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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. No town makes for a very difficult multiplayer; so make sure you equip your character well, because if I wipe, I'll xfer over the character files.
  2. ...what you've got to realize *cough*blazer*cough* is that the blight is eating away at the structures, too. Left unchecked like this, that town is toast.
  3. So... the blight challenge is real...
  4. Thanks for working overtime (stompy and emu) last night!
  5. Can you give me some sample seed names you tried that failed, or better yet, the output log? Thanks!
  6. Chances are very good you're using a seed name for a game you've had a save game before using. Try a new totally random seed name. If that's not the case, please send me the output_log.
  7. Server wiped/restarted for B13.
  8. Are you starting from the launcher? Make sure EAC is disabled.
  9. Yeh we really need to start a new world on the server for the spawn changes to take affect, so I'll be doing that a little bit later today.
  10. Far East, far west, and in some rare loot drops. You'll need goblin, orc or Dragon blood too.
  11. That black with the sickly green? That's blight. Purge crystals remove it, but don't repair the damage to buildings, so hurry. =)
  12. I have seen people mistake the anvil and furnace as one block though, when they find it on a prefab...
  13. Do the quest, it'll teach you the whole process.
  14. They're being checked on... You're only supposed to see them at specific pois, I'm not sure why they're out and about.
  15. Because they count towards the maxalive, get stuck a lot, and move slower than the rest, thus you get less zombies.
  16. Highly recommend removing crawlers from horde nights...
  17. Yes, I sure did. Then gronk told me about the gimp plugin. Lol. Yeh I use unity to stretch and combine objects, but the early versions do not allow you to edit meshes. I'm told 2018 does though. - - - Updated - - - But yes, you can re texture in unity, with offset and size, on each face. I think it requires a Seperate mesh renderer for each face though, I have never tried.
  18. I use blacksmith I think, and it shows up fine in game.
  19. .unity3d is like a zip file, but for unity. You might get lucky and uabe can open it, so you can then manipulate the object files in unity.
  20. Current Version: B13 (very very soon!)
  21. Getting reports of guards attacking outside of their little base areas, which is unintended. Will be looking into it.
  22. Well, you know you're welcome anytime; even though you were always a nomad, you're still one of us. In the meantime: Likely to replace an empty jar near you.
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