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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Or if not, at least apply it evenly; "no need to fix force fields, people don't need to use them" "no need to make zombies dig, players can choose not to hide underground" I'd rather drop it too though..
  2. That's why I brought up the sea level; I would assume that the water isn't a biome-color, just a height map feature. Any biome, just deep enough to get water. But, I'm guessing ..
  3. For 2) spawnpoints.xml in the generated world folder For 1) I don't really know, but I would strongly expect there to be massive issues sinking buildings and trying to play in the mess. (I shouldn't even type this, but I seem to recall there being a "sea level", a pre-determined elevation under which everything is water; you might give that a go, but I have no idea if that is still a thing, or ever was tbh..)
  4. Otherwise I might agree, but TFP informed about the upcoming change in the release notes; the part where it Will change in a future build. Sure, no-one reads the notes, but no-one reads this thread either...
  5. No, absolutely not. But yes, indeed. Whaddya think, would I be lying just for funsies? Will you ever find out? How could you?
  6. Nope, I don't use a minimap. And why would you need the info if you can't play?
  7. I don't know if it applies to the minimap; but it takes about 10 seconds for you to test during your next play session. Your time would be better spent actually giving it a try than trying to interrogate details here..
  8. I assumed that was what you meant by "revealing the map"; give it a try.
  9. You can disable the fog of war in debug mode (console: dm), there's a button in the corner of the map. It will also highlight roads; ie cities.
  10. Better than appdata, I'd say, but it doesn't really feel like the right place either. As an oversimplification; appdata is for settings, docs is for files you're working on. I guess the issue is, mods are really neither; for modlets appdata might work - especially if the game had functions to manage import and selection of modlets (with save games remembering their mod load out etc). That would leave overhauls in a weird spot; almost deserving their own appdata - entries.. hmm, could that be plausible? (Not sure if I'm actually asking you or just pondering... )
  11. If that <UserDataFolder> separation works, it does have one upside; it isolates the saves for each mod from one another, right? One won't accidentally run the wrong mods on a save, as the saves are not there. Of course, the downside of "everybody script, now!" feels a little more significant.
  12. Well, I've never done it myself, I just linked to a post that looked like it would solve the issue. So, while I would assume it's relevant, you probably want to either - ask in that thread or post a new thread in the mods-section with a specific question - or just try to figure it out yourself, your digging in the files is just as effective as mine...
  13. Are the overhaul-mods contained to the mods folder, or will people need to maintain a modified game-folder And the new appdata folder? Doesn't sound like a great thing in any case, but if you're going to need multiple copies of the game AND still modify files for each start; well, eww. Plenty of scripting ahead for some people, I suppose.
  14. Hmm. I wonder if it's just me, but I've interpreted most of the autorun discussion to be about wanting a toggle function mostly for the shift, not the 'w'. Something like in Borderlands, you tap sprint once and the character sprints until you release your movement key for a split second. Would be great for driving. As for running, it wouldn't really be worse than the current, it's pretty intuitive even in combat to slow down by quickly releasing movements.
  15. Hmm.. can't help you with that, but, want some more keys? I abandoned WASD for movement ages ago (earlyish WoW or so), started using WERD instead. That moves the left hand one row further down the keys, giving a whole row of extra easy-to-reach binds. Also places the hand where it's designed to be, index on F. Takes some getting used to, sure. It comes with the extra benefit of having just one ergonomic setting to optimize. Ergonomics, huh? Yeah, that's the thing that will allow the use of the little finger on the shift without fatigue. For me, finding the proper spot and angle for my hand-forearm-shoulder is just stupidly useful; over time I realized I'm able to use left-ctrl with the pad attaching to the little finger (the edge of the palm, roughly.) That practically gives me an extra finger in and of itself. The whole ergonomic thing is just stupidly exact; my current desk is about 3 cm (an inch and some) too high, which keeps me going between "can't get feet on the floor" and "the angle of my arm is all wrong, the edge of the desk hurts and the keys are hard to use" Ergonomically, you want your whole body in a pretty specific position; feet on the floor, most of leg weight there, back "straight" in a position that doesn't "jam" (allowing for a little movement), shoulders relaxed when the hand rests on the desk, (a proper arm rest is useful, but not mandatory), hand resting passively on the keyboard when on the spot where you want it.
  16. (I spent way too much time on this, wrote about 3 lengthy responses and got nowhere... ) I do agree with the base idea here; having plenty of 5 point skills that no-one really takes is a bit off-putting. But, but .. I wouldn't want to make them desirable by adding more "non-sequitur" bonuses to them. It's kind of a design problem through and through. Getting a full tree can not be necessary, since part of the design philosophy is that every spec needs to work; no skill can be mandatory. They've gone to silly lengths to ensure that every tree has a way to heal and a way to eat and a way to earn resources. Then there's Agility that has none of those. If the agi tree works in the game, then every other skill is basically a quality of life thing at best. (One might avoid that by making agi work in a unique way; something like living as a pacifist via stealth + fetch missions, but the world doesn't really support that) I'm still under the impression that the current skill system is set in stone for gold, so I'm pretty disheartened for imagining anything better; especially when I deem the biggest issue being the silly Attribute-to-weapons -binding, which I don't see getting changed any more than LBD making a come-back. With the decisions there, that kinda means you're stuck with the weapon skills being a "power priority" and the rest being various degrees of QoL, some of which will be more popular than others.
  17. I think this was from an official source at some point, but I can't recall where; the toilet pistols were added as a movie reference. But at some point down the line it became a little overly powerful to be pulling good pistols from toilets, thus they were locked to the lowest tier.. to keep the reference mostly. And they're still worth a 100 dukes as parts, if nothing else. So a good get in any case.
  18. I think I disagree; if people are quitting the moment the chosen skill tree is full, making it shallower will just make people quit sooner, no? I don't see how it would solve much. That... well. The primary problem there is that Fortitude gives you headshot damage. At all. Much less on a specific weapon. Making "mystical metabolism" give you as much headshot damage as "how to grow plants" could be described as 'sane', but only in the case of the amount being 'zero'. Only in the current implementation of the game would that make any sense whatsoever, and if something is to be changed there... just don't make it even more @%$#ed, please.. pretty please? .. For me, the best thing that would keep me going would be to "require" a base and upgrading and improving it constantly. At the moment, I end up 'living' in a random shoe box somewhere, with stash chests in front of traders. The base is a concentrated spot of crafting stations and wall safes, the smaller the better, as long as it can keep my stuff "spit-safe". The other shoe box (for the hordes) might be attached or not, but 90% of my time is spent questing and so the base doesn't matter one bit. Once I'm done with the quest tiers and the character progress, there is nothing I want; the only way to keep going from that point is to start building the base. That could be nice, but .. I don't care for the shoe box, since it's .. completely inconsequential to the game?
  19. I just tested that; I was able to go through bedrock in god mode. At lowest I was at elevation -34m, as shown on map, with nothing seeming to stop me. You need to press the crouch button to move downwards; mine is 'c' but I'm not sure if that's default. The toggle version (ctrl) does not work for flying. You see an actual icon in the world below, or just a distance display in the quest log? I was under the impression that treasure maps only show a distance, and even that is not to the box itself, rather it points to the dig area. Although, I might be happily confusing patches and quest types here.
  20. The bedrock is the bottom 3 layers of the world, completely flat. Stone layer does change with the ground height, but the bedrock has no reason to. EDIT: I seem to have misread you; you implied the chest would spawn under bedrock, not that the bedrock would change. What I said is correct, but not exactly applicable... oh well.
  21. I mostly end a run around day 50, not necessarily by decision - often due to a patch, or the playthrough starts feeling stale. So I never have enough points for everything. I mostly beeline the weapon-of-choice tree, often pretty strictly. Usually that means crafting a blue melee weapon for day 7 horde (60 min) and maybe branching out a bit after that. Nerd glasses for most of the time; if I have the points available at a suitable horde night, I might use the spec-glasses for one horde to get some early 5/5's. The only real exception for beelining is if I play a base-day-one; then it's usually a mix of Str and Int and I'm kinda desperate for every single point.. All of that means I don't really have points to save; occasionally I might keep one for a forge or some such, but usually I'll just improvise if things aren't going too great with the RNG. There aren't that many hard decisions later in the game (where the skill points would be coming in too slow to warrant waiting). Or maybe rather; once I have my weapons maxed out, the game isn't really able to throw any curve balls after that; I'll be fine whatever I do with the points... Since you mentioned Parkour, do try the 2/4, the 2,5m jumps are quite the game changer. Takes getting used to, but hopping fences is pretty fun. Plenty of good escapes all around, just too few threats to actually get to use them. Vehicles; I only craft them in multi. For solo I get a motorbike from a trader, running around in my padded armor until that. The rest get crafted if I happen to acquire the recipes and have a good stack of steel.
  22. It used to be 7 blocks from an open-sky light source, making a diamond shape underground garden from a single point light. Some blocks would give a reduced amount of 'light'. Side windows will also "let light through", so if small enough, the roof can be solid. Might be interesting to see how many corners the light will traverse... Also, I think the light is taken into account when trying to plant - so if there's no light to grow, you can't even plant a seed. (Give everything a test though, I haven't farmed 'enclosed' in A20)
  23. I guess the difference is between "goal of exploiting" versus "I see it as the best way to progress in the game". If the game is giving a clear best way to progress, people will use it, and it might do well to balance it out somewhat. Telling them "not to" is just odd. Now, I'm not entirely convinced that BB is actually breaking the game in a major way; it's powerful but it's not like it leads to similar levels of stupidity as spamcrafting stone axes. It just alters the looting game from trying to get equipment to trying to earn dukes. It does demolish the pacing of the gear curve, which isn't a massive issue for single player as you're now missing the skill boosts for the gear you have. For multiplayer it's probably quite OP, in multi that's just one player missing out while everyone benefits from the broken gearing curve. "Fix" .. yeh, that's why I used scare quotes; the issue of spamcrafting isn't an issue anymore, while the resolution wasn't exactly a fix. I don't entirely buy your logic of XP multi and screamer farming; making the screamer farming 3x more effective is somehow supposed to reduce people's willingness to do it? Sounds more like there's an issue with the default pacing of the early game and the screamer farming was a workaround (as opposed to purely an exploit), with a higher XP it is no longer necessary? Then again, I have no idea how many have stopped or started screamer farming with the multis, you have some data about that? And traders will of course go through a couple balancing rounds still, I assume the gameplay loop is going to change significantly with bandits and lore features, requiring a lot of re-balancing. But that doesn't make them any less or more powerful currently. Raising prices makes optimizing Barter relatively more powerful etc..
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