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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Yes. No. But most likely just before they were turned and then released. Maybe....or possibly a maniacal Duke. But probably not after they were zombies. Probably before they were zombies....right before they were zombies. Wut? It's totally logical!!
  2. These thoughts were supposed to be distracted by the lens flares
  3. Some people won't touch a weapon they haven't enhanced with perks despite the fact zombies are just as dead from bullets that came from an unperked weapon as they are from a perked weapon. It would still be a really fun tool that could allow players to re-organize the perks and attributes but you are correct about calling out the fact that there really is nothing to stop us from using any combinations of weapons that we wish as long as we are willing to shoot, swipe, or thrust those filthy unperked guns, clubs, and spears.
  4. Lol...I even answered that thread in close to the same way. Weird. Definitely a bot so we will keep an eye on this account.
  5. It would be cool if someone created a nitrogen-esque tool for remapping the perks before starting a new game. Even a random shuffle could prove to be an interesting experience.
  6. I brought this to Lathan's attention and he said: So the fix is essentially that you can get used to anything.
  7. social hysteria due to ongoing contradictions from health officials and government authorities everywhere throughout the globe? That game has no replay value.
  8. You can also play the game and buy the perk and notice the difference...
  9. It’s not that we are happy with everything that’s being done. It’s that the particular items on YOUR list of grievances just don’t register as being priority concerns for some of us. Just different viewpoints and desires.
  10. Can’t happen. Historically, the even numbered alphas have always been more popular than the odd numbered Alphas. There’s really nothing A17 could’ve done....
  11. This is my pet peeve but.....I'll allow it, I guess.
  12. Pretty much everyone BUT Snowdog got a good one and that goes for more than just warm welcomes. Don't feel too sorry.
  13. Lathan (the developer who created it) is a streamer as well as a game developer so it was something he wanted for himself and created for himself and after he pitched it, the team felt it was good enough to go into the game so as to be natively available to all streamers. When a developer wants to mod the game it often becomes a feature...
  14. because they like twitch and this will enhance their entertainment. but those that do will be happy and it may increase the reach of the game on Twitch itself and bring in additional viewers. It was developed by one of the developers in his spare time so it did not supplant any other part of the game. Most people will also never use Insane Difficulty but there it is.
  15. Even if the metric is correct, I think that the assumptions, conclusions, and speculations about what it all means can safely be ignored anyway. There is no downside to attracting 16-24 y.0. gamers to this game through them watching Twitch. It is all upside.
  16. https://7daystodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Twitch_Integration_V1-2.pdf If someone wants to record a video of going through that process and explaining what they are doing I'd be happy to post it in the OP.
  17. In my copy the back cover will be completely redacted.
  18. I have occasionally flirted with the idea of throwing my hat in the ring in the world of streaming but then I remember that @unholyjoe is always out there poised to come at me and I let the thought go with a shudder and a strong feeling of having dodged a bullet. Also, "um" would be my go to word all the time and @Guppycur is always ready to count how many times that gets uttered....
  19. Yeah, if you don't play as a streamer or participate in a stream as an audience member then it is a non-feature for you. I think that about 10 years ago streaming was a semi-big thing. But it has definitely grown into a legit big thing at this point and is approaching semi-huuuge thing status. The feature injects a ton of fun into streaming the game for both player and watcher so it makes sense that the Pimps of Fun would make it happen. I believe this feature is supposed to replace the kickstarter goal of VR integration....
  20. No, anyone can use it while they are streaming on Twitch. There will be a pdf guide posted soon.
  21. They’re rarely alone. Two by two, hands of blue....
  22. Shouting about wanting to strap a pistol on your gun is a whole different level of crazy...
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