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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. Dirt, Stone, Hard Stone, Bedrock. Feel free to dig. :-) Also, kidding aside, the mod is not about base defense. You'll see why when you find your first goblin shamon.
  2. ...or tried digging? =) Possible? Yes. Likely to? No.
  3. As close as you are to having fire already in... hm. =) Imagine the dragons swooping in and setting your fort ablaze...
  4. Quality of Life Request: When going to the Search Tab, please have it run the Search function on whatever data is stored there, whenever the tab is loaded.
  5. Request: When loading a new prafab, a warning about not having saved the prior prefab would be nice.
  6. Bug: When loading a new prefab, the old prefab name shows in the upper-left title bar until I hover over the blocks in the 2D representation.
  7. Search Feature request: Current - When I search for a block, it lists several instances of that block, but I can only choose one at a time to edit. Request - Multi selecting the search results to allow me to edit the selected ones at once. ...basically I want to swap out all instances of block ID 1436 to block ID 0. (that ability may be in, but I don't know how to use it) Request: When searching for blocks, I'd like to hit ENTER to search for the ID's, rather than having to click "Search Block".
  8. Feels like forever. =) ...but hopefully another week or so of testing... There is a serious performance issue that makes even the mightiest machines cry, so that's probably the biggest showstopper at the moment. People with i7's and 1080's hitting 15-20 fps... Fair warning, first release will still be very raw, but we will get it sorted. - - - Updated - - - Gotta say, it's one of my favorite features... Still Rwg, but the basics are the same regardless of seed. I'm not certain I can convey the magnitude of behind the scene coding that Stomp has done, and will probably not even be noticeable by most. - - - Updated - - - Well, join in the convo, we don't bite. =)
  9. Radioactive fallout? (snow in wasteland)
  10. Thanks! Definitely the team. =)
  11. Just a few more things to do, probably be busy testing this weekend... loot is mostly done, spawning is working a LOT better, so just a few more code tidbits and traders... =)
  12. Updated first post with discord link. We're still a few days away from compiling a test version, so join #welcome and wait to be enrolled, then we can talk about what we need.
  13. I'll update the first post with the discord link in a bit, after I'm finished testing the integrity of my home plumbing. @gam, never really though about it... Could easily work for both? Def not necessary to mp. - - - Updated - - - Skills and whatnot are not so involved.
  14. I've been watching people play and wanted to share some "how to" notes that may not be apparent when playing the mod. How to Play Notes The game flow is as follows. Gear up in town, as quick as you can, because the blight is coming. And when it does, the town is likely lost. Explore the frontier, continue to loot up. All of the quests are front loaded to you after the bedroll quest, so you can decide where you want to go. I recommend South, towards the Spooky Forest. It's the next easy biome. After you've had your fill of beasts, head north to the Orc biome and die a few times there. It's their terrain, they have the advantage. Then, try the crystal biomes... START A NEW PROFILE, else you will be invisible. The default profile is not medieval compliant. =) The slingshot is your starter ranged weapon. Bows are more advanced. Make one, use one, enjoy one. It's all you have. The horses you'll see are a bit trickier. YES YOU CAN RIDE THEM. But, you need a saddle. The higher the quality, the higher the chance you can get it on. Hit them in the right place with the saddle to attempt an attach. Hope this helps. Punch plants, E only picks up mushrooms. DISABLE AIR DROPS. I can't begin to thank the large number of people who assisted with this mod. But I will try, but I wanted to make it abundantly clear this is not my mod. It was a community effort, with stompyNZ and I making the final calls. In no particular order other than guppy memory: StompyNZ TormentedEmu Xyth Sphereii Alexsanderr Darkstardragon Tin Mortenlantus Dust2Death Korgak TheAverageGamer Anabella Telric Random Person Spectral Force Ouch Quit It TSBX Ripperih ChloeFox Feeble Fingered Peasant Sinder Khaine ...more to come.
  15. Known Issues: Distant Terrain meshes are using vanilla block and textures, so will look a little weird. Human township does not always spawn - workaround: quit to menu and choose another seed (rw gen is quick, unlike loading to menu) - fix: book2 Notes: There is a single town configured to spawn in the 0,0 cell. There are no towns anywhere else. All other PoI's are from wilderness spawns. If the terrain is to rugged where the town wants to spawn you will not get a town. This system is a placeholder until the a17 rwg features land. Vial ItemAction needs a bit more work for anims and such - WIP Some items will be missing localised names - WIP Trader may spawn on top of you, sling you stuck. Dig a hole below, maybe crouch, to escape.
  16. Changelog: Spawning fixes. New waterskin item (may not be used yet). Purge protection time changd. Elixer buffs. Removed particles from worgs. Localization updates. Hand ranges. Tweak dungeonseed 3 quest. Nohijack script (no more console error pops!)
  17. Current Version: Medieval Book 1.0 (b17) Download Link: Sphereii's Mod Launcher Direct Link: Gitlab Link Discord Link: Guppy Discord Server Mod Server [PvE] is: pw: guppy Mod Server [PvP] is: IMPORTANT NOTES: Random Gen Only This is an experimental release; we realize that we need a wider range of people playing to grab any more bugs. We have done our best with our small team to release a playable version, and we think this is it. We will be updating the launcher with patches throughout, which should go unnoticed... people running a dedicated server will need to keep an eye out, of course. This mod plays very differently from 7 Days to Die Vanilla. This is intentional. You will not automatically know how to do everything. We will not be adding "bigger backpack", or catering to every wish and/or demand. Take it as it is, and realizes that it is a proof of concept for us for greater things to come when A17 hits. This mod is /hard/. Trying to play the way you do in vanilla will get you killed. Learn to adapt, there are a lot of custom concepts going on that make the feel of this a new game. Guppy Stompy Emu Required Files Links: None at this time. Good luck, and enjoy.
  18. Enter a world of Orcs, Goblins, and yes, Dragons... Ride a horse through the beautiful countryside, or delve deep into the haunted forest... travel north to the great Orc Lands, or visit the eerie crystal biome. Book I: Blight. For a thousand years, humans have believed the myths and legend of old to be just that... legend. Until now. A blight is spreading. Goblin and Orc raiders are traveling to your lands, killing, stealing, and ... bringing something else. The land itself is falling prey to the mystical evil that follows these foul creatures. Structures cannot be built, trees die, and the land infertile. You were in jail for a small "misunderstanding" between you and the owner of the sheep you ate, but now you're free and you need to defend your homeland against these invaders. 7 Days to Die - Medieval Mod, Book I: Blight is a near total conversion of 7 Days to Die. We have brought in new assets, new sounds, new code, and new features never seen before in a 7 Days to Die mod. Book I is a quest based mod, but more importantly, mostly a proof of concept. We recognize the benefit that A17 will bring to the mod so have shortened the development time to get a release out as a test run. This mod is NOT designed for extended play, although it should be possible. We have included a number of new features, from quest-driven exploration of underground ruins to custom spawning and random world generation dictation. There are a number of behind the scene events taking place that replace the core vanilla system, and we are using Book I to test these systems. TERMS OF USE: By downloading Medieval Mod, you agree that: You can copy the material in any medium or format for your personal use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material, without asking for our permission first. This includes c# code, xml configurations and all included models and icons. If permission is given, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to this license, and indicate what changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. Many of our assets were purchased and as such we can not give permission to use any of our models on your own projects.
  19. Yeh, like if you miss one say on a roof, the volume says "not cleared". ...it's actually an easy way to farm zombies, too.
  20. You'll also find that most vanilla prefabs (a16, anyway) have only ONE sleeper volume, covering the entire border. I find this crappy. Placing a volume at the bottom of stairs ensuring sleepers at the top of the stairs spawn is the way to go IMO. Hopefully, in a17 the prefabbers take better advantage of the potential for their system.
  21. ...I'm at a loss for words...
  22. Do what they do for animals... Invisible animals, to lower the count of real ones.
  23. re NEPA prefab disappearing... ...it had too many air blocks above the prefab, allowing it to generate distant terrain but not actually spawn the prefab. I removed the extra layers. Use this copy, unzip into your prefab folder, should fix it (except for the chunks that already generated, doubt that will be fixable). https://drive.google.com/open?id=1glLeJbrayNwAwM06WWrCiHrcuc60Y5YJ
  24. Typically, yes, certainly for the SDX mods since they share filenames.
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