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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Yes, but it needs some work. (I assume you are on windows. I play and host my server on a different operation system so I am a bit sketchy on many details) One option is to rent a server in the cloud to host your game. There are companies who do everything including install and hosting of the game, you just have to edit serverconfig.xml or setup the server in some configuration menue. Another option is to host a server yourself: You should have a script file called startdedicated.bat in the programs folder and a file serverconfig.xml. Edit the xml file to your needs and start the server with the script. You might need a separate account for this, maybe a separate steam account even, I don't know. If you don't see a file startdedicated.bat or one of the above limitations is too much you can download a headless server that should make things easier, it definitely doesn't need steam to be started and it doesn't need a separate steam account (I know because I use one on my server). More info here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/7_Days_to_Die_Dedicated_Server
  2. While generally correct, you as customer are not interested in how long projects last but how long support exists for the card you bought. Since Intel will surely or does already use the same design in their CPUs as well (as integrated GPU) they will hardly scrap the project completely. And support of a whole family of GPUs tends to be mostly an all-or-nothing thing, i.e. what helps the iGPUs will help the discrete GPUs as well because it is the same universal driver software.
  3. Matts argument has another problem: If you can do one activity uninterupted for a long time and a second one only half the time because you have to run inbetween it doesn't automatically mean that the first one is more effective. If the first activity only gets you 1/10th of the resources (like xp or materials) per minute, then the second one would still be more efficient (just as an example)
  4. git is a versioning system that had its main thread called "master" as default. But they recently changed that because the old term was implicated as a reminder of slavery. Now the poster seems to see some uses of the term "master" somewhere in or around TFPs xml, or maybe in the versioning inside the steam data base(?).
  5. This is a game and not a simulation. Show the developers that it doesn't work if you want the game to change. Don't tell them that reality works differently, they know this already, for many many things in the game. With maxed farming perk food production is absolutely trivial, you can't even fail theoretically! Even if you constantly rolled no seed for harvest after harvest you still would constantly gain food. If you want to argue with reality: There you can have a total crop failure for multiple years no matter the size of your field, that is absolutely impossible in the game at LotL 3. But thats ok, it is a game, farming has just to work and look somewhat similar to real farming if you don't look closely. Like anything else in the game.
  6. Ok. What were your results when you tried it out? How big was your farm for how many people? What did you do exactly when you had a bad harvest? I have used LotL 1 for a while now (I even used LotL 1 once when I perked into FOR just to try it out) and found it quite effective in practice. I used about 35 farm plots to feed 4 people in a MP szenario. We always had enough food, too much even at the end. And no serious production line (like potatos or corn) ever shrank perceptively through long strings of improbably bad luck. I didn't need any luck, just normal average rolls over the long time of playing. A bad harvest was usually followed by a normal or good one giving me enough produce over the long run. So this is my practical experience. The number of produce you get back at LotL 1 is usually enough to produce enough seeds AND get something out of it.
  7. Currently you have a choice with farming: A) Put one point into Living of the Land and your farm is self-sustaining and efficient and gives you 1.5 produce per plant on average after making enough seeds for the next harvest. Put 2 or 3 points into farming and it gets even easier. B) Don't put any point into LotL. Then farm plots are only useful for growing seeds you happen to find. Seed production from produce makes no sense. What exactly do you find wrong with this scheme? Is it that you need to many farm plots at LotL 1? Or is it that you can't really farm without a perk point invested ? About the glass jars. What is so important about them? They already strangely vanish if you use the water in any recipes. And if it is that dumb, why didn't you protest about gas, oil and acid having no containers either? Let me guess: You didn't even notice there are no empty gas cans, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Because it simply works without containers.
  8. What I very often forget when comparing weapons is that the ammo defines a lot about how much damage a weapon does. That green crossbow likely has a stone bolt loaded while you probably already use iron bolts. Hence you see much bigger damage on your yellow iron crossbow. And any mods in your yellow crossbow add damage as well. The bug is in the UI which does not take ammo in consideration when displaying the values. Probably the UI should be split so that you see damage of the bolt/arrow separate from the weapons bonus. I'm not sure, but when you directly compare the crossbow's values (having one bow selected and moving the mouse to the other bow) then you probably can see their real difference without any influence from mods AND ammo.
  9. Random stats overlapping has nothing to do with the motivation to loot. Random stats would be an incentive, but not the overlapping you are critizising here. I can only guess at the reasons for the overlapping. But it might just be a desire to have players always having to evaluate the real quality of a weapon instead of automatically taking the weapon that has a better color. And a bigger random range is more opportunity for really lucky finds, i.e. the random range is a randomness on top of the randomness of the weapons you can find at all with your loot level.
  10. I have a similar machine, ryzen 5 2600x with RX580. I get 90 fps normal and huge dips on horde nights, but still very much playable at about 40 FPS I think(?). No problem at all with aiming and hitting targets at horde night, at 1080p. But I turned off shadows and reflections completely and also turned off dynamic meshes (separate tab in the configs menue). I also heard that external gaming tools often make problems with the game, not a problem I would be able to get as I am playing on Linux ๐Ÿ˜‰ If this doesn't help (or you want to keep shadows turned on), turn down the resolution one step.
  11. At what resolution did you say you were playing?
  12. Moved. Please use either the "Discussions and Requests" section for questions, or ask questions directly in the thread of the mod author
  13. The most famous Brutus was one of the senators(?) who stabbed Caesar. So the first idea would be it is about the knife. I normally would disregard this since weapons are not the focus right now. But the bible says in Matthew 7:5: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.". And now it makes sense as graphics designers are working on kill gore. You can cut out the eyes of zombies with a knife. Which would "Denied" the zombie his eyesight, make him blind.
  14. I assume Roland gave us the new katniss everdeen hint.
  15. Moved. Please use the section "Discussion and Requests" for questions
  16. The ultra setting is independent of resolution. As far as I heard from others it is perfectly playable with todays hardware if you play on 2k or 3k. And if we ignore some bugs and inconsistencies for the moment that seem to plague some but not all high-end players. Did anyone specify that 4k (or maybe even 8k) at ultra would be playable? There is no argument that TFP has to purge those bugs and inconsistencies before release. But you get triggered by totally irrelevant problems like an ultra setting that is in fact a suggestion that nobody needs to take, in an unfinished game. Look who is immature here? Another point is that technologie advances all the time and by the time the game releases the ultra settings will be less ultra than they are today, even more so with any year following release. And there is a history of AAA games that had unrealistic or lets say futuristic ultra settings even at release, the most famous one being Wing Commander I think. Play that game with ultra now and you'll probably get laughably high FPS. Now TFP could adapt and balance the ultra setting every alpha to changing hardware and changing game loads. Lots of wasted time that I frankly don't expect to be done in an unfinished game. I expect them to fix the traders, I would like for them to be more forthcoming with information and surely the general performance needs more work. But what you are now expecting is handholding to a degree that it is silly. "Whoah, my super PC can't handle ultra in this game. I'm lost, what can I do?". Are there really idiots like that out there?
  17. And now we know who the next player is that will be singled out ๐Ÿ˜‡
  18. Two comments: 1) The game uses up to 4 cores, it just doesn't use them equally well. And that is because there is a main loop that feeds Unity and there seem to be no more easy tasks to move to other threads. And I think Fataal also said that for example path finding for AI is already in a separate thread 2) Ultra settings are just settings on an endless scale. If there were better PCs available, Ultra setting could have for example an increased viewing range and easily overburden those PCs as well. And if TFP wanted to appease the "I want Ultra settings" crowd, they could just decrease available options (lower max viewing range, lower shadow quality, less reflection quality,...) and make Ultra setting easy to reach for any powerful PC. Good for their reputation, but bad for any player who wants more viewing range or better quality, i.e. more options.
  19. G is talking about the ARL problem with mods using an RVS scheme. Could be solved similar to how ZEW did it with QLMP ! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I have often voiced my suspicion that the real bottleneck may be some data path as 7D2D has to shift a lot of data around. Cache size could also be a hidden factor. There is a new AMD CPU with a huge cache, I hope that eventually someone with that CPU turns up and can tell us if the game runs much better on his rig.
  21. (I'm not sure this still works:) If you want to tank your FPS, just try to grow a massive forest of tightly packed trees and look at it. Now do the same in Call of Duty? You can't? That is one reason why Call of Duty does not have this problem. Trees have been optimized some time ago, the new "trees" are windows right now in A20. I heard that they got optimized for A21 so if you have seen the FPS drops when looking at a packed city you should see improvements in A21. Another one is that 7D2D (unlike other games which run beautifully on your setup) is CPU-bound. In other words, you could throw out your 3090s and stuff a 3060 into your PC and the game would probably run with the same FPS. Your GPU is bored to death. And most of the cores of your CPU are not used as well.
  22. Both of you should post your screen resolution.
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