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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Um.. no. The game can be internally consistent and be different than either of the two options you presented. Whether 7 Days to Die's art style fits into your two categories or defines its own has nothing to do with whether it is consistent as a game. More and more legacy art is being converted to the new style and so the game is increasingly becoming more consistent with what it wants to be. The choice is not binary to match existing IPs in order for the game to develop an art style consistency of its very own. Consistent with other games or consistent within itself? The first doesn't matter since games can pioneer new styles and designs and don't have to be consistent with other stuff in the industry. The second does matter and as the game closes in on Gold it will become more and more consistent in its art and style as we've been seeing big time with A20 and A21.
  2. If you mean that armors and outfits will look like they are jury-rigged together from scrap materials in the post-apocalyptic world then yes, the art style shift will be very much like how the guns started out looking like regular modern day weaponry but then turned into guns that look like they were put together in a post apocalyptic world by working with whatever junk was at hand. Same with the workstations and same with the landclaim block and same with more things so that eventually you won't be able to say that the guns look out of place any longer. They will conform to the same art-style being used across the board. Breath of fresh air seeing as there's already a bunch of games you listed that seem to copy the same "classic" art style for a zombie themed game.
  3. I'm assuming that the conflicting feedback is due to some people using mostly melee whenever possible and saving bullets and others spraying and praying with their machine guns. To me, they are totally worthwhile. I come out way ahead in ammo which is great and the reason I choose them in the first place.
  4. Most art used to be placeholders but all of the new stuff in A20 and A21 are final product. Designs are not going to be final until gold though I wouldn't go so far as to call them placeholders currently. The current armor and clothing design could be called placeholder or legacy as it is going to be overhauled with the first iteration of the design that will be final. Most designs are generally in their final form but still needing adjusting and balancing. Probably a better term than "placeholder" for most things in A21 is "Work in Progress"
  5. Most likely they're neck-deep in costumes and outfits so they can't find the keyboard to update to A22. The first iterations of bandits almost made A21 so it's gotta be that other feature overhaul coming to A22 that people don't really want to think about or acknowledge....
  6. I would very much like such an option. It might seem like a weird option to some but then I think people are weird who select the nightmare option so there. A respawn option for 50% food and water and keeping any debuffs at their current level except for infection which could be started a bit lower to give the player some extra time to find the cure would be awesome.
  7. Sure, but the coding doesn't care about our intent or our purpose. It only cares about the actual tech. So I wanted to to be clear about why you still see EOS notifications even when you play your single player game.
  8. There has not been a single player mode for several alphas now. Sometime ago (I forget which alpha the change happened) they unified all created games to be multiplayer. Whenever you start a game you are running a server for that game. If you don't select private then it will be seen online for people to be able to join if they wish. When you play single player you are just the only player of a multiplayer game. Later, they decided to support cross platform play and went with Epic's online services because their tools for cross platform are well established and most importantly.....free. Therefore, currently, whenever you start a game it is by nature multiplayer enabled and the game checks with EOS for crossplay. In addition, Epic owns Easy Anti Cheat so if you use that service it also checks in with EOS. EAC can be opted out of but currently there is no option for playing on a non hosting-a-server game so there is no way to opt out of EOS checking for and setting up crossplay compatibility. Maybe playing in offline mode? Not sure.
  9. My own 10-year anniversary with playing this game will be December 28th of this year. It has been a very enjoyable journey and I look forward to future journeys with The Fun Pimps. We still have some time left in this one though and I can't wait to see what happens next.
  10. And I stand by what I said. But just because they never plan to return empty jars doesn't mean that they wouldn't ever make other adjustments that current critics might see as improvements. There are many ways they might change what they currently have without adding jars back in. But that wasn't my point. It doesn't bother me that the guy wants changes to be made because he doesn't like the current system. That's perfectly fair. What bothers me is that he seems to expect them to have reverted it all within a month of the original release. My point is that we can expect that any major changes to the current system aren't going to come until at least A22. Yeah, the bottles won't be coming back ever but at the same time it's also way too soon to be disappointed that systems implemented in A21.0 haven't been overhauled or reverted by A21.1. Sure, there are critical posts in the forums and social media but there is also plenty of support. It is not overwhelming and universal hatred of the new changes in A21 by a long shot so the devs are not going to knee-jerk revert anything.
  11. We're at freaking Alpha 21.1. How do you know what they have any desire to do? How can they have thoroughly analyzed play data to decide whether they want to make adjustments or changes? Just because there are complaints doesn't automatically mean those complaints are representative of everyone and that they should just erase features they added almost immediately after release. Any reversal or major changes to dew collectors, water harvesting, etc are certainly not going to come before A22 or A23 if they come at all. They like to take many months of play data to make such decisions and they don't knee-jerk revert features they've implemented based on initial reactions to change.
  12. It has been stated a number of times that TFP wanted empty jars removed and that is completely aside from trying to make water a struggle. Any dream for a change to water survival needs to exclude a return of empty jars because jars are not going to return no matter what. Same with empty tin cans. So I have read some good ideas on the forum that involve the bucket and some interesting proposals for changes to the dew collector. These ideas might have a chance if they gain enough traction and TFP decides to make some adjustments but I'm telling you that before TFP ever dreamed up dew collectors and thought about increasing the early game water challenge they already had the removal of empty jars on their radar so no idea or dream that includes their return has even a chance of seeing the light of day outside of a mod. Removing empty jars was their starting point. It was not a byproduct of wanting to add dew collectors.
  13. It hasn't been in the past but it isn't finished so we can expect that what it is and what it will be may turn out to be different than what it has been. There are those who would say this game is not and should not be a game about fighting bandits or trading with NPCs or gaining/losing reputation with two boss characters and that it should just be a game about being the lone survivor in a world of zombies just like it used to be.
  14. I agree that being able to enter in percentages would be a good QOL update. Until/if that happens, if you start every slider from zero and adjust each up one at a time it is pretty easy to get very close to the percentages you want. It took me no time at all to get 62% plains, 25% mountains, and 12% hills which is probably not going to be a very noticeable difference from 60-25-15.
  15. Now try your search again and leave chinese out of the language field or better yet populate it with "English"
  16. Wish you would have shown your whole screenshot instead of just a tiny part. I just went on North America West and did get several chinese servers intermixed with others but nothing like this.
  17. They've stated that the current following camera viewpoint is all that they have planned for driving views.
  18. Man, I was just joking. Too soon, I guess.
  19. And you complain that checking dew collectors and looting toilets is boring....
  20. No I'm not because I'm not assuming the player will keep that on spec weapon that is 2-3 quality levels lower or more and play the rest of the game with that weapon while waiting to be able to craft the best version of that weapon. I'm assuming that as they find magazines and are able to craft better and better versions they will do so and the disparity between the bat and the spear will disappear much faster than you and Uncle are representing things. I would agree with both of you if we were locked into using that quality 3 stone spear for the rest of the game until we could suddenly craft a tier 5 iron spear but that is certainly not the case. Who does that? Who feels the need? I suppose the player would just use both weapons and when they noticed that they could kill an enemy with one or two less hits but that they were running out of stamina more often and not getting very many dismemberments or one shot decapitations from their non-perked bat but then with their raw stat weaker spear they were never running out of stamina, able to do more power attacks and get lots of one-shot kills by smashing off heads due to the perks granted by perception and Spear Master-- I dunno-- they might mostly use the "weaker" spear since it was more fun but keep the bat for variety since it is also powerful and sometimes you just feel like swinging instead of poking. I've tried it and it is definitely much slower since what the trader offers for sale is significantly less quality than what he offers for rewards. While I acknowledge that there definitely is a "trader hater" camp, those particular gamers won't be made happy until the trader is removed from the game. Most people here are not trader haters. We like the trader and want to see a better balance between quest rewards and crafting progression. BFT's mod definitely fixes the problem but if you really like choosing an item as your reward it can result in an anticlimactic end to your quest and often the trader doesn't have anything exciting to spend your dukes on. I got a tier 5 auger for my last quest reward and it was a lot more exciting of a reward than simply dukes would have been-- especially since I have 40k dukes now with nothing I really want to spend it on available. I do want to try out his mod again but it isn't an easy change to make. Its definitely a nerf.
  21. Are you simply comparing dps stats between the two weapons and discounting the added bonuses of Perception and the Spears perk? You won’t get any stamina reduction for the bat. It would be way more expensive to purchase the perk that increases swing speed for the bat than it would be for the one for spears. It doesn’t seem to me you are bringing those things into the equation or that it is that you think they are negligible bonuses compared to the raw damage stat numbers. Personally, I think all the perk and attribute and support perk bonuses do matter and it isn’t going to take as long as you guys claim to equal and then exceed the worth of the bat by continuing to progress your perk path on the spear.
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