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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. While I actually agree with a lot of your frustrations, the skill "tree" in 7dtd is the weirdest one I've seen anywhere.. it's not even a tree, more like a hedgerow (it doesn't grow "up", it grows .. thick?). But this list is mostly a list of the least important aspects of the skill trees.. - Traders are brokenly powerful even without spending points to boost them. - Any weapon skill; yes you probably want one, but Any single one of them will do (you might need a different base design for snipers and shotguns). No need for two skills - so whatever tree you chose to 10/10 is good. - Run & Gun is great - almost necessary - and the 2m jump is nice. Combined with the above, I tend to play a lot of Agi builds... - HP reg, weatherproofing and whatnot are pointless. Food and meds are so abundant, esp solo that I just don't want any of the points even if I have extra. - Armors .. the talents are pointless, giving essentially just durability to an item that only gets damaged when I mess up. Spending 2 extra repair kits per playthru isn't worth the points.
  2. As an ASCII art: Server Enabled < Offline >
  3. Welcome to the forums, new guy! I offer help where I can, the rest of that list is between you and TFP
  4. You can craft straight up concrete blocks, from concrete mix; and I think steel blocks as well. If you click on a map icon, it will hide from compass at least, but not from the map. You may know this, but worth mentioning.
  5. But but, the chassis is pretty close to the full jeep in size, no? Zeds seem to carry those around just fine
  6. As long as it remains uneven, I have no qualms if someone wants to build their horde base exploiting the mechanic; make a long corridor to crawl thru, gets the zeds crawling in face first... headshots have never been easier ..
  7. I'd say it's actually pretty bad to have "let anyone in" as the defaults. But being a game, and thus not really that significant for anyone, it gets a lowered standard. Actual risks would require additional breaks, but I wouldn't really be surprised if someone would find a way for arbitrary code execution for any server they've successfully joined. I'd suggest having a "New Single Player game" as an additional option, even when all it does is set safe choices. The current one renamed to "New Multiplayer game". A little more clutter, but rather understandable.
  8. Was thinking of posting something similar, thanks. The default-on is great - for a utopia where people looking for random games to join aren't largely just looking for people to troll.. sadly we don't live in that reality.
  9. Yeh, wasn't really trying to give a comprehensive list, for that there's XML .. and experience
  10. Yeh, sadly that's the style most effected; you'll have to farm for a few dew collectors to sustain yourself while working thru days.. 4-500 plastic is the annoying part, beat all the tires and trashbags ... 😃
  11. Doesn't Undead Legacy (or another of the overhauls) have actual jerry cans for fuel, and the requirement to have one for looting gas.. not sure of crafting, but I'd assume so?
  12. That sounds a little quest-like, not really bartering. If a "barterer" wants Something, it'd make sense he'll accept that something in trade for anything he's willing to part with in the first place. As in, if the guy is hungry, he doesn't care if you want his extra stack of rubber or extra generator, as long as you bring "enough" food. Of course, he might Want a stack of water, a pistol and a car, and be willing to trade wildly different (amounts of) things for each item due to their value. Just wait a day and he'll give better price for the water... ? Wouldn't be a bad idea, at least if it was "integrated" into the world .. one faction is fine with <food>, but requires <ammo>, and some actual lore-wise reasons for the situation.
  13. See spawnpoints.xml under your GeneratedWorlds/<World Name>. Remove all but one line (of the repeating ones), and edit that to your coordinates.
  14. A matter of opinion, I'd say.. doesn't bother me, but I'd be surprised if duplicates would still appear in gold.
  15. Confirmed is a strong word, but yes, all Hughs on a map will be on the same tier of quests.
  16. JaWoodle was running a winter mod, with snow covering everything; biomes and POIs alike. He was using winterween by sphereii: Not exactly what you're looking for, but in the right direction.
  17. Oh lol, first sentence ... those are supposed to be useless introductions
  18. To that end, you'd prolly need to have all traders around 0,0 as well? But yeh, you'd need a custom map generator to have the maps somewhat reasonable.
  19. But we don't need to craft concrete blocks to upgrade from cobblestone.
  20. Atm (last I checked), you need the crafted higher tier hatch as materials for the upgrade; maybe this is where the confusion lies?
  21. While true, you can place the wooden hatch somewhere nearby and just Copy Rotation from that with the steel hatch. Skipping the iron hatch, just having to destroy the wooden one.
  22. You're asking about doors and hatches, which is it? Nevertheless, look for the hinges on both, these both will open "up" from the ground, and "away from the player":
  23. Hopped into a test world, took a couple buckets out, one full, one empty. Poured the full one on the ground, picked it up with the empty one and poured that one out. Seemed to be working for me. A difference to what I remember is that if I only pick up a small splash of water, it seems to only pour out a small splash as well, instead of a "full" bucket of about five blocks. Generating extra water seems difficult though.
  24. Game AND Discord? Well, sounds like a system setting; OS controls or the volume knob on your headset..
  25. Yeah, soz, those were indeed just biome spawns. I did poke my head into a couple POIs and didn't have any zeds spawn in those either, until turning the setting back on.
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