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Everything posted by Weazelsun

  1. A doe in the desert biome. Poor thing died of heat exhaustion.
  2. Perhaps, the corn on the cob should instead have jar of water as the crafting ingredient and fulfill thirst meter. While the cornbread can keep the thirst penalty but be more nutritious.
  3. The entrances of Weazel Tunnel. Enter from the wasteland biome and head to the forest biome or do it in reverse. Created on the All Night Gamers - Jericho server.
  4. All Night Gamers - Jericho is a purely vanilla server. No mods at all, however we do have personal teleports. Like /home that is usable by everyone to teleport to their last home area. As well as /spawn+ that allows donators to spawn on their bedroll. But, everyone is on equal footing. Our player cap is 25 though and the server does get full at times.
  5. Have the 4x4 provide protection from the weather.
  6. Weazel rest stop in the wasteland biome. Exterior shots were taken on All Night Gamers - Jericho. Interior shots of the Weazel rest stop.
  7. Vehicle idea: Lifted Suspension mod for the 4x4. So that I can go over obstacles more easier. Vehicle idea: Reinforced Ram Bar mod for the 4x4. So that I can ram into blocks and destroy them in hit.
  8. Something that I too would like from as I found it from a mod, is colored attribute text.
  9. The iron bed should have no bullet/ arrow collision allowing it to be shot through.
  10. Have to agree. There are some perks that I feel should possibly, be merged? Such as the Lock Picking perk into Treasure Hunter perk. As for "learn by doing", devs should take a look at how Undead Legacy does it, with its action skills.
  11. After a few more generating. It does seem that random primarily affects the towns, with some generated having them be the default size to others basically being mega-cites.
  12. I think that's exactly what it is. Along with what Boidster also said. I think I'll ping @faatal to see if he can provide insight.
  13. My question is which will come first though the outfit overhaul or will it ship with bandits? Cause either way, no clipping clothes would be a godsend.
  14. Personally, I think some of the the farm poi's should spawn in the with the oldwest tiles as well. Since, the oldwest poi's often seem to be spawn with their own gravel road.
  15. I understand that it randomizes things, but what specifically? Since I have everything set to default, does it even matter when I set the random setting to the max? Should I put in between at 5 instead? Because, overall, to be fair the maps I've generated with that setting are indeed random. They're not the same.
  16. Item idea as suggested by L0RDDREAD, a powered sledge turret. That can be wired up to generators.
  17. Please @madmole I need this for my castle build. What castle wouldn't have it's own food supply!?
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