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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I intended no such context. Any playstyle you feel is impossible at insane levels please share. Why should I provide a list when I'm not arguing that there are playstyles that are impossible at insane difficulty? That's on you. So please, what playstyle is impossible and don't give me one based on weapon power if you don't want to discuss weapon power because if you do and I respond I don't want to look very stupid again... er....thanks.... EIther you are hyper-sensitive or the language barrier is too high. Or both.
  2. Why should horde night be possible only using melee weapons? I would think that Demolishers would be proof to you that the developers have not designed horde nights to be something they want you to be able to solve by swinging a stick around. I've never in my 7.5 years of playing this game ever wanted to play this game using only melee weapons. I like using combos and on horde night I only ever use melee weapons as a last resort and primarily rely upon ranged weapons. I have no idea at what difficulty level I could survive a horde night engaging the zombies solely with melee weapons. You said it is impossible at Insane. So I'm wondering if you then tried it at a lower level like Survivalist. Also, I'm not the one trying to increase the ability of melee perks. I did? I only asked what playstyle is impossible at insane difficulty. You could have answered with anything but you chose to go with melee combat. How is it my fault we are talking about weapon power when I left it wide open to you and this is what you gave me to work with? What other playstyle is impossible at insane if you don't want to talk about weapon power? This is your conversation-- I'm just responding to your claims. When the choice you want is contrary to the vision of the developers. that isn't going to change. In the case of melee combat during horde night (which you brought up), the developers will never change the game to make it so horde night can be won with only a knife or only a bat or only a spear-- and nothing else. That just runs contrary to the design of the game and if they did add interesting perks that could be purchased so that on horde night I could run around with a machete and kill everything around me without dying once at the insane level of difficulty it would make the machete to OP in every other circumstance and when used in conjunction with other weapons. No I'm not. I'm not saying you are the only person on earth who can't do it. I'm just saying that you are probably not the pinnacle of 7 Days to Die player skill and that there may be at least one person on earth who might be better than you. If that thought is too threatening then, of course, we can cease this line of reason. Psyche and ego are important to maintain...
  3. Sounds like an interesting idea. I do despise the trader magic protection barrier. Upping the prices by quite a bit could also work to lessen their impact. I doubt this change would make it into this game at this point but if they are planning for a trader compound in their next game this might be something they would consider as a change to how it was done in this game.
  4. I know this wasn't directed at me but your proposal could be seen as wanting to nerf other people's challenge. If using melee weapons as the main weapon without abusing anything is truly close to impossible then it forms a high mark to aspire to. If we listen to you and make using melee weapons quite possible at the highest difficulties then for those who are close to that level of skill, we have basically yanked the rug out from beneath them. Buffing up weapons so that YOU can play at the hardest difficulty level with those weapons and feel good about it may very well wreck the experience for someone else who will then be asking for a new difficulty level above insane where melee weapons are truly challenging for them again. I can see how people might feel protective of the current level of challenge in Insane and might want to hinder attempts by one guy who views that level of challenge as impossible to get it changed. It would be like me asking for aim assist to be added to ranged weapons because when I play insane nightmare I just can't line shots up quickly enough without somehow abusing the game and so I deem it impossible and assume that it must be impossible for anyone else as well. Others who can use ranged weapons just fine would probably be aghast at aim assist suddenly being added to the game.
  5. Content makers aren't ordinary players.....? Just because they have a camera turned on the game behaves differently for them? Just like any player you will have content makers who exploit and those who play it straight. There is no difference. You are basically projecting your own experience and level of play onto everyone else and then refusing to accept any proof that shows what you don't want to see. Let me ask you this: At what level of difficulty can YOU still use any melee weapon as the main one and not die often and without abusing something? Nomad? Warrior? Survivalist? What is the upper limit from your experience where the game starts falling apart. You've already scoffed at Adventurer level so I assume you feel melee weapons are fine at that level but at what point do they stop for you and start requiring abuse in order to make them work?
  6. Maybe I missed it and I know you're tired but could you please give me an example of a playstyle that is only available at low difficulty and is impossible to accomplish at high difficulty?
  7. It's embarrassing to say because I really am very short sighted in my perk purchasing. Usually I am loathe to spend any points on weapons until I find or can purchase something worthwhile and then I'll spend points on that. So for the first week I usually buy the quality of life stuff as I need it. It's literally like if I decide on Day 3 that I want to build a base from scratch then I'll put points into Miner69 and Mother Lode. If I am doing quests and am coming home encumbered and sick of it, I'll put a point or two into pack mule. I almost always put a point into Master Chef if I'm playing solo but never if I'm playing with family as there are others who love to cook and feed everyone. I don't mind spending a couple of points towards building a forge and a bicycle but I usually wait until after day 7 just in case the trader restock nets me the parts or the outright bicycle that I can just purchase and to see if I'll find a working forge somewhere. I never feel a need to really get into the forge or perking up a particular weapon until after the first bloodmoon because it is such a cakewalk. I guess I just kind of like all the general ability perks that make life easier and stamina better and food digestion slower etc during the first week or two and then start perking into the favorites of the good weapons I've begun to find and/or buy at the trader. I personally love the bow and arrow. I am always happy when I find good bows and bow parts early on because then I know I'll be perking up archery. There is just something so satisfying about popping zombie heads with an arrow from my bow. I remember spending my nights using gore blocks as target practice and no matter how far away they were, I could hear the satisfying wet bloody splashing sound when they would pop to one of my arrows. Ah gore blocks.....good times.... In my current playthrough I'm ignoring all those general goodies and just focusing on maxing knives. So really a different approach than normal. I haven't even gotten a hunting knife yet and am still using a bone knife. Normally, if I was going to do blades I would wait until I had obtained at least a hunting knife....
  8. I've only maxed out a weapon perk once or twice back when the new perk system was new and I was testing a couple of the builds. I vastly prefer to spread points around and be a bit above average in many things rather than specialize in just one thing. I tend to buy perks based on my immediate needs and wants. I just started a new playthrough with a brother who has never played before and decided to go full knives so I'm pouring everything into that and trying my best to not get distracted by what looks shiny in any given moment.
  9. This, I agree with. Some perks are quite original and interesting but many are just ho hum +%. I like unique abilities and bonuses. Although I think that Madmole would say that he used the books to cover the unique and interesting bonuses.
  10. I don’t think you are factually wrong about the following: 1) The most popular servers are modded servers 2) mods have extended the life of this game for many people beyond when the basic game would have stopped being fun. 3) Modders can work faster than TFP to add content and sometimes that content is similar to what TFP planned to put in place at their slower pace. I just hope you don’t see this as a bad thing. TFP made this game to be modded. They want the community to go wild with adding content and doing overhauls and increasing complexity and challenge. It’s not a cop out or a negative mark against the developers that they have allowed so much community content to enter the game. I’ll never understand people who praise all the mods on one hand and then use those mods to criticize the very group of people who made it all possible in the first place. Finally, it’s just naive to think that TFP just implements mods that they’ve seen but just six months to a year later. Sorry if this was not the chewing out you were bracing for. 😝
  11. Lets call it abilities. Perks give abilities and weapons give abilities. Abilities that you see as worthless, others see as valuable. Abilities that you see as unviable at your current difficulty level others see as challenging but doable at your current difficulty level. Your assumptions only extend to your own mouse and your own keyboard. If you cannot believe that certain abilities could ever be useful at higher than Adventurer difficulty then either don't use them or lower the difficulty to a point where they do feel viable for you.
  12. I understand from your own words that if you have a more powerful alternative over a current weapon you are using then the weapon you are currently using no longer seems fun to you. Spears are definitely not the most powerful but using a spear in combination with a club is just a lot of fun. Jab Jab Throw smash. Is it efficient and is the spear the most powerful option compared to other weapons? No. But it is challenging and fun to use.
  13. Fast travel between traders might be okay as long as you can't take any metal with you.... On a serious note, TFP is hopefully still planning to implement the random encounter system which could make traveling over land result in interesting encounters and situations. Fast travel would negate all of that design. I'm really against fast travel personally. Those who want it can just use the teleport function.
  14. You're a min/maxer. You will always be limited in playstyle choices when only the most efficient path is the only one that is palatable to you. Here's the thing. You can play Insane nightmare and be successful when doing a strength build and perking into Sledge Hammers and Shotguns. You've discovered that you cannot play Insane nightmare successfully when doing a Perception build and perking into Spears and Bows. So you want Spears and bows to get buffed to the point that you will be able to be successful using them in Insane Nightmare. The problem with that is that there are already people who are successfully doing what you can't and you would be robbing them of the challenge in order to make it easier for yourself. Strength and Fortitude are the easiest of the builds to master. Perception, Agility, and Intelligence are more challenging. You want them all to be equal in challenge so you can play them all at the toughest difficulty level. You can play them all. You obviously do well with the easier builds on insane nightmare. Seems like you might need to reduce the difficulty to Survivalist or Warrior when playing with the other builds until you get better with them. But asking to decrease the challenge of certain weapons because you feel like they are impossible to use at the highest difficulty only punishes those players who are trying to challenge themselves with those builds at the highest difficulty.
  15. Because throwing it is the power attack and you can rip it back out of the zombie's body to use again. Or you can put a few spears on your belt to throw throw throw.
  16. Yeah, but one of the reasons for having those children is to play games together and they are probably still a bit too young to play. How about this: There's no need to worry about grandchildren. You will easily be able to play the finished version of 7 Days to Die with your own kids by time they are old enough to be able to play. disclaimer: If you're one of those kind of parents who takes their five year olds to rated R horror movies then all bets are off....
  17. The pipe baton is not an electrical weapon. It is basically a better club and you usually find one early enough that it would always replace the club on your belt until/if you decide to start perking into clubs.
  18. You are correct and I was going to make the same observation. If only I would have been 3.1000000 times faster on my response time instead of only 3.1 times faster, I would have been the one to point that out instead of you!!!
  19. Everyone says A17 was atrocious but I really enjoyed the stuffed full POIs and new zombie AI was lots of fun outside of horde nights.
  20. Looks like he has chemical burns around his mouth chin and neck which could be the result of his own vomit. (They still vomit)
  21. I was just poking some fun at the title of the thread. OP admits that the harder areas are more fun. That should make it worthwhile playing in those areas regardless of the loot. In fact, if the loot was worse but the game play way more fun then people would want to play there anyway, right? I am aware that the loot tables will be changed and I'm not against it. I'd love more fun AND better loot. I'm no communist...
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