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Everything posted by Roland

  1. When I said locations I was talking about biomes. I too hope that specific POI's can also get an additional modifier but I'm not sure whether that will happen or not.
  2. Its more like the stupid move was to only halfway finish the loot overhaul. In A20 the pipe weapons use regular ammo and appear in loot so already most of your complaint is going to be fixed. You will use up ammo and the pipe weapons are interesting and once they get gamestage modifiers to locations there will be a lot more choices for interesting loot. They just did not get it all done so we are playing with a half-done feature.
  3. Good try? If the game was so much better without trader quests then you must be ignoring the trader quests right? If not, why not? Why would you knowingly choose to do something that makes the game worse for you? I absolutely agree that doing too much questing makes the game worse for me so, guess what? I don't do too much questing. I do the right amount that feels natural-- like what I might actually do living in a world instead of speed running a video game-- and that works for me. And, it doesn't require the developers to remove quests or limit the number of quests available for anyone else. If you are convinced that for you the game was way better before quests came along then there is only one person to blame for having less than the time of your life when you know how you like playing. Stop torturing yourself with quests just because they are there and are a fast track for progressing your character. So my "attempt" is actually the fix. Ignore the quests for a playthrough and just see if you like it better. If you do, then play that way. If you don't then stop complaining about how quests have ruined the game. For me, quests are fun and a definite improvement for the game because I know how I like to play and I'm not concerned about getting to level x before day y at all.
  4. This sounds like it is possibly the result of a mod. Most animals in the vanilla game cannot overtake a player running unencumbered. If you are encumbered either from inventory or heavy armor then, yes, you can be overtaken but if not you should be able to outrun everything and the wild animals have a territorial tag that makes them give up pursuing you if you keep running and have enough stamina in the tank. But you also have to be flat out running with your back turned to them and not trying to back away while shooting.
  5. I agree. As long as the person who spams and speed runs the quests is happy about the way they are playing and having fun with their choices, it's great. The problem is for those who do that and then don't understand the ramifications, and then complain about how soon the game is over or how it gets too hard too fast and then they want the balance changed so that the game works best when you spam the quests because, no matter what, they are going to continue to spam and speed run the quests even if the end result is a game state they aren't satisfied with. Like I said, I like CC's idea primarily as a means of getting rid of the land protection and adding variety. I'm perfectly happy with the frequency and rewards of the quests because I use them in moderation and am very pleased with the outcome of my choice to not spam them.
  6. I'll send him ten. He may not notice the first nine.
  7. There are xp rich activities that if spammed will propel your gamestage faster than you can keep up. Killing every zombie you encounter and triggering screamer hordes to kill as many zombies as you can is an example of xp-rich activities that will cause the gamestage to possibly outpace you. I'd say that spamming quests as opposed to simply scavenging POIs on your own is also towards that end of the spectrum. Remember that your bonus reward is not just cash and gear but it is also XP on top of what you earned as you did the quest. Speed running quests is going to ratchet up your gamestage-- possibly faster than you may be comfortable with on horde night or if ferals and radiated start popping up before you are prepared for them. Getting back to topic...How would you solve the problem of spammed quests? Even if the trader travels you will still have a marker to return to him to gain your reward. What's to stop you from taking a new quest right away? Would you not get a location to return for that quest and have to find the trader to turn in your package for your reward? I don' think that would go over very well. The only way to stop quest spamming is to limit how many can be done per day. Some people will not like that restriction.
  8. If zombies being in rafters and closets don't make any sense to you then make up a reason and use that as your personal backstory. Mine is that the Duke planted people who crossed him in those places knowing they would turn. He would have done the same to me but something went wrong and I found myself dazed on the side of the road instead. As for the linear path of each house-- it's your choice to follow those or not. You have the means to hack through whatever locked door you want to go through and I often do. POI's seldom feel linear to me. Honestly, though, I just don't overthink the silly and bizarre situations in the game. I just accept them as the way the world works and have fun within those parameters. Zombies WILL be in closets, Zombies CAN break down concrete with their bare hands, I CAN carry a ton of building materials, Zombie Vultures DO attack vehicles, A red moon DOES agitate and enhance zombies, AK-47s ARE in abundance in America, Every business IS named as a pun, etc. Navezgane may not be a perfect representation of our world but it is consistent with itself if you choose to accept the rules of its universe.
  9. That is a great point and I very much agree with this assessment. But if they remove those incentives and force players to just one quest per day then it will feel artificial and nobody will like that either... The way it is now you can choose to be casual with quests or hardcore with quests. If one way is turning out to not be fun for you then choose the other way.
  10. My point is that the reason it is rly hard to survive blood moon without at least a shotgun and 50+ ammo is because of you turbo boosting your gamestage. If you back off of leveling up so quickly then your first couple of blood moons are actually pretty tame. Gamestage is everything and when you play in a way that accelerates the xp you earn, of course it will feel like you're always behind the timer. Like I said, start a new test game and try ignoring the trader and do no quests during the first week and try surviving the first bloodmoon with whatever you've found simply by scavenging POI's on your own. It will be a cake walk. For me, the best zone is to do a single quest each day. Trying to spam 3-4 quests each day to maximize the xp gains and rewards and money is not ideal nor is just ignoring quests altogether and wishing them to be removed. Moderation is key in my opinion. I usually do a quest and scavenge nearby POI's as well using a chest to gather all the best stuff. Sometimes I don't get back to the trader the same day to get my reward. I'll return the next morning and pick up a new quest for that day. That's when I play solo. With my family it is different. We all share our quests and then do them all together so we end up doing a few each day but then there are more of us to take on the horde as well.
  11. That’s not true though. The game is balanced around your gamestage and the timer ticks according to the pace you choose. Maybe it’s counter-intuitive but the more efficiently you try to play the more you are going to feel like you are falling behind. The game used to ramp up in difficulty based mostly on the game day but that is no longer true. Now it ramps up in difficulty based on your gamestage which increased as quickly or slowly as you choose to play. Speed run the game and that timer is going to fly. Play at a leisurely pace and the timer slows way down. By spamming quests you are not just keeping up with the timer, you are also accelerating it.
  12. Well, the guy he was responding to was calling for a complete removal of quests and I have to agree that people who want the quests completely removed should try a playthrough without them to just make sure they like the game without them. Then, if they find they do really like the game without them then they won't really be tempted to use them so the necessity for their removal kind of goes away anyway. I played the game before there were traders and we pretty much spent our time mining, building, exploring, and scavenging POIs. Quests simply add an objective and extra reward to the "scavenging POIs" part of what we were already doing. Remove quests and we will STILL be scavenging POIs. I like CC's suggestion because it removes the need for protected land and a static destination that is always the same. It adds some variety. But I still want to be able to shop for cool stuff and I still want to do quests-- you know-- since I'm going to be scavenging POI's anyway...
  13. I have and I know exactly the attitude you are talking about. TFP don't fit that. They never claimed that the localization was all done and good enough. If they leave it the way it is once they are done then I will be right there with you calling them on it. But I know they won't. There used to to be a lot more of these cases and slowly but surely they are changing them over. Game is still in development and nobody has said, "Okay Old_house_3 is what its gonna be cuz that's good enough!" Brett is not the same guy who does animations. His work on the cop model in no way shape or form delayed animations nor was it work done instead of animations. The programmer who would add attack animations was surely doing something else instead but there is zero correlation between the Cop model and lack of attack animations in the game. In addition, somebody did ask for the HD model. Brett doesn't work for free so he was hired, asked, and paid by the owners of TFP specifically to do the HD models and he is doing a great job. But...I'll be sure to let him know you gave him a free pass for not doing something he wasn't hired or expected to do. That might be long enough but no promises.
  14. I’m definitely not wrong about this. Zombies could dig since the very beginning of the game. At some point, at around Alpha 12 or 13 they stopped them from digging until they could overhaul the pathing. That happened in A17 when zombies once again started digging. it wasn’t a change because the devs felt nervous due to really whiney players. It was always in the game except for a brief hiatus. Zombies have been digging in more Alphas than they haven’t been digging. The devs are creating their game. If they were as sensitive to community outcry as some like to believe then we most definitely would still have LBD....
  15. No such thing. Everything is dev directed and they make changes whether those changes are asked for or not. I agree generally with you that people shouldn’t concern themselves with how others play, but AFK bases are definitely contrary to dev vision for this game. They want a game that requires player engagement. That’s why the title of the game isn’t “Idle 7 Days to Die”. Granted, players will find a way but they are going to make players work for it, for sure. Also, you can still drive around on horde night....if you make an underground track. Well...most of you who liked A16 would be happy but not necessarily most of the player base. Player numbers haven’t exactly dropped off since the demise of A16.4....😜
  16. Finding is finding. Whether I find something in a box in someone’s attic or at the trader, I’m finding it.
  17. Its more of my own sensibility about a game being tight and erasing loopholes more than trying to stop people from cheating. I know people will cheat no matter what and if it is their own personal game then so what. This isn't a hill I would die on.
  18. I guess I always assumed that the commands existed to assist the testers and developers and not as gameplay options. I don't really consider having using console commands autofail quests as going down a rabbit hole. I'm not saying to completely disable "killall" after all. I'm just saying make it so if you use it during a quest, the quest fails. But...if I'm wrong about the purpose of console commands and why they are part of the game then so be it.
  19. I agree with this for sure. This could be fixed by extending the vertical on the sleeper volume. Not even counting the quest, it isn't really a fair trap if the zombies don't even spawn until you are already in free fall. Get your improvement ticket trigger finger moving on this one @Laz Man
  20. Achievements are disabled if you open dm or cm in the console. This would be along the same lines. I understand that during development programmers and testers might need to use commands in order to work on the quests but if the quests are pretty much finished then using console commands and dev tools should cause the quest to fail. We can't stop cheaters ultimately but we can at least remove some of the low hanging fruit. They still would get the loot from the POI but forego the Trader reward if they use godmode or killall commands during the quest. Is this unreasonable?
  21. The way/path is meant to eventually lead the player to the treasure room througha circuitous gauntlet and is not designed as a guarantee that the player will cross paths with every zombie in the building. When a child is lost in the forest, searchers do not religiously remain on existing paths and trails expecting to eventually come upon the child. They methodically cover all the ground on and off the path because they are searching the entire area. The clear quests require us to search and find zombies in the entire building and clear them out. The radar gives general abstract clues as an abstraction of our situational awareness once zombies are awake and moving around but they are not meant as high tech infrared spy tech to remove all the searching out of the quest. By the same token, if you could solve every quest by making noise and having them all come to you they would be too easy. It was for this reason the change you referenced was made. They used to all come raging out and were easily dispatched by kiting, nerdpoling up to high ground, etc. The way it is now there is room-by-room fighting and it is much better, imo. As for surviving a horde of indoor zombies, we had that in A17 and people hated it so zombies were thinned indoors.
  22. I sympathize with you having a tough time with the higher tier quests but I have to completely disagree that we need more radar information on the compass or anything at all done to dumb down the quests. The point of the clear quest is to search the entire building and clear it. All the lower tier clear quests can easily be done during daylight hours. It is just the higher tier quests that might cause you to either camp out in the building over night or keep trying to clear it through the night depending on how well you do against running enemies. But that's the point: they are higher tier (AKA more difficult) and you should not expect them to just be able to be done quickly before night comes. In my opinion, after reading this, there are only two things that need to be done. 1) Allow lower tier quests to be chosen so players aren't forced to take quests that are too difficult and 2) make it so using the killall command auto fails the quest.
  23. As of now the next alpha will be the same as now in regards to clothes and armor.
  24. I agree, that a non-tedious way to switch clothes is best. Have a wardrobe workstation for outfits. You open it and can create outfits by mixing and matching the four pieces you want together into an ensemble. Then you can instantly wear an ensemble or switch to a different ensemble. You can always swap clothes quickly and easily at your base using your wardrobe or (if you must) you can carry clothes with you to change tediously out in the field if you want to take advantage of a bonus.
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