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Everything posted by Guppycur

  1. It better, because I paid good money and I.... Oh wait, it's free and you owe me nothing; carry on. =) -gup
  2. Wait, there's an old xray mode? That implies there's a new xray mode, which is like the "bug" I was reporting a few weeks ago. Lol.
  3. In short, using prefabs with sleeper volumes as biome decorations to increase spawn counts is viable using the SpawnEntity class. No more empty cities. Every mailbox can be a spawner. Or tire. Or whatever. So instead of decorating the cities with blocks, you decorate them with 1 block prefabs. @n2n1 Tin tried this out unsuccessfully, btw. I forget what the failure was, and am not sure if he tried to fix it.
  4. Damn. Literally every post was over my head. Thanks homie, I'll pass the info over to stompy, who's a lot smarter than me.
  5. Good cpu and ssd, really all you need.
  6. I realize the instructions are 3 years old, but I managed to get all of these feats done in v2.2, except I get an error when loading the game. XML code in ta_terrainxml <uv id="571" x="34" y="34" w="119" h="119" blockw="8" blockh="8" color="0,0,0" globaluv="False" material="stone" texture="test.tga" /> blocks.xml <block id="15" name="test"> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Dev" /> <property name="Material" value="Mbedrock" /> <property name="Shape" value="Terrain" /> <property name="Mesh" value="terrain" /> <property name="Texture" value="571" /> <property name="DropScale" value="2" /> <drop event="Destroy" count="0" /> <property name="CanMobsSpawnOn" value="true" /> </block> As you can see there doesn't seem to be a container file specified, but the files are there, I edited the xml in blocktextureatlases to reference the file in terraintextures, and the error message I get is: Exception: TextureAtlasTerrain: couldn't load diffuse texture 'test.tga' So my request is, can you update the instructions on adding additional files? Thanks!
  7. Had a ton of errors loading your sdtdserver.xml file, maybe it's related? Or likely, that sdx and linux don't play well together.
  8. Dedicated means you're using the dedicated server tool, so likely no.
  9. I won't clutter jax's thread so I'll start a separate topic.
  10. <property name="RightHandJointName" value="whateveryoucallyourhandobject"/>
  11. https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?79751-Mod-TormentedEmu-s-Fixes-A-collection-of-various-dll-fixes-and-changes
  12. TormentedEmu has a mod that eliminates all null refs from requiring interaction. Really, her entire suite of fixes are a godsend.
  13. And it all ends up being a scam. https://www.extremetech.com/computing/261330-china-investigating-higher-nand-prices-potential-price-fixing (Thanks for the link Dust)
  14. I'll make a vid tonight when I get on the game PC to do some more prefabbing, if it's still giving me issues.
  15. You'll have to educate people on the differences between mods and modlets. ...if you applied the same method * does in the sdx launcher, you could read say, valmods blocks.xml, pull the non vanilla ones into a #temp1, then do the same for WotW, pull HIS non vanilla ones into #temp2, then create a new blocks.xml out of the free blocks from the temp tables. The neat part would be making sure the block id's are the same for that configuration. Well, since it pushes from the server, you might could not care about that... Hm.
  16. @sphereii Since mods that use the same xml's conflict with one another, then it's safe to say that mods that don't touch the same xml's don't conflict. Since your launcher seems to know what it's grabbing anyway (yes, this is the big presumption, I know), maybe you could add a feature that does, say, if you click on valmod, the other mods that would be compatible in the list turn blue or something? Click on valmod, and Compo and Dying Lands goes blue indicating it's compatible, and of course when you click Dying Lands then Compo goes back to regular because it's not compatible with Dying Lands.
  17. But, you can just run the 7daystodie.exe file directly from the folder the mod is installed on.
  18. Does xray mode no longer work in side view for others, or just me?
  19. I don't think the y does anything, but here is my take: TraderAreaTeleportCenter tells the other two where Center is. in say, trader_03 it's 1 to the right of what the center of the prefab is, and then that leads to: TraderAreaProtect is likely an idea they had but does nothing in reality, because they tied it to traderAreaTeleportSize traderAreaTeleportSize goes out from center. So in trader_03 x is 41 from center in either direction, y is 24 up and down from center , and z is 40 in either direction. I have done ZERO tests to confirm this.
  20. Then you might not get it at all, if none of the random rolls place it in a place it'll fit.
  21. Every jail I've ever been to was cinderblock. And I've been messing with custom textures so much I can't recall if vanilla has cinderblock walls. =)
  22. Check the error at the bottom of unity. Might be why your inspector window is empty too. - - - Updated - - - In the xml there's a space between piconew? and piconewprefab.
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