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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 54 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    My next playthrough is going to be broad instead of specializing, knives as melee, only can use items I can craft myself (ammo, canned food, health items exception), can't sell Traders anything except raw materials and items I craft myself.  Food spoils in 3 days and refrigerated in 7 days (not sure yet how I am going to micromanage that).


    This is why I love playing this game so much.  Each playthrough I can change the rules and get a completely different experience.

    Exactly. Whereas if all you do is treat the game like a spreadsheet for leveling-up, then it really doesn’t matter whether you play this or Ark or Conan or Empyrion, or Valheim or....whatever else has character progression because then the various themes are just skins covering the same grind to get top gear and stats as quickly as possible from one game to the next. 

  2. What I meant is that once you choose a tree you are not locked out of weapons and gear that belong to a different tree. If I focus on Agility, shotguns are never grayed out and no message pops up to tell me that my class isn't allowed to use such weapons and I'm not restricted from wearing heavy armor if I want to. 


    It is more expensive to go broad instead of specialized but it isn't impossible to play even late game with a broader mix of skills. Sure, it is fun to progress with the intent of maxing out at least one weapon but it definitely is not a forced situation.


    This game let's players do whatever they want even if those actions lead to an unsatisfactory result. Banging on a gun safe with a stone axe was never the intention. It was meant for the player to mark the gun safe on their map and then come back to it with better gear but because it was allowed to happen players still did it spending a lot of time trying to get those safes open with stone axes. Then they would come on the forum and complain about the HP cost of the safe and claim that TFP was forcing them into unfun and grindy gameplay by making it so difficult to open the safes. Given, that was before the current loot progression. NOW players are griping that TFP is forcing them to ignore gun safes until later because they know there won't be anything good.


    In either case, the only person forcing anyone to do anything is that person restricting themselves. Which is fine. Play how you want. But if the way you are playing isn't satisfying then consider making a different choice.

  3. 1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:

    If I would like an iron tool, then i obviously need to level.

    This attitude right here is what has turned the game into the unsatisfying grind that it is for you. How about forget about an iron tool and your knowledge that leveling up quickly will get you an iron tool sooner. 

    Instead, try staying close to your spawn point and whatever closest POI you come to start fortifying it. Work on planting a garden and playing the game like a survival game. Don’t spend any perk points and don’t finish the trader quest portion of the tutorial quest chain until after your first bloodmoon. 

    During that first week just explore around and loot any POIs you find without a quest. Clear the POIs as though you were actually searching for other survivors or any supplies you might come across. Don’t just use your meta knowledge to bee-line for the treasure room. 

    Once you find the trader start doing quests but do them one per day like they are a job that takes a day to do. Use the equipment you have but if you can buy something better go for it. 

    Start spending your skill points based on how you are playing the game rather than using your game mechanics knowledge to spend for the most efficient path. 

    1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:

    The devs have PURELY made this game a level grind.


    I can assure you they have not. This is a role playing game that doesn’t hold your hand with a story or lock you into a pre-defined class or dictate your objectives. You make your own story by living in the world and acting out each day’s activities. You create your own class by spending your points however you wish. You choose your own objectives and spend tour time doing what you want. 

    That’s why the game is very susceptible to people who just want to grind for the sake of leveling up to get the top gear and max out their perks for no other reason than to acquire those things because that is an option. But that is player choice and the game does not have to be played that way. Joel doesn’t play it that way.


    The only people who think the game is purely a level grind are those who have reduced the gameplay to an abstract level up simulator and once they’ve found the one true path that most efficiently grinds out those level-ups they believe the game forces them to play only that way because to play sub optimally would be losing.


    2 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Spamming quest after quest is quite literally how the game progression is supposed to go at the moment since everything has a tier and allows you to reloot a place.

    No....it’s not how it’s supposed to go. But the devs don’t want to put in artificial limits on how often you do quests. Do one quest a day, max, by your own choice and mix in some exploring, building, crafting, mining, and farming. There are so many different activities that you can do to get the feeling of living in the world and making do with what you have. But if you don’t care for that then, sure, spam quest to grind out those level-ups and higher quest tiers, and double dip those POIs for double loot. But then don’t complain that the game doesn’t feel like a survival game since you’re choosing to play it as a level-up efficiency puzzle using all your outside knowledge of the game mechanics to work the system. 


    2 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:


    As for playing the game as a grind.. it's 7 days.. to die.. are we supposed to NOT grind until the 7 days or what? Anything past the first 7 days is purely for fun.

    It’s always fun if you change your focus to just living in the world and playing it as a survivor would instead of playing it as a gamer sitting at a terminal with knowledge and strategies gleaned from the internet on how to get to those iron tools as quickly as possible. 

  4. On 3/31/2021 at 6:16 PM, Darklegend222 said:

    In A17, you looted POIs specifically for loot. Especially a shotgun messiah or a working stiff tools because you don't want to spend 2+ minutes cutting down a tree or chopping that rock.


    But due to the changes in A18 and A19 with the loot tables, you know that if you raid a Working stiff Tools you will find literally nothing but stone items, because a number known as gamestage depicts it that way. I consider it to have moved away from a scavenging game. Scavenging is going through shelves and shelves of stuff "hoping" to find something, now its just "if i raid this, i KNOW i'll find nothing useful, but once that number goes higher, MAGICALLY more stuff appears".


    Edit, I forgot to add the first bit. In A16, raiding POIs was a daunting experience because there was less stuff to loot, a lot of places had almost nothing, and the zombies were quite horrifying. Now its just running quests endlessly to level up and get more money to purchase an item because places will NOT get any loot other than stone items. Its a game of leveling and a game of questing. Not so much a horror/survival.


    I find gobs of useful stuff besides stone tools and weapons. I think you are too focused on efficiency and opportunity cost. Stop thinking about what you might find later if you just put off opening containers until you have a higher gamestage and work with what you can find now. You are simply playing the game as a grind to get your levels up higher as quickly as you can. That is your choice and there is no one forcing you to spam quest after quest. 


    Also, the current state of the game is temporary. Whatever it feels like it has turned into for you, it will turn into something else in the future. The gamestaging is a WIP. But I will say that no matter what it turns into, if you decide to go meta in order to grind as quickly as you can up to higher levels, it isn't ever going to feel satsifying. In the past it was grinding through crafting and now it is grinding quests, and next there will be something to grind away at to efficiently and quickly increase in levels.

  5. Welcome to the forums. Being as how this topic is getting close to a year old and was dead for six months before you reignited it, I would think that the idea of the snow biome being a more difficult place would’ve sunk in by now. Don’t go there before you’re ready and the wildlife won’t be OP.  Ever since they limited Pumas to the snow and Dire wolves to night, I haven’t died to either one. 

    16 hours ago, Jonks said:

    Just made this account for this, and honestly all of you defending this incredibly OP enemy is laughable. It shouldn’t be able to outrun you, it definitely shouldn’t be able to tank starter weapons, and it definitely shouldn’t kill in 3 bites. So yes, fix this enemy.


  6. 15 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    wait no i like how they are doing....


    What you like someone else will hate and vice versa. At least you were around to play things before they changed so have fond memories of those playthroughs. That's what I do, remember the old versions fondly but take the new version on its own merits and most of the time it still is a lot of fun.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    For starters, did tfp ever make it so the voxel you create from dirt fragments, (or is it all just clay now?) Do they match up to blocks? As they used to leave a triangular gap from land to block. This was suggested to them when i played but no idea if it happened.


    Everything is either clay or sand. Soil no longer exists. Terrain blocks do not match up with building blocks. That gap still exists and likely always will. They've talked about it but the amount of work needed to redo POI's is pretty prohibitive. This may just be one of those improvements we will see in the sequel when they can tackle it from the beginning. Or....they may come up with a solution that isn't too time and resource heavy and deem it worthwhile.


    59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    Second, how does upgrading concrete work exactly? I know you can make wet concrete blocks, which dry and need upgrades, and rebar frames still upgrade to reinforced, but i heard these now have a wooden form stage first? Am i anywhere near correct?


    Who can say? This is one of those things that is currently in flux and it doesn't matter how it is done now because it will likely change before gold and then won't be part of the next console version. You will just need to follow the development in order to see-- just like us. There is a new shape menu and a simpler upgrade path that is being introduced in A20 which will change the current way of building. I'm sure there will be a dev stream on it at some point that you can watch to see what the changes will be. Whatever they are for PC will be what they will be for future console port.


    59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    Third, how do you gain more max HP and Stamina? I know its not by wellness anymore. But how do you do it now? Do you still lose max HP and stamina when you die?


    Time. You go up each time you level up. Period. You do not ever lose your max hp or stamina. Injuries will reduce your temporary max and cannot be increased by food or medicine. Only by employing the correct treatment will you greatly reduce the timer on the injury. Once your injury heals, the temporary max reduction goes away and you can heal up again with food and meds. But your overall max progresses as you level and never goes down.


    59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    Farming, I know farm plots replaced the hoe tool, is fertilizer still a thing or was that removed as well? I know there's farming perks, but do you still get two crops base without perks so you can replant? Or do you only get one without perks? 


    The recipe for farm plots includes what was used for fertilizer in the past so in that sense there is still fertilizer but it is all included in the farm plot recipe. You don't apply it to the ground afterward. Plants don't need to be replanted. Once you plant it whenever you harvest it returns to its stage one form and starts growing again. So you only get one fruit unperked since you don't need two to replant. But you will need to save up fruit in order to craft seeds if you want to grow your crop. Perks allow you to harvest more fruit and craft seeds out of less fruit. Seed crafting recipes can be found in the world as well as the seeds themselves.


    59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    Question about the upcoming black destroys to air. More specifically iron blocks. Currently the fram upgrades to two diffrent black cks, but they both each have 1k hp. Currently they down grade for a combined total of 2k health. Will this block upgrade to 2k health when this gets implemented?


    Nobody knows yet. Follow the A20 development to find out along with us. It is assumed that the block HPs will be adjusted to balance the loss of downgrading but we will have to wait and see what they come up with.


    59 minutes ago, Faolan said:

    If I can get answers to those questions then id have a decent idea on what it would entail. Assuming it doesn't change.

    Does anyone have any idea when 7dtd is supposed to go gold?


    Four years ago I would have said, "In about a year". So.....in about a year.


    Like I said above, at this point all PC development towards gold is ALSO development towards the new console version. So if you've been disinterested in what is going for PC up until now, just consider all development at this point development for the next console version and keep an eye on the developer diary thread.


  8. This isn’t a solution, unfortunately, but try starting a fresh game and see if that works. I wonder if a day 112 save might have accumulated too much of a memory requirement for the platform. You might be at the limit as the game doesn’t have any scripted “The End” moment and people typically start over at some point to do the journey again. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Spatch said:

    Is there a place to watch the stream post-streaming?  I checked TFP's youtube page and nothing.


    Working on it. Thanks!




    I updated the first page with this link. Please note that the build that is being played is A19.5 and not A20 but the twitch integration is relevant to A20 as well. From the video, the news is that Twitch integration will go into A19.5 in April!!


  10. 41 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:

    I think Neebs has read this thread.  lol 


    In the past, I've tried to fix it with disastrous results.   I simply gave up out of material hunger.  It's just not worth the time and energy to me anymore.

    I also mused that perhaps the devs at the time had a similar issue, and then once it finally settled into its final form the devs were like.. "okay this sucks,

    and i don't like it, but I'm on a deadline and it's not like this isn't within genre!"  lol

    The devs could have sculpted that part of the gulch to be narrower by four blocks if they ran into a similar issue while "trying" to span the bridge. It was never designed as a full bridge and then scaled back as a partial bridge because it couldn't be done and they had no idea what to do.  It was created as it is right now from the concept drawings before it was even put into the game and I doubt one thought went into whether players would be able to repair it fully without a support column. In the designer's mind the game is not a renovate and restore game-- even though it is fun to renovate and restore. It is definitely one of those things that players want proven by years and years of asking for clean windows and pristine paint but it is also proof that the devs aren't interested in developing that possibility in the game.

  11. I think periodic self-checks are good for how we behave on the forums. I know I’ve had to make corrections over the years. My only objection to this whole conversation was that it started on the A20 dev diary. That shouldn’t have happened. 

    As for new members, I think the onus is on them for how they choose to post the first couple of times if they want to be accepted into the community. It doesn’t have to be a gushing expression of love toward the game and can even be a critical post. The key is to not be insulting, raging, profane, and accusatory as your first impression. That’s not how you make friends in any sphere. It is almost always the case that a newcomer needs to figure out the community dynamics and adjust to that culture if they wish to become a member rather than expect the community to change to suit them. That’s just common sense— not toxicity. 

  12. 10 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

    Who's being toxic?  Example?


    ...my guess is you're just not familiar with the historical context of some of these discussions, which have been going on between some of us, for... Crap, years.


    Roland, you're one of my oldest friends.  Congrats. 😉


    Lean on me, my friend. Just not in the game. It was never implemented. ;)

  13. 11 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    There's a big difference between a chill community and a "Kumbaya Narnia." Yeah, you're going to have a bit of crappiness online no matter what, but the thing is that the crappiness is not a broad trend in a chill community.

    Well I don’t see a broad trend around here. I think people are pretty chill most of the time especially when helping people learn how to play so it must really come down to your own perception. I have to say that the post that demanded A19 to be done before A20 was pretty innocuous and to my surprise the developers answered that there WOULD be additional fixes coming to A19. If you are sensitive to that level of toxicity then this community might not be your cup of gluten...

    This is a site for fans of a gritty irreverent gory zombie game after all. Most of us probably like to trash talk and razz while we play and so there is going to be some of that attitude carried over into the community. This place is unlikely ever to be one of those chill places you like. 


    It’s just too snappy. 

  14. 28 minutes ago, dahkdm said:

    In my experience, this isn't true for every community. There are cool, chill places to hang out online -- even places with thousands of active users. They aren't common, but they certainly exist.

    I guess it’s as possible as Narnia but I’d be willing to bet that even these other chill places could go toxic in an instant depending on what was posted. But maybe not... maybe there are some places where the ultimate degree of Kumbaya has been achieved and creating a ripple in those ponds is impossible....

  15. Recently, when asked about news regarding porting the finished PC game to PS5 and the new Xbox, this answer was given by one of the owners. 



    Well we are in the process of looking for a partner to help but it will happen at some point.

    I just wanted to update the last press release with this assurance that TFP does intend to bring the full game to the newest generation of consoles provided they can find a partner to do it. There is likely to be no official announcement of this until they do find that partner. 

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