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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. One problem is the usual, a corrupt player file. Whoever operates the server has to delete the files in the savegames Players directory with your EOS number. Your EOS number can be found in the logfiles for example. Then you will have to start from level 1 again, but with the givexp command and creative menu you can get your levels, books and items back. Two further suggestions: Make a backup of the save game on your server before your game sessions. And the router in front of the server should open the ports 26900(TCP) and 26900-26903(UDP) so you can connect to the server with litenetlib. The first logfile you posted has a more unusual problem. I can only guess, it seems that you did get malformed data from the server or from the xbox network that could not be decoded. Maybe using litenetlib would fix that, maybe not.
  2. Did you notice there is a Journal in the game with lots of information? If you are stumped again, take a look. There is a section about water and the water filter for example
  3. Sorry, the exception doesn't tell me anything. Maybe post a full log?
  4. I assume it is about this line (for auto shotgun): <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="10" tags="perkBoomstick"/> <!-- damage offset --> And this line didn't exist in A20 for shotguns while something similar does exist for higher levels of other guns. The initial creator obviously knew of the problem of adding damage to the base damage for the shotgun. Seems like either he forgot why he initially didn't add this line now, or someone new tried to balance it and didn't know. If they want to cleanly use base_add for the shotgun they probably have to specify the base_damage for shots as the total damage (i.e. 100 for shots) and then divide damage by RoundRayCount (in the C# code where gun shots are handled) IMHO surely not intentional, needs a bug report. Or maybe @Jugginator is still following this thread.
  5. What that probably means is that you are starting the game server as root user. You can do that, but it is not a good idea from a security standpoint: If somone knows a security vulnerability in the game he immediately has full control over your complete server machine. You normally should run the game server as a normal unpriviledged user, not root.
  6. Maybe you missed it when I said that serveradmin.xml will be generated the first time you START the server, it is not downloaded. And you will then find it inside the directory where your saves are, either default .local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/ (note the dot at the start, it is a hidden folder in your home directory), or whereever else you store your savegame by changing and uncommenting a line in your serverconfig.xml
  7. serveradmin file will be automatically generated when you start the server and it isn't there. It is located where your saves are stored. If you didn't change it that would be in .local/share/7DaysToDie/Saves/
  8. I agree there really is no use for antibiotics. The 5% of honey mixed with the probability to find them seems to be a good balance though for making it a race against time. A single honey often doesn't cure you, it just gives you the necessary delay to (maybe, probably) find another honey. And that might cure you or you didn't get it in time and it is again delaying it and the race continues. The big problem with this is that the race itself is frightfully boring (you hit the nail with that), you have to run around empty forests and hit tree stumps. I think it would be a lot more fun (besides being more logical) if you needed to find medical POIs and loot them for the chance to find whatever gives you the 5% of either cure or delay.
  9. You could use "app_update 294420 validate" so it also checks everything is loaded. If there is something missing maybe call app_update twice. Never heard of serverpermissions.xml and I don't find it on my server. serveradmin.xml still works
  10. The herbals that cure 10% infection are for mid game. I don't have anything against the honey, but either it is sometimes found in medicine typed containers or there is some new pill with anything between 3-5% cure that IS found in medicine cabinets. Or there is an early recipe for such a pill you can craft with stuff you find in medicine cabinets. The way people get into trouble with infection and having a hard time finding a cure is surely a positive and adds to the survival theme. I have a problem with that there is no way to find out where to find the cure and the sensible place has none. A normal player won't even realize he is looking in the wrong spot and put it up to bad luck. Especially when he eventually finds antibiotics in a medicine cabinet, but not because luck returned but because he finally reached the necessary level.
  11. Count me in on this scheme. I would be perfectly happy if quest reward would simply be coins. Much easier to balance as well. But I doubt TFP will want to "downgrade" the quest reward system that far. While we are at it this inspired me to an idea that definitely won't be adopted, but may be worthy of a mod sometime: Once you reached a specific sum (say 7000 dukes) the trader doesn't give you any coins anymore because he is short of them but I.O.U.s from a different trader. You can only collect the money by visiting the right trader and getting the money from him. Same for all other traders. Instead of the 7000 dukes this could alternatively simply replace the rather artifical open trade route quests.
  12. First two general hints: For a new issue start a new thread. No two problems are alike as you can easily see as failsafes problems was solved and yours not. Secondly there are pinned threads in this forum section that tell you what you should do when you ask for help, so you don't waste the time of the **volunteers** doing the help here. Most importantly is the information how to post a logfile so we have more insight in the issue. Your issue can only be solved on the server of your game, i.e. the machine your wife tries to log into. And there you should find a folder (usually that would be AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves) with as many saves as you have started games on that server and each one of them would have a Players folder. The actual numbers Sylen gave to failsafe (the EOS_*** numbers) are specific to failsafes case and Sylen knew those numbers because failsafe did post his logfile. The other possibility is that you yourself look into the logfile and search for your wifes in-game name, there the EOS number will sometimes be shown alongside.
  13. So sometimes (big base build) your crafting will get behind, sometimes your crafting will be in front of looting (multiple crack a book). Add to this that there is also the randomness of what magazines you find many or few of and that you have ways to search for specific magazines or places with many magazines. In short, sometimes looting is ahead and sometimes crafting is ahead. Perfect. As perfect as it can get in this game of many degrees of freedom generally.
  14. "I am meant ..." is stating that there is a mind behind this that purposely provides incentives for you to do or not do something by creating a specific meta. If speaking poetically then god, mother earth or randon chance would work, but you have to indicate somewhere that you are using flowery language now or you will be misunderstood. You may say that the "M" is an indication, that would give you points for subtlety but not clarity. If not speaking poetically TFP is the only intelligent entity able to provide the incentives. Which lead me to a different definition of "meta" then the one you were using. And since my reply to that sentence was clearly showing that I did not use your definition of meta you could have cleared this up much earlier, by the way.
  15. Anyone would normally think: "Huh, I am infected. I'll have to check medicine cabinets for help". This is logical, sensible, what anyone would do. I find it strange that in this game that is totally wrong and useless (in early game). I just checked the journal, it mentions what you need to cure infection. But it doesn't say that you get honey from tree stumps. A new player has no chance to reasonably know or guess or anyhow infer how to cure an early infection and that looting medicine cabinets is a waste of time. He might only stumble upon that secret if he actually harvests some stumps and notices that one actually drops honey. Does anyone see a reason why I shouldn't simply report this as a bug?
  16. I can't be sure of that but my impression is that crafting skills and looting are somewhat balanced right now. There are some problems with magazines not dropping at the same frequency but that is an "internal" problem of the magazine setup, once that is fixed I think the balance between crafting and looting will just work.
  17. I think "count="all"" would do that
  18. As a former living person.... zombies don't exist 😁 (the game is not supposed to be a simulation and for balance the brass scraping fits quite well as a secondary source for brass) I don't know much more than you about TFP's plans, but: There is still the story missing in the game. It is already known that it will consist of you having the choice to kill the Duke in his hideout. I would guess they will design the hideout which very well could be the casino **after** they know exactly how bandits work and what a building should have for bandits to work well.
  19. How about putting some of the rewards "wealth" into chests of a tier5 instead of the trader reward? I mean if a tier5 is say 5 times as long as a tier1 why are there not 5 times as many valuable boxes lying around on the way through the POI? And how about simply removing tiered items from the rewards or making them appropriate to your level? You can always select the money or ammo instead. Currently the trader is the central reason for the game not having a working crafting game and a progression that everyone can easily jump over.
  20. In that case the request would be reasonable to change the default of ServerVisibility to private.
  21. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is normal that a new alpha is already being worked on while the older alpha just came out and still receives updates. Does not prevent long cycles per se.
  22. Is there maybe a compelling reason that the moderators do not fix the issues people have? Like that they don't have any access to the source code, are not developers and most of them are not even employed by TFP?
  23. Never heard of a way. Maybe you get lucky if you reset the time to where you were when you made the first settime.
  24. Is it easy to make a mod so that damage of a weapon degrades with its current durability value? I.e. that a weapon at 50% durability does less damage than at 100%.
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