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Everything posted by warmer

  1. I personally enjoy the fact that I can't predict exactly when I unlock things. It keeps the game fresh and requires me to find new solutions to problems. Once they make everything predictable, as far as, this item unlocks when I do x, and I can predict x. Then the game ceases to surprise you, and that always equals boredom in my experience. The only challenge I get is trying to start in the wasteland and hopefully make it to town without dying (I play dead is dead and purposefully spawn in the harshest place in the random map) If the games progression becomes predictable linear, I would get bored even faster. The only reason I have 1000+ solo hours in 7D2D is due to it surprising me.
  2. I have a liking for this setup. It gives you the feel of a bomb going off. Lowest to high elevation- Desert Wasteland Burnt Forest Forest Snow In this map you spawn on the mountain by a rode with a few vehicles, like in the trailer This is the result of hours of tinkering with height and smoothing setting for 20-ish parameters. Do we have an easy way to share teragon .ini presets?
  3. Does this apply once a land claim block is placed? That should remove all spawn within its range. My assumption is the place they spawn is the level of the gamestage, vs. your actual location. Does placing a land claim remove the tier bonus from the POI? My assumption is it does.
  4. I always set a handful of things in queue and then go loot. Water/food. When you get back you have a ton of cooked goodies. I do agree the time to craft is really hard for short duration games, but the point of a shorter day is to increase difficulty do to the time limitation between horde nights. That is the only thing I know of that a shorter day affects. Hunger/thirst don't seem to be tied to game hours, but are to energy expenditure and time passed IRL
  5. This affects less than 1% of the population and doesn't warrant any attention. Your personal feelings do not trump those who don't care. It's pretty pretentious to assume 1% can dictate the behavior of the other 99% because that isn't how "reality" works.
  6. Let me make sure I understand this correctly. So the solution is to use the second half of dreadlocks and not the first half... OK
  7. I thought they brought this change about to make it more realistic and less arcade like. Maybe drive slower, and do less off roading? I mean these aren't tanks, why are we expecting them to have the same level of durability. Maybe what is needed is a vehicle mod / ram prow type thing to justify the durability people want.
  8. I know they have changed a lot of blocks in POI's recently. My guess is it's the mismatch of your save vs Version you are running. The one way to check is to find that POI in creative/world editor mode and check it in the current version.
  9. Because it could potential be useful for my own game, or as the above stated, there could be an easier way to achieve this than using a hex editor. hence the reason I asked.
  10. What is the purpose of the edit? Why do you need to do this?
  11. No one makes a thread that says I love this new thing I see a lot of people complaining about. Quite a few people like it. Quite a few don't. As a veteran, I don't need it. As a new player, I'd appreciate it. Impossible to please everyone all the time... And there is already a mod for it, so WHY would they waste dev time on feature modification until all features are in. This isn't a priority.
  12. I always had stacks of cloth I never needed. This brings it's abundance into a more functional economy.
  13. Oh boy.... You really want to stir the pot don't you
  14. Agreed. There are many things that aren't important to the main game. I am sure a lot of cosmetic things will be added via mods. The devs are focused on core gameplay elements.
  15. Mailboxes/newspaper stands/stores usually have a fair amount of magazines to help your progression. The traders also have them for sale and are different depending on who it is. The last time I looted an electronics store, I gained 10+ mags in electronics. Themed stores are the way to go if you are looking for specific skill improvements.
  16. I don't think this makes sense. Why would something your character basically invents have ammo for it in the wild?
  17. People who don't add context to vague subjects in posts, really think we are all telepathic don't they....
  18. A 2x and a crossbow is such a deadly combo for a stealth build. I get that as early as I can. Crossbows are very effective because headshots are super easy due to low bolt drop at distance due to the speed of the projectile.
  19. Unless a zombie is deepthroating the barrel of your shotgun, you are very lucky to have every bit of shot hit them. Slug is a guaranteed at center of mass at 5 meters. Huge difference. Kill distance is a massive benefit and I think that should be reflected in lower total damage. You are never going to land all shot on a single target at 5 meters unless you are super lucky.
  20. The general rule is, people who like something tell 3 people. People that dislike something tell 11. In other words, people who dislike something are always way more motivated to complain, than people who like it are to give praise. If that wasn't the case social media would be a net positive experience, but we all know that isn't the case.
  21. Your opinion is they break game balance. You may have established that, I didn't. I personally think this is the most fun version of the game I have played and I started at A6. If you don't like the direction, load up A20. It is impossible to please everyone all the time, so you aim for the middle. Some people will love it, and you can't just listen to those that hate it. Those that do are always the vocal minority. There will never be a perfect version that suits everyone because there will always be something you loved from an old Alpha. I personally would wait 2x as long for a map with caves. That isn't happening unless I mod it. Do I @%$# and moan, or do I use my agency and power to please myself? Modding is so easy now. Drop in a modlet done. It will take you less time than writing your last post People with agency who complain when they have the power to fix it themselves vs. waiting months for a potential bug fix crack me up.
  22. Buy them. Nothing stopping you from buying books. Give yourself rules about what you can and can't use. Edit the loot table. I am sure there is a mod that will address this soon. I play dead is dead, because respawning doesn't have a significant penalty. Self made rule, that makes the game more fun/challenging for me.
  23. Too much loot. Lower it in options. People that complain about similar things baffle me when 99% of what they are complaining about is user adjustable. Give yourself rules like you can only craft x type of gear. You have the power
  24. Toilets are you best friend. Lots have murky water you can boil with a pot. You can also drink water with your hands, but you will risk disentary.
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