubling them up makes it bumpy, and JaWoodle being his usual muppet self only tested driving "against the grain". But it should work just fine when rotated 90 degrees from the image in the OP and driven along the smooth direction of the slope. There's also plenty of blocks that look like they could fit the bill if this specific combo is fixed. Other half of the issue is, they can't go one bit over with their correction either, or they'll just create new ways to infinite zombies loops. The complexity starts to be so massive that I'm starting to think they'll have to make the AI "actually" test the paths when choosing what to travel on. Of course just running a simulated zed across everything, doesn't need to be a real zed, but it would have to test the physics engine against the player choices. Another whole feature set though and likely quite expensive. To be honest, I'd rather have my Arrow Slit repair system back since the fix didn't seem to fix the issue and I'm guessing it isn't really fixable.
  17. It would be the first to have a "visual area" without an associated collision for walking. When the arrow slit -version was fixed they added collision for melee to it - can't hit or repair through one now. From that I assume melee collision and pathing are tightly connected, otherwise the melee would've been left alone (I'd think). This broke one of my uses for it, repairs for electric fences, but it's not that big of a deal. Removing melee collision from the lines would make them unbreakable, no building on roads. SI would have to be disabled or the lines could be used as an indestructible bottom for a base and the blocks would become a major nuisance.. of course, one wouldn't allow such blocks be placed by players, but you can repurpose an existing road. If the melee and pathing are connected, it's not possible like that. Just spitballing as well, but it doesn't look too easy
  18. I guess... it would be the only block of that type in the game though, wouldn't it? That might open up some weird cans of worms, at least for pvp .. I don't think it'd fix the bike bounces, the ones I've experienced are just the same on asphalt as they are on flat terrain.
  19. Well, at least that's technically correct; without the skill you have No picks, so of course you're breaking more with it ..
  20. This one may be a tad trickier; it relies on two blocks on the same plane, neither of which is a good candidate for actual pathing over, alone. It'll take a little more thinking than turning these into iron bars ..
  21. The animation is a non-sequitur.. makes it hard to grasp. - I dislike magic armor. - There's some examples of realistic armor items, like the bandolier, it increases your reload speed in reality as well as in game. - But the animation is wrong. The bandolier is a lot less magical piece than the crafting speed goggles, but you're dodging that with the +5 to dodge glasses.
  22. I finally had the set completed and had time to do some mining lately; I'm not seeing this in my game. At least not with an auger, INT spec so I don't bother with the pick. Ores get one-shot as they should, stone / gravel don't seem to, as per earlier.
  23. I'd guess what you're trying isn't actually possible. If it could, the mod packs would be full of turret death traps ...
  24. That's how it works. With only two plants you will get no seeds quite often which makes it a net loss that time around. I'd aim to increase the number to at least 5. Even then you'll get bad harvests, but they should get rarer the more you have.
  25. Heh, done that myself. They won't try to jump on to a block with a spike on it. If you want spikes on stairs, you can make each step two long and put one spike each, but it's probably not worth the extra blocks or path length.
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