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Everything posted by Roland

  1. No Librarians announced yet for the game. Joking aside, I wouldn't be surprised if speed runner types were able to get a dew collector on day one. The rest of us will easily get one sometime within the first week.
  2. In A21 bookstores are useful to almost OP proportions.
  3. Actually, @Crater Creator has taken over those duties. Let him know your kickstarter key in a personal message and he will convert it to a Steam Key.
  4. They’d have to project Minecraft onto the face of the moon for it to look smooth. 😜
  5. Exactly. This is the superficial comparison by typical gamers I was talking about. It’s what leads them to then wonder why TFP bothers to spend so much time working on graphics. True. But understanding all of that brings appreciation instead of dismissiveness. From those who understand, you hear comments like, “It is amazing what TFP has accomplished. For a full world voxel game this game is technically and graphically brilliant”. From those who don’t understand you get comments like, “This game is just a turd graphically and trying to improve it is simply polishing a turd”
  6. BTW, when the developers first began, their goal was to create a full voxel world with the graphical equivalency of Quake because that was what they felt was possible. That they were able to improve that goal to a full voxel world with the graphical equivalency of Skyrim is amazing. One might make that second comparison out of derision but I think the devs would take it as high praise and those in the industry would be similarly impressed.
  7. Developers create games for the players but they also create games with their industry peers and critics in mind. Players typically disregard technical limitations and simply compare all games on the surface without even thinking or caring about why. All they do is judge good/bad graphics on a very superficial basis…as we’ve seen many times here. Industry peers are extremely cognizant of all contributing and limiting factors surrounding the final product and so are quite impressed and give high critical praise when they see a high level of accomplishment. So a player can be dumbfounded at the time and effort the developers take to increase the technical and graphical level of this game since it will never reach the level of current games that have static worlds and mostly non interactive background art—while peers of the developers are amazed that a fully voxel world with every building, tree, mountain, and ground for dozens of meters below can look so good. So it may not be super impressive to some of you when the developers improve technical aspects of the game when compared to just adding additional content but try to remember that you are not the only type of audience they are trying to impress.
  8. Wow…even when TFP doesn’t release at the Christmas Sale it gets accused of releasing for Christmas Sales…
  9. The other problem is that you are basing your changes on the A20 version when we are at the end of the A20 life cycle. A21 will be different. One major difference is that seeds and raw crops are more plentiful in loot in A21. Not so plentiful as to render farming irrelevant if you do a ton of looting but definitely providing more materials to players for farming. You should revisit this feedback once A21 releases and is new.
  10. Well, to be fair, there was a multi-year gap between when smell was cut and feral sense was added. The one isn’t really a direct replacement for the other. They decided they didn’t want smell and cut it and did not replace it with anything. Years later they added feral sense which has some similarities and is as close to what smell did as we are likely to get but it isn’t really intended by the devs as a replacement. The devs aren’t necessarily trying to find a replacement. They simply cut a feature they decided they didn’t want for their game.
  11. If this was your experience then I highly suspect you over damaged the deer somehow. I’ve consistently gotten more meat from deer than chickens. But maybe it was that 2-hour film on deer and chicken slaughtering I watched before playing….
  12. Thanks for the suggestion. Try pressing F7 before starting your combat for a more cinematic experience.
  13. I don’t think Flurry of Blows ever affected the axe anyway so if you enjoyed using it before you should be able enjoy it the same in the future.
  14. The perception version increases the speed of spears The agility version increases the speed of knives The strength version increases the speed of clubs AND sledgehammers The fortitude version increases the speed of punching The intellect version increases the speed of batons That's it. They don't do anything for tools.
  15. It wouldn't have been if you'd accepted my first response. I would have been happy to stop there. But you're welcome for the more in depth explanation of "They look cool" Sheesh!
  16. There may be another explanation. It could be that the world after the zombie apocalypse is different than ours and that due to the atomic bombs, while a harvested crop may still have multiple seeds, perhaps those seeds are most inert or just not viable. It is not unreasonable to suppose that off camera we've planted all the seeds from five crops and only one seedling came up out of all of that which we then transplanted to the planter box. All of that is abstracted into using five crops to craft one seed since this isn't a farm sim game so the devs weren't interested in going into so much depth of having the players act out all the intermediary steps. At any rate, I think there could be some reasonable explanations that fit with the setting. If by "stupid" you simply meant "I don't like that much scarcity" then that is certainly understandable. But in the sense of whether it could makes sense, I think it certainly can.
  17. I guess you didn’t catch my meaning despite summarizing what we both said quite well. They are the size they are because they look good that way. It fulfills the aesthetic that the devs were wanting for them. Why are the dew collectors 3x3? Because they look cool at that size. They don’t want them smaller and at least for now they don’t want them to produce more than three jars a day.
  18. Sorry but years and years of "Give a hoot don't pollute" conditioning has prevented us from throwing trash down in front of owls. We also hold tightly to our Tootsie Pops whenever you're posting on the forums.
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