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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Really? Have to try that, I never noticed any slowing down with the space bar when starting. I don't use the space bar without "W", i.e,after landing, so I may have missed it completely.
  2. The number of zombies in a poi IS random (just maybe not random enough for your taste). About this notion of a home base without a scratch: One of the goals the devs have announced for their game is that there never will be a place where you are completely safe. Many players seem to want that even though this is a zombie horror game, but changes which would result in a safe place won't ever be in vanilla. This is easily done in mods and maybe eventually with an in-game option, but options are low-priority and will be very selectively chosen, so don't bank on it. Yes, as a lvl1 you can't start with a moat. But it is entirely possible to start with wood spikes surrounding your base and eventually replacing them with less conspicuous defenses like a moat.
  3. I'm not sure what detail you are discussing right now, but I agree with hiemfire, he is right about how it works internally. For entity damage you have exactly one base damage that is determined by type of weapon, quality and a random modifier. All other effects (the "adds") are all percentages that are added together and then adjust that base damage. Though you could calculate it differently and multiply each percentage with the base damage first and then sum up all these small (percentage*base damage) values. There is one exception (or the only one I remember) and that is the percentage from difficulty that is applied on the final value.
  4. Good arguments. Though linux currently is stable as well for its users. We have to look at the percentage of users with problems and I don't have any hard numbers for you, but neither do you. If you don't go under the hood with a typical ubuntu (i.e. use admin powers to change its inner workings left and right) and just use the GUI for stuff normal users do on their PC, use the office suite, surf on the net, install programs from the ubuntu software store, then the chance that anything breaks is almost nil. That things are straightforward on windows IS a result of people being used to windows. In my job I have to help secretaries with their problems and the simple fact is: If anything happens that they haven't seen yet they need someone to tell them what to do. If it happens again, then they know how to deal with it if it isn't complicated. This is almost exclusively about being used to a system. Roll back is a very good point, yes, that feature is worth a lot. Though I doubt the users I was talking about would know how to use it. But I agree it is a point in favor of windows. Only, it helps in some cases where you break something. But for example in cases where you install a program and it doesn't work and you want that program to work, uninstalling it again won't help you, you would still need outside help as a novice user The wide adoption of windows is the same case as the wide adoption of facebook or whatsup. 90% of it is that network effects help it to stay on top. When windows was created it was an immedaite success because it was the only one easy to use and cheap (macos came later and was maybe easier to use but too expensive for the masses). After Microsoft practically had the monopoly it just made sure that every PC came pre-installed with windows and every new PC buyer would always start with windows. Windows market share today is not because of easy of use (macos would hands-down win that competition), it is because it is still on every PC you buy and 95% of people you know and can ask use it as well and can help you get the necessary knowledge. It is just network effects.
  5. Sure, if you have immature people in the conversation it tends to go into a flame war. Do you see anyone here get enraged and starting to get personal? But since this discussion is rather fruitless and endless I tend to agree to drop it. But let me just say you added "it's only a matter of time until something breaks...". But you don't say how that is different to windows. I have seen windows break as well. I hear about windows problems nearly daily. If there is still a vast difference we would need statistics to find them. The gap was noticably big 10 or 20 years ago. Also you misinterpret what I said. Switching will always mean you go from a system you know already to a foreign system. I never said that that would create a better experience. I also don't say that linux is better. I just said that someone who knew nothing about both systems would have a similar experience. The huge advantage of windows is that people learn using it in young years already and therefore windows almost always gets a headstart. This is why Microsoft as well as Appple do their best to get into schools.
  6. What do you do when windows doesn't update anymore? What do you do when an install fails completely and the OS tells you just that there was error #172583 (if you are lucky. I had problems where I didn't even get an error number). Hey, if you never had a problem with windows, good for you. It doesn't happen to everyone and then it gets as complicated as with linux. I never had the problem you are talking about with Linux, by the way. Which two programs were walking over each other ?
  7. As if there was any serious danger being on a motorbike or in a 4x4! So should we remove them too? If you are OP it may mean you played the game to the end, making the gyro unfun won't help you there. The gyro is a means for travelling, if you see all people around you use it for landing on POIs, better change the people you surround yourself with 😁 Bandits will have guns and probably shoot the gyro from the air faster than a herd of vultures can do it.
  8. Installing modern Ubuntu for example is just as automatic as Windows 10, in essence you can click "continue" for a few times and enter your name and password for the user account. thats it. W10 is even a bit more complicated as you have to add 3 questions that can possibly be found out about you to hack your account 😉 Once installed there is a browser, an email program, current drivers and some other stuff already installed in ubuntu that you have to collect and sometimes pay for on the windows and collect from dozens on websites. There is a config menue as detailed and with as much easy and complex settings as in windows. There is an app store where you can simply search for the type of software you want and install it. windows10 is only slowy getting there, at least small widgets are easy to install, everything big (like a good graphics program) needs you to do a lot of stuff (from paying and downloading on websites to answering to answering questions from the OS if xxx is allowed to dabbel with the OS) that may seem trivial to you because you are used to it but isn't to a total novice. Network works out of the box, even WLAN, which was still a bit complicated 5 years ago. There is no need to access the command line in typical day-to-day operation by the way. And difficult problems that need you to use the command line exist on windows10 as well. Especially because most of the time windows has only one cryptic error message for dozens of situations and the typical webpage that you find will list about 6 different methods that you simply should try out blindly in the hope that they fix the problem. In my experience as admin in half those cases those methods do not solve the problem. For me personally win7's updating system was a desaster and annoyed and vexed me on multiple machines, and it isn't a surprise that a common method was to reinstall w7 on a regular basis, which isn't true for win10 anymore Most people are already used to windows and know at least a little of how to do things on it. But for someone without this "headstart", someone totally new to computers I don't see a difference between using Ubuntu and Win10.
  9. Yes. Once you are in level flight all you should do are small corrections until you are satisfied with the direction and height. If you want to go down, just press "c" once say 500 meters before the target and slowly descend. The more you handle the gyro like a Boing 747 instead of a stunt flying machine the easier it gets. The gyro is actually my favorite vehicle as landing and take-off is something of a skill you can learn and be really good at. And if you are not or get into trouble, you can always land safely if you just press E while low over the ground, no matter how fast you approach it. If your gyro looks completely level you will go down slowly, but if you then press space just once you have level flight. Pretty sure about that, but I could test it objectively using the height display in the map if you are convinced such a setting does not exist.
  10. His name is illegal on this forum since a moderator heard him sing. Lionel Ritchie may be next.
  11. Which I consider a feature. Suggestion to @MaxTunnerX : Just dig a moat around your crafting base and fill it with traps, make a drawbridge for access. Use a seperate horde base. Then you can build a fashionable or permanent house and no zombie will ever lay its dirty hands on any block of your house.
  12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percentile . Are you sure you want to say percentile and not percentage? For the moment I'm assuming you are using the two terms as synonyms. You say "The percentile modifier [of pummel pete] starts at "1". ". Which somewhat clashes with the percentage modifier starting with ".1" which translates to 10%, which I assume is exactly what the text for the perk promises.
  13. If it rises fast while spinning just press "c" a few times (while still holding "W" so you don't lose speed) until you are horizontal. No need to act fast, no need to steer or do anything else. Just get to a horizontal position. Then turn to the direction you want to fly.
  14. Or drones are like a sweater and minibike is like a jacket. In anything but deepest winter weather both are just too much. 😉
  15. Why would that be? If they remove downgrading they have to add the HPs of the downgrades to the blocks because that is the only way to NOT change balance. And it is very very simple to do Example: If wood block has 200 HP and wood frame 50 HP (numbers invented) and wood block doesn't downgrade to wood frame anymore, the new wood block will have 250 HP. Because that way balance is not changed Or is it that excess damage from shooting the wood block doesn't get transfered to the wood frame? Maybe I should test that first 😉
  16. Reminds me of the three little pigs and a griefer called Big Bad Wolf. 😁
  17. I would think that Roland might be able to answer that, as it isn't "a feature", just a classification. And as it originally was definitely announced as the tier3 robotic thingy (remember that it had weaponry originally so that it was much better recognizable as tier3 robot) it is definitely not news if it still is.
  18. Well, but in 7D2D you already have a minibike-cart, a motorbike-cart and a 4x4-cart. Additionally it will probably be found in loot like any other tier3 weapon. Do you think your M60 was expensive? I simply found one for free 😁
  19. If I stay stealthed and preferably use a bow to clear away the zombies the rabbit won't go anywhere (in the majority of cases). Most of the time it is only 1 zombie that is near the rabbit, it is not neccessary to clear the whole area. And when we are talking about the early game and you have a knife the alternative is you can simply run to the dead rabbit (killed by arrow), stab stab stab and run away before even the nearest zombie is able to shamble up to you. And yes, there will be up to 1 in 5 rabbits this way that will get away because they stroll out of range while you are busy with zombies, or a zombie gets in your way while you try to get near the rabbit or in spite of your careful spotting of the corpse you still can't find it after the kill. A game needs failures to make a success uplifting. Without downs there are no ups. This is not a pure shooter, killing zombies should not be the only thing were you need to to use some part of your brain or your reflexes. Not everything should be trivial
  20. Exactly. I prefer the bow to the crossbow because I the adjusting to distance is a fun challenge. And when I hit something 50 blocks away that is actually an accomplishment. The crossbow is a very good choice for agility players who try to stealth through buildings in end game. Glowies wake up much more often when you use a silenced pistol.
  21. Remember that the drone seems to be the tier3 robotic thingy, as such it will be available when you already have lots of perk points and lots of pockets in your clothing (except if TFP removes those pocket mods). I play vanilla without enlarged storage mods and at that time in the game I usually have neither encumbrance problems nor storage problems because of a motorbike with (what I feel is) generous storage and a tendency to scrap 80% of what I find. For people who can't throw away anything that may still be heaven. I feel underwhelmed though and will have to see if a drone mod gets me interested.
  22. How about simply searching for the error message on the web? The first link I see offers 6 methods to try to fix the issue. Furthermore it seems you left out to cite a lot of stuff from the error message, for example what file exactly has that problem. Please specify error messages completely and not only the part that offers you the least typing effort. 😉
  23. Whether you find every bunny you killed hardly determines between overall success and failure. And one could see it as part of the hunting mini-game, because of the hunting perk noticing animals is trivial already. This is another dividing line between players who want everything marked for easy access (turn off your brain and simply follow any markers you see) and players who want to explore and have a difficult time finding stuff. Now I'm honestly glad my bike, my turrets and a thrown spear are always marked. There is no fun in searching for stuff you dropped somewhere and can't find it anymore. But stuff like a deer corpses, well, that is going a bit far. That sounds to me to be on the level of showing every lootable container on the mini-map. There is some stuff you should be able to manage yourself.
  24. Thank you. While the spear and the stun baton (no surprise with the baton as it is tier1 and INT isn't supposed to be a fighter class) are still somewhat left behind, the rest of the weapons do not trail behind the club in the higher tiers. So it looks much better than I had feared after seeing the primitive weapon numbers
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