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Everything posted by stallionsden

  1. Ok i know tfp added sort buttons so will fix them for you guys
  2. HAHA were you in the creative menu lol by chance.
  3. Hey JDead sorry all fixed for sure forgot to move the unlock code to the empty block. All works and tested 🙂
  4. THREAD UPDATE Am currently trying to get my modlets onto google drive as to make it easier for you guys to Download individual modlets rather then the whole folder every time. GITHUB will still have the download all Modlet links, However the single download version will be thru Google Drive Hopefully google drive hurries up lol so should be done some time within next say or so
  5. ok in the mods folder in your folder where the exe is. There should be a folder named - Steam Steamapps Common 7 Days To Die Mods stallionsdensz 187 Slot backpack Config modinfo.xml
  6. You did put the mod in the mods folder. Not teasing you or anything just trying to rule out stuff. Can you send your full output_log or player.log
  7. I just loaded up B177 and had all of Vals mods in and no errors or anything. Can you please upload a output.log or players.log and tell me which mod or mods is giving you trouble for me to be able to assist you please
  8. Whooops sorry recipe should a been for the firetrapempty lol. The one yu have has fire already and needs to be burnt first. Have fixed the error can you please let me know what errors you are getting. I will check them out and fix. if the mod/modlet uses custom icons the mod/modlet will be required both server side and client side thus clients all need to have it on client side to. If the mod/modlet doesnt have custom icons then server side is only needed
  9. Holy Moly Welcome back Mr Hotrod long time no see.
  10. UPDATED MINING MACHINE AND RAIN CATCHER ADDED - Localization.txt - Added resource Insulator recipe - Added the ability to pick up excavator and rain catcher
  11. Argh ok lol yep i moved them to my other mod the brewery one. Now i remember why they were in this one haha my bad sorry. Will put em back in in the morning. Can look into it for you to make em moveable
  12. i added the recipe for the winebarrels in the modlet. Look in recipes.xml.
  13. which one. Did you try to unlock. Any console errors
  14. In entityclasses down the bottom should be one line says random or something lol.
  15. GITHUB: DOWNLOAD Prefab is called Stallionsdens Casino
  16. EXPANDED WEAPONS - Corrected weapon unlocks, STARTER CLASS SYSTEM - Fixed incorrect ammo for assassin class
  17. Sirilion, wondering if you could add hostile sleeper zs to this as well like vultures, dogs , bears and snakes
  18. Hi @sechsterversuch Issue fixed. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
  19. Argh yeh i fixed it a while ago lol and forgot to mention it lol here. Thanks tho
  20. Where did you get that code from lol. Its not in the mod I just made lol. to make bundles 30k - <set xpath="/items/item[contains(@name, 'Bundle')]/property[contains(@name, 'Create_item_count')]/@value">30000</set> (IS WRONG) Should be <set xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'ammoBundle')]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">30000</set>
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