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Everything posted by stallionsden

  1. So unfort found another nitro error in prefablist_compopack_46 find xcostum_origamigallery(by topminder and pille) and remove the whole line. as there was a double up and we kept the gallery version of theirs (both exact same copies of each other) 2nd error is xcostum_HellMart(by_ Riahsaurus Rex),none,3,-2,59,24,75,downtown should be xcostum_HellMart(by_Riahsaurus_Rex),none,3,-2,59,24,75,downtown Fix is also in the new dl for nitrogen
  2. Our apologies guys. This affects those whom use nitrogen only. Nitrogen had a file missing from the download which also goes in the resource folder. New dl is up. Again our apologies. Modlet is good tho for the non nitrogen users
  3. Thank you it def runs a hell alot smoother. And FPS on ultra, max view of field and max view distance i get 50 plus fps.
  4. Did you start a new world. Maybe require deleting your old files, verifying game to. Some have been set to passive, active attack. Will check i set the link to never run out grrrr. Ok try again on the discord link should be good .
  5. not anymore lol. The new cp is way less tax heavy on the fps simply log off and back into game normally fixes this glitch. TFP know about it. the issue is it is hard to reproduce easily. yes you do. When you dl the cp (Nitrogen method) it has its own prefablist.xml just overwrite the nitrogen one and run.
  6. no dont need to replace vanilla xmls at all. Just simply put modlet folder into mods folder then run game you get both vanilla and compo prefabs then 🙂. Should only require it on server side unsure tho if error put on client side to. Maybe someone whom jas set a server up recently can solve this also
  7. Yes if you replaced the original prefablist.txt nitro comes with then it should be vanilla How do you mean Instructions come with each variant of the download lol. Simply drop the modlet into your mods folder located where the game exe is. Then play. You have to open the first folder to get to the modlet you drop in tho dont drop the first folder in.
  8. there is all the necessary files you need are in the nitrogen dl. SImply move the .txts to the resource folder of nitrogen and overwrite where asked. it contains all vanilla pois to.
  9. There you go guys On behalf of Magoli Creator and devoted maintainer of the Compo Pack, Wolfbain5 And myself, as well as all the contributors to the Compo Pack Compo Pack 46 is live. NItrogen and rwg modlet in O.P As well as the Compo Pack Discord Channel
  10. you can simply change the icons used to vanilla icons. Will require a little bit of editing and searching in the game xml files but then you can remove the iconatlas folder and should be good
  11. because of the icons added it will require both the server to have it and the client of all players.
  12. you can confirm lol. but whether or not it has made it maybe you will have to wait and see haha 😛
  13. No the compo trader ones wont replace the vanilla ones at all.
  14. If pille set his to be questable it is questable. If not then no wont be questable. A poi even at tier 5 requires a certain time frame to complete it in and if you fail you get errors We have gone thru every poi and wolfbain5 has handled the zombie amounts and tags and triggers part and fixed them up. More will be listed as to what has been the focus and work done on cp46 when release is upon us. Dont believe much longer just rwgmixer nitro stuff being done and tidy ups etc. Still also testing for any last minute problems.. bit all looking good so far.
  15. nah all good. cp46 is progressing just testing stages and any fixes required atm.
  16. In the original thread the cp45 link is still there. For dl. This one will be for cp 46 upwards or until magoli returns.
  17. Haha nothing wrong with a bad girl lol 🤪😉. Urgh never had that happen before lol. But what guppy mods you have. And which of mine did you grab. Try to work oit where it went wrong lol
  18. No dl link for cp46 as yet. Its coming. Will say there wont be any new pois in this version but your pretty much getting new pois as cp46 will be a whole new experience for you to enjoy.
  19. Entityclasses.xml to add stuff to toolbelt upon spawning
  20. Lol be careful what you promise haha 🤪🤪🤪
  21. Stallionsdens Modlets Valmar Modlets Stallionsdens Prefabs ***PS: If anyone knows how to get rid of those stupid pics lol can you please let me know***
  23. Please refer to original thread for any info in the O.P for now. comments welcome here to, Original thread can be found here for cp45 dl and info: Old Thread
  24. MAGOLIS COMPO PACK So welcome to the Compopack. WHAT IS THE COMPOPACK: The Compopack is an ever growing and expanding collection of custom-made prefabs for the zombie sandbox game 7 Days to Die. The poi pack/poi archive and mod was first compiled by Magoli in the early Alphas of the game and has continued to grow over the years. Prefabs are balanced, optimised and many hours spent ensuring all volumes are correct to the pack and to work together in a vanilla setting. The Compopack is also a museum and archive to keep every poi ever made alive and not forgotten. A21: CP49 is in the works. Main page here will be updated with a fresh new look as well Infinity V2 is in the works as well. Compo Pack has its own Discord server Found - HERE - Feel free to join. On the Compopack Discord channel you can - Submit new prefabs to be added to the Compopack, - Report any errors or problems you may find - Discuss any thoughts and ideas - As well as general talk ***IMPORTANT INFO*** This will require a new world to be generated, not just a new save game because several prefabs have changed size which can cause severe errors in existing world when they are reset by questing. Prefabs are REQUIRED on client side as well as server side, any issues that occur when you have not followed this information will be at your own risk. CP 48 Proudly brought to you by: MAGOLI - A legend whom kept everyone entertained with his updating of the Compo Pack for all of us to enjoy STALLIONSDEN. TESTERS: WOLFBAIN5. GOBARG. MANA. BATTLEPAPI. OCTOBERFIRE. ZZTONG. NAZ. ZEEBARK Plus all the many Great and amazing prefabbers out there whom have contributed to the CP over the years and all those whom will be adding more in the future..
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