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Everything posted by warmer

  1. I completely disagree. The old way was 100% predictable. I no longer had fun with the progression because it was linear and obvious. The new system adds a few twists and turns which make the game vastly more repayable do to the semi random nature of progression.
  2. This will affect your base as well if you don't put down a land claim and are occupying a POI. I learned this the hard way. I believe the horde is based on game stage you are in when it triggers.
  3. I often see videos on horde bases that use impossible physics/floating blocks. This to me takes all the fun/challenge out of the game. What is your opinion?
  4. All blocks occupy the same physical space regardless of how much space the model itself takes up. This isn't intuitive because a plate seems like it's a sheet of plywood, yet you can't place anything directly on it. Just remember everything is a cube for building purposes regardless of what it actually looks like
  5. I have never been bothered by the forest sounds. I suppose if you are sitting their focused on it, that is one thing, but the second you are moving and actively doing anything the background noises and buried up your activity noises. I put this in the category of people that complain about shadows not moving smoothly. Why are you staring at shadows? If you are moving this never is noticed.
  6. There are a few skills like that, and I can only assume they were spread out to make each core stat have even skill coverage for balance.
  7. They just need to limit debuffs to one per hit. I'd be fine with that, but like other have said, a vulture hitting you once should not give you an abrasion/bleeding/a broken arm/infection at the same time. That is end boss level debuffs potential, not a bird you can take out with a single hit from a club.
  8. I hear you there. This is the first time I have ever use this initial point spread. I just thought of the fact that my map is super custom. Granted I am playing on vanilla/default settings, but this is the city I am in. I am sure that influences things like the number of cars/mailbox/newpaper/stands compared to a vanilla map
  9. Who said I was asking for loot adjustment? I was making an observation and asking what others experiences where. The idea was to test the viability of the build, not suggest a change in coding.
  10. Small bonuses over a lot of loot searches adds up to an increase. Even being weighted slightly in one direction is noticeable over a large enough sample size. I loot EVERYTHING I see. Day one I probably searched 100 objects easy. This was my 5th start on A21 and it felt significantly easier in terms of water/cooking pot/guns/ammo/magazines. There definitely was more than I had experienced in previous starts. I am lucky to get a single pipe weapon, let alone 4 lvl 2 pipe weapons. Also I was lvl 3 by the end of my first POI mission. I am now lvl 6, day 3, and level 3 in lucky looter. My game stage is 9 and my loot stage is 18 currently with no biome/POI bonus. I feel investing early is the only way to go once you are high level, spending those far between points on it seems like a waste.
  11. That's why I asked for feedback from others at the end. Continuing the run today. Tier 2 Poi on the Trader quest. I did clear another small office poi that had a few magazines, and gabbed probably 6 mailboxes and a couple newspapers dispensers while I was going back and forth from the mission.
  12. I was curious how much of an effect it would have at the lowest loot stage, and it was on the verge of feeling over powered. Some of the notable loot by the end of day 1 11 dirty water 2 honey 3 painkillers Cooking pot/grill 27 7.62 18 9mm 2x lvl 2 pipe rifles 2x lvl 2 machine guns Lvl 2 scrap leg armor I also found loads of books and magazines. All that by 22:00 day 1 @(1 day = 60 min real time/18hrs of daylight) I did 1 clear quest in a 2 tier POI, in the Forest biome that I double dipped on at a auto shop. What this tells me is, spending those 4 points right away is the best possible start you can have. I was able to craft level 2 spears/primitive bows/wooden clubs/pipe rifles from the mags I found. This makes me want to do a run where you max out lucky looter before specializing in anything else. Has anyone done that yet in A21, and if so what was your experience?
  13. I would think the have around double what a zombie does if they lunge. So like 2 squares or so. Does anyone know if there is a hot key in dev mode to show hit boxes?
  14. Two hatches in a row with a block width gap between the uprights? Where you right up against the 2nd one, or were you backed up from it.
  15. All I am saying is until you have spent sweat and hundreds of hours of your life creating something, you have no idea how pretentious it is for someone to assume they deserve to make money from your work. I have been on the creative side where people have tried to monetize my work without consent. it's a very icky feeling.
  16. is it natively compatible. Or are you running paralells?
  17. People with this sentiment are typically not creators of any sort, or have had zero success making money with their creations.
  18. trader Jen has them fairly often. I have seen them at her shop after day 7
  19. I think it's puzzling that people have issue with this. I don't think you have a real sense of what you are asking for. You didn't create this game you are using to earn money. Why should any game company allow you to stream their product and not take a cut? To put this another way, this is similar to when a musician covers a song, and is expected to pay the original writer/author. but this goes a step further. you haven't created anything on your own. you are playing a game that doesn't require any more creative work to recreate it on your end. what you are asking for is the ability to sing a karaoke song of another artists and get paid for it and have issue with the artist asking for a cut. It should be the expectation that if you use someone else's intellectual property to earn money, that the owner of the property deserves a royalty.
  20. Repair or replace? two completely different ideas. Are you taking that broken alternator out and replacing it with a new one? that isn't happening in the apocalypse. you'd be rebuilding that alternator. HUGE difference. repairing is not the same as slapping some duct tape on it. That isn't a fix, that's a band aid. a repair should get the item to near new condition, and you can't do that by swapping out your broken part for a used one with some life left in it. Anyone can swap out some spark plugs, but do you know how to "repair" a broken one? you don't unless you understand how it's made.
  21. What they could do is tie being able to repair an item to being able to craft it at lvl 1. The way that Rust does repair is my fav. it makes perfect game sense. you can not repair something you don't know how to craft. how could you possibly know how to? this would still allow you to buy the item above your crafting skill, but you wouldn't be able to repair it yet. that to me feels like a very good trade off that is also realistic.
  22. Best nuke in a metropolis map I have made yet.
  23. This is a map I just made using Teragon and messing with the crater and city settings. Best Nuke in the middle of a metropolis I've made yet.
  24. You can generate burnt in Teragon. You need to edit the height at which biomes starts and stop in the expert settings. I like to make islands or lots of lakes and I do it in this order. Wasteland - 25 Desert - 30 Burnt Forest - 40 Forest - 80 Snow - 256
  25. I don't think you understand my point. lol none of that invalidates the point I am making. It breaks the economy regardless of whether they intended to balance it for 8 or 64. 20 dew collectors breaks the H2O economy and that is one of VERY few finite/time tied resources a player is required to use in mass quantities the entire game. It's a positive in most aspects of game play in my opinion. It slows progression so one group can't easily run away from the other and dominate super fast. That is always a concern in balance regardless of player count, the money/water economy is simply a side effect of this.
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