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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Nah, Gazz is more subtle. He would add 2 more toolbelt slots and a bigger inventory to the game. Muuhahahaaaw
  2. Well, he was banned for talking about gender politics. Let that be a lesson to you. 😄
  3. Are you checking your facts? Because in the xml the fat female has meleeHandZombieStrong, i.e. she hits like the Biker and that is additional to the 300 hitpoints that is more than even feral Boe. I don't mean to say you are wrong, I want to say you should post facts not fiction if you want to convince anyone. Because otherwise your argument can be dismissed just by pointing at your hyperbole. The list you posted above is faulty as well. Feral zombie is not a zombie type, it is tier 2 of zombies. There is a fat female feral as well. You also list a demo which is the first of zombie tier 4 or boss zombies. EDIT: Actually there is a legendary female lab zombie which seems to be tier 4 as well. EDIT2: Ah, misuderstood you, with feral zombie you probably think of the naked barely-human zombie, it is called a Wight. Ok, might be on the list, but is it really clear whether he is male or female? Once your list is correct it might actually make a point, not like this.
  4. There definitely should be more black zombies and for Arizona a hispanic might be appropriate too. But wtf, what have you been looking at? There are at least 3 weak males (including the asian, the surfer guy, the bussiness man). There are one or two strong females. Except for the party girl and maybe Trader Jen there are no sexualized females (unless you really have a few strange fetishes 😉). Do you really think TFP will listen to you if you kill your own argument with hyperbole?
  5. It is easier if you tell them what is wrong with the balance of the base game instead of listing a mod that improves that part. Because otherwise they would need to download the mod and analyze it. Why should they? Just tell them whats wrong in the vanilla game. Then they decide if and what to change. That may be a different change than the mod does because they have different goals for the vanilla game than the mod author and you. The mods-are-off-topic rule is from Madmole himself. You are already telling yourself "If I prove it, they still won't change their minds". Are you clairvoyant or trying to find a way to blame them for your inability to convince them of your opinion. Now I think TFP really are opinionated hardheads, ............ just like almost every other person on earth. It takes effort to make someone change their mind. You also can't know if you have been heard. If you gave someone in TFPs team food for thought it just might mean that some tester or Madmole will test AGI again and it becomes a discussion topic in some meeting and eventually something is changed and that might as well be in A20.
  6. Roland explained about devs view of mods in this post recently: And if we look at Nitrogen and compopack specifically I think there are serious drawbacks and problems with integrating them. Nitrogen is written in Java. Its integration into 7D2D is nonexistant. If they don't have someone fluent in Java and willing to dabble in that code base they would need to hire the nitrogen modder (if he is available at all) or preferably translate the sources to c# first (since that would mean easier integration and easier maintenance long term). This could have actually been an option they were thinking about but seemed to have decided against it. But who knows, maybe they are in talks with Damocles, he is awfully silent at the moment 😉 Compopack is the work of dozens of modders. To get the rights for the POIs they would need to contact and reach agreements with everyone who designed a POI they want to integrate. 90% of POIs in Compopack are not designed and balanced correctly for vanilla and would need further work to integrate them. So why rob the community of the compopack if you can just leave the POI designers adding 70 POIs per year AND have compopack as another options for players after they have seen everyone of the probably 700 POIs eventually in the game? I just checked her out (for science) and to me it looks like her dress is jiggling, not her boobs.
  7. Click on "Code <>" then on the green symbol "Code", then "Download ZIP". You will get all the mods together as a zip.
  8. Asked our current miner. He usually mines only 3 hours a night, often uses candy with blackstrap coffee, has q5 auger with iron breaker and stone mods. In such a night he gets about 60k to 70k iron, plus sand, stone, diamonds. Could someone post how many iron is needed for a steel bar? And how many steel bars for a steel block?
  9. I assume as STR resource gatherer you have motherlode maxed out and mine in some nights? One never has enough naturally, but a few nights of mining in an iron mine should provide heaps of steel, even if only one in your group is mining.
  10. By the time demos come in masses you already should be able to upgrade important points to steel. Steel needs a few demo explosions before it is gone. The best advice I can give is simple redundancy. If some kill korridor lasts only half a horde night, make two of them and make sure you can switch between them (easiest way, have two seperate baseparts connected with bridges for example. If that kill korridor only last 1/3 of a night, build three. The second advice: You have to make the paths they have to run to get to you always as long and timeconsuming as possible. Electric fence posts, barbed wire, 1 meter high blocks in their path, paths they are pushed from, all waste their time which they can't use to destroy your blocks. For example our current base has two narrow access paths to our first floor, both with bridges we can take away (simple wood frames to remove in emergencies or doors laid flat) and doors or open hatches as a last block (don't ask, one of us watches streamers and then uses all that semi-exploity stuff). On one we have lots of pushy turrets throwing the zombies down into a pit with concrete walls so they get some fall damage. and an exit path with electric fences so they can get back to try the access path again. The other access path is simply a path with a block every three meters, so they have to jump on the block and jump down again, jump up, jump down again, instead of run through. Add barbed wire to slow them down, use molotovs when lots of them are together in one spot. If those two are not enough we can always add another and another path to the base. Each such path is built by two people in one day, but makes the base hold up at least two weeks longer. Just don't forget to always repair the damage before the next horde night.
  11. There is also a button in the forum editor, the 4th from right, looks like an eraser. tooltip says "Remove Format"
  12. I don't have any inside information, this is just some guessing from someone who knows a lot about programming: I seem to remember someone (IG?) saying the update was 70% or 80% (or some other number in that range) finished. Now take that percentage with a grain of salt because often the last 20% of the work take 80% of the time in programming (and it is not clear whether that purported percentage was about code or time). So, assuming IronGalaxy was working on the update for a year it could take them another 4 months or another year. A different developer unfamiliar with the code would need to add maybe another 2 months. Usually most debugging is done last so just dumping this update to users would be not useful at all, likely a lot of systems don't even run and secfault immediately. Also the time for debugging is always underestimated. If IG really did an accurate estimation of the needed time they would be one of a rare breed of game developers. One of the most critized bugs is the Xbox save bug. I don't think TFP could release an update without fixing that bug. But it is not at all clear if that is even possible without rewriting the file handling subsystem. It isn't even clear if that might need more resources like RAM and because RAM is already scarce would need even more changes and possibly might make it impossible. There is also a rule from MS and Sony that savegames must be (backwards or both ways?) compatible, is it even possible to solve the issue and follow that rule? I don't know, I can only say there is a chance this alone prevents any thought about an update. Ok, I'm a pessimist. But I'm 99% sure just releasing what is there is impossible. And developing a version that TFP could release without getting flak from all sides and more importantly that would go through the quality check at Microsoft and Sony might take from 4 to 18 months (best to worst)
  13. Not a hard decision? In my current solo game I put 1 point in for the forge and stopped there. On day 10 I saw a workbench was offered at the trader but it vanished before I could get the necessary money, and I had to wait until day 18(?) before another was offered. The biggest problem was that I couldn't craft the wheels for the bicycle where I already had bought the other parts. Disadvantage yes, but not a catastrophe. If I had not found the workbench by day 21 or 27 who knows I might have bitten the bullet and got me the workbench through INT. Oh, does that mean I twice had a quadrillion-to-one chance happening to me 😀 You are surely aware of the Forgettin Elixier, right? If the perk points in INT really weigh too much on your conscience that is always a possibility for later. Some people even go deep into INT and better barter just to get the Elixier after having built everything INT offers and then respec. Since there never is a time where you are barred from investing in INT I don't see how this "barred yourself from the rest of game" is even remotely true. The only change to the current balance I would make is to make it more likely to find a working forge or get the recipe for forge, so that the one perk point to get the forge isn't such a good deal compared to the alternative.
  14. I didn't say you have to like INT, it is rational decision whether to live with the limitations until you find the workstations or pay the price in perk points. Nobody from TFP cares which way you decide, all they probably care about is that you have to think about your decision. The harder this decision is for as many players as possible the better they have done their job.
  15. About workstations: They definitely changed that in A19. That is not bad luck on your side, one really has to work to get the workstations. Always keep some money around to be able to buy a workstation from the trader or you need lots of patience until you find the recipes in the wild. IMHO a good change as it makes INT valuable. I had the same in my MP game just today. Jumped directly from wraps and AK to steel knuckles and tactical rifle, both of them quest rewards. On day 12! But this will definitely change, the trader and the quest rewards are not yet balanced to the loot progression.
  16. Stone age items are not randomized. That is intentional because they are very cheap to craft. Result would be that people would start by crafting multiple axes to get a better-than-average one.
  17. I read the docs on the website today and didn't find any mention of this command. Maybe the OP had the same problem. "updateengine" is mentioned only once in the page describing the initial install (without mentioning "experimental"). But it should be listed at least in https://7dtd.illy.bz/wiki/Instance%20management. Does the command line utility have a help option? Is "--experimental" listed there?
  18. Did you restart the server after updating? Did you do "login anonymous" or similar before the app_update? If your answer is yes and yes then post the logfile of your server.
  19. Ok, that was the short version. Now please post the long version of what you typed into steamcmd and what steamcmd replied. Just try a download and copy-and-paste everything here. I can assure you the command works in principal, because I used this update method on my own server lots of times and never had a problem with it. 99% of problems are typos while entering or copying the neccessary commands.
  20. Yes, for stealth that would be preferable. We'll have to see how they implement it, an icon that immediately shows key locations would be a whimpy half-solution, icons that only show up if you are near to the key would be much better. But I'm sure we will hear lots of players complain that they missed the icon and had to backtrack through the whole factory again. I also would be ok with keys on zombies though if you got an icon or some other indication which one has the key. We are not talking about a pacifist playthrough, just a stealthy one.
  21. It is difficult for the game to know about "rooms", it already is difficult for the game to find out if you are "inside" or "outside". That loot score sounds very gamey. Sorry, I would much prefer the keys, they don't seem out of place. And they can be implemented with very little additional code (especially if they store keys in boxes). And low implementation effort counts for much in this phase of the development.
  22. I'm not sure whether safes are worth it in the stone age, definitely not worth to use a stone axe, I open them only when I have lockpicks. But I can say that in my game the brownish chests in the loot room of many pois still have a lot of stuff I want: For example mods or armor of all kind. In my current SP game I don't have points left in the first week to boost both my weapon perks and build a quality 5 stone age melee and ranged weapon and if I don't go strength or agility my ranged weapon will only get better if I find it in loot (or get them as quest rewards). We get higher quality stone stuff relatively fast which means you potentially have a use for up to 4 mods for 5 armor pieces, one gun, one melee and up to 3 tools, all together 40 mods. There are also schematics you want to find, some make sense in a gun safe. But in general yes, I agree, there should be a very slim chance for better loot.
  23. It isn't a bad idea. One flaw though is that potentially a stealth player could go non-cheesingly through the poi with very few kills and be punished for that. One idea the devs are considering at the moment is one (or more?) keys you find on random zombies or in random locations in the POI, which sounds at least for the stealth player to be a somewhat better solution.
  24. So you say it is different to A15 where you got pistols at first, then shotguns and hunting rifles? After a while you found AKs and snipers. Sure the actual moment was quite random, but there was a loot progression that seldomly varied. And everyone did the same things every playthrough. I partly liked how the minibike book and the calipers sometimes could be found immediately and sometimes almost never but those were single points of uncertainty in A15. If you are talking about even earlier alphas, ok, that is unknown territory to me.
  25. No, up to now only one programmer was working on RWG, besides other jobs. It may have been that an artist or designer helped for a time (not sure, my memory is very flacky) but AFAIK always just one programmer. And if I understand MM correctly, for A20 there will be a real team effort to get remaining kinks out of it. I agree that dangerous cities would be a good feature, but it also means that good players will just jump ahead of any loot progression and then complain about a missing end-game on day 10. Balancing that is almost impossible. But as I said it would be a good feature. And I also liked that you had to find and hit specific POIs if you needed something specific. Which is still the case but less than in previous alphas.
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