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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 39 minutes ago, Colin248 said:

    the current system just needs refineing, not toneing down. leather armour showing up from under the trench coat for example. sorting the clipping issues and such. what they have planned seams like they couldent handle that so they toned it back with this decision. 

    Maybe that’s true. Maybe they can’t solve the problems and have chosen the proposed changes as their solution. After seven years nobody can say they haven’t tried their best. <shrug> At some point you have to come to terms with your limits and solve problems in a way that you can “handle” and can bring the project to a close in a timely manner. 


  2. 51 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    They may look good together, but with the sets almost every player will look the same. And even the non-confomists will have much less variation.


    Finally a good use for the thumbs down button 😁


    pfft…because everyone looks so different now…


    This is not an area I even care about. I play with three other people and I focus on the name floating above them rather than how their clothes look. I’m probably not the best one to really comment on this aspect of the game. I spend zero time customizing my character and I wear what I find regardless of how I looks. Based on the concept art it seems to me that the outfits will make us look better over all.  I accept thumbs down from all who enjoy the whole fashion part of the game and care about accessorizing 8 clothing slots. 

    Im also okay with preset characters instead of character customization menus. 

    Hit that dislike button again! 😂

  3. That’s my attitude towards people like you coming through. Sorry. To each their own and everyone is welcome to play the game in their own style for sure. 

    The devs aren’t out to get anyone. They simply aren’t designing the game with min/max issues in mind. The outfits are kind of like the books.  You get advantages from different clothes and a better advantage if you can obtain a full set. They are focused on the fun of mixing different combinations of clothes for interesting bonus combos or finding full sets and enjoying the bigger stat bonus you get from the complete set. 

    It’s possible one or more of them might end up feeling more like you— compelled to change outfits to maximize bonuses for whatever activity in whatever biome they plan to do and if so they may implement a quick change mechanic to make it easy and painless to do. 

    It’s not coming anytime soon anyway so at this point it is anyone’s guess. They might even decide to cut that and stick with what they already have. Anything is still possible. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, IndustryStandard said:

    Regardless it seems like a more elegant solution for the large push for dated RPG mechanics would be to change the character creator to pick stats and traits for your character to start with.

    No thank you. I much prefer the way 7 Days to Die handles it by allowing you to gradually pick your traits and stats as you play. Why erase all of that and condense it into a simple menu before you even start playing?


    Its refreshing to play a game that actually starts you out basic and let’s you choose your specialties as you play and doesn’t force you to lock yourself into some path as a prelude to the game. 

    Huge no vote on this idea and a huge disagreement with you that the game forces anything. If you feel forced it is purely due to your choice to min/max. You can put any combinations of skills together and wear whatever outfit you want and be successful at survival in this game.

    Perhaps some combos will result in you reaching the end of progression a few real time weeks after someone else who focused on the fastest path but so what? You still get there and different journeys yield different stories. 

    But to each their own. Hopefully you can come to terms with it and make it work but I really doubt at this point they will make starting skill selection part of character creation in the top menu. 

    Character creation is going more shallow anyway— not more deep. 😀

  5. 5 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    Is the entire idea that players will swap outfits constantly depending on the biome and current activity? Do they see players feeling pressured to minmax as a possible issue? 


    I think they are intending for players to play with a prefered outfit that has the benefits they want and some disadvantages they'll have to live with. The developers are old-school role players and enjoy playing characters that have strengths but also some weaknesses knowing that going into a situation with some weaknesses can result in interesting stories even if it doesn't advance their level and earn them xp in the most efficient manner..


    However, just like the rest of the game they will not force a set path upon anyone. They will allow players who wish to do so to constantly swap in and out different clothes before they they go and do different activities in different biomes if those players cannot bear the thought of doing something at less than peak advantage.


    In other words, they couldn't care less that some min/maxer will get butt hurt because they feel "forced" to switch outfits several times each game day. That sort of gameplay is not their intention even though they know some will do it. Besides, the salt from the tears of min/maxers, who can't cope with game mechanics that make min/maxing less fun but character development gameplay more rich and deep, is saved up to season meatball sandwiches during every streamer weekend release event. ;)

  6. Not my style at all. I play 60 minute days as a max but often play 40 and 50 minute days-- and I focus on tasks and objectives that form a survival story narrative.  The reason 40 minute days are fun, in my opinion, is that they seem to fit better the length of time it takes to get hungry and the time it would actually take to naturally perform tasks.  The amount of ore I could bring up during a night set at 40 minute days is much more realistic than the amount I could pull up during a night of 180 minute days. This is true for any repetive harvesting or building task that I do. In the game we can build and harvest so much faster than in real life so speeding up the days to 40 minutes helps compensate for that. Slowing time down to anything above 60 minutes feels like...not easy mode exactly...but less interesting mode. I like the feeling of being interupted by night and needing to use night time hours to finish tasks I started during the day. I feel more under time pressure to get ready for 7 day hordes when it isn't seven 3-hour sessions of gameplay between them. Finally, 40 minute days make traveling more interesting as I often have to go somewhere and spend the night there and return in the morning.


    As for power leveling....I don't focus at all on leveling but just acknowledge it when it happens if I even notice. Often I am surprised to see that I have 3 or 4 points to spend. I don't spend a moment worrying about whether I'm ahead or behind anyone else.

  7. 2 hours ago, The Gronk said:

    Where am I posting this?  The latest bug-reporting thread is surprisingly well hidden.


    Hidden? It is posted as a prominent green bar at the top of every page of the forum. If for some reason it isn't showing up  (maybe due to ad blockers) you can get to it by clicking on the +Create menu next to your name in the top right corner of the webpage

  8. 4 hours ago, The Gronk said:

    Quick question:


    A "buried supplies" mission spawning inside of my base.  Is that a bug or a feature? 


    Do you want me to file a bug report?


    File it as a bug report and the QA guys will let you know if it is a bug or not.


    QA vets bugs for the developers. Developers don't vet bugs for QA.

  9. 4 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Lemme stop you right there. It's absolutely not the same. With 1 meter holes you DO have to redesign every single POI and it also gives the player an extremely unfair advantadge vs AI , yet with doors, you have an asset: Door. You code-in a mechanic (lockpick door). You can further swap current "nailed plank" door states bia animation/breaking until they become "pickable" (that is, once you break the planks down and said swapping happens, like right now). So it doesn't require redesign at all.


    With physics-accurate doors it becomes easier to implement, as you can get rid of all the swapping altogether and just make them 1500hp and lock-pickable. You go to the editor and change the current model references to the new ones and bam, there you go. 


    Do they being "pickable" makes clearing a POI easier? well, that depends. Only if you are a lockpicking master or you have the lockpicking candy, etc. Exactly the same as a strenght character breaking doors like they were cardboard courtains.

    lemme stop you right there. I never said that 1-block egress and lock picking doors were the same thing. I said that the reason the devs won't include them is the same and I'm only repeating what the developers have said from their own perspective what their reasoning is. As designers of the levels it is the same thing for both-- players easily working around the design of the level albeit in differnent ways.  I get that from a player's perspective it is not the same but the developers don't want stuff like that which invalidate their work. Don't believe me? Take a look at who liked my comment...


    I'm personally not against either. I think a deeper lock picking skill including doors and 1 meter movement would both be awesome. I'm for them-- but I'm not in a position to make those changes a reality. My only power for change is being annoying enough for them to block me if I keep pushing once they've said no.

  10. 1 hour ago, pahbi said:


    Oh FFS thank you mr obvious.


    Of course they aren't on a timer, but when I was playing, they showed up just about every 15 minutes, which is the whole point of the peeve.


    - P


    You probably were running your forges consistently which was causing your heat to increase consistently. So what you want is for the heat map to randomly increase in response to consistent input. 

    I just hope you won’t find this response too obvious…

  11. 12 minutes ago, sillls said:

    Yes but the whole idea about it being unbalanced was just because zombies could not do the same thing.


    That's not what the whole idea of unbalance was. It was always about too easily circumventing the level design of the POIs


    13 minutes ago, sillls said:

    Now that they can I thought that would finally change. 


    They can't yet and the pathing for them consciously moving through 1 meter spaces won't be in until at least A21-- and whether they can or not has no bearing on whether players can or not. The only factor is level design.


    16 minutes ago, sillls said:

    I'm not understanding what you mean about having to go in and change all of the POI's. What would they need to do to them?


    They would have to go and redesign them taking into account the ability of the player to break a single block and crawl through anywhere.

  12. 5 hours ago, Crater Creator said:

    For PvE/coop, the first thing I’d always do is group up, by which I mean physically huff it over to wherever the other players are in addition to allying with them.  I’ve never played on a server that big, but I presume a main group would quickly emerge.  I don’t see much point in joining a PvE server just to fly solo.


    Then you’re a member of the community, picking some specialities based on need and what others don’t have covered as well.  If others have been on the server already, they may already have some better tools, weapons, etc., and it’d help the group’s success to share that with you.  Once the group has a roof over their heads and knows where a trader is, it’s usually off to do shared quests and advance in my own specialties.  Frankly it’s like being a good roommate: keep the fridge stocked, try not to be a mooch, respect other’s private property, and ask before reorganizing or redecorating things.


    7 Days to Die AKA College Apartment Simulator :D

  13. 44 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    zombies should be a core not addon


    After 8 years of nothing but zombies and waiting for some kind of bandit add on to the game I can promise you that at this point I can definitively state that zombies are not addon for this game even if they add 18 models of bandits.  Sheesh...

  14. There is no more uploading files to the forum. You must have your files posted elsewhere and link to that place from here. Of course, if you are just posting a few xml edits that can easily be done in the body of your post for others to copy and paste, that can be done— but for more extensive downloads…nope. 

    I believe that Sphereii’s mod launcher looks to GitHub if you are trying to search for a mod using that tool so it is a good idea to use that if you want the tool, that most people are using, to be able to “see” your mod. Could be wrong about that though. Maybe if you download files to your computer the mod launcher can find those as well. 


  15. 1 hour ago, Forgotten Memes said:

    You probably aren't even embarrassed that you're arguing against making the game better for everyone.


    But what about those people who like asymmetrical design and appreciate that there is a difference between the weaponry and that they all don't "balance" to the same exact experience. Knives don't do as much direct damage as sledge hammers but they cause bleed. Stun batons shock and stun. It is a different experience that offers a different kind of challenge than sledgehammers. Changing everything so that they are symmetrically balanced across the board definitely won't make the game better for everyone. I guess it will make the game better for you.


    If the "weak" weapons are not your cup of tea then don't use them. Stick to the ones that do direct massive damage and have fun your way. If you want to do a pure intellect build but feel it is completely unbalanced for high difficulty settings then lower the difficulty setting to the point where you can enjoy a pure intelligence build. If you can't enjoy using a stun baton or knife or a spear at any level of difficulty because you know there is a more effective alternative you could be using instead and you just can't ignore the siren call of maximum efficiency, then you've probably explored the entire gamespace that this game can offer you.


    57 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    Perhaps difficulty level is why I have such a different stance than most people do when it comes to the int tree. I play on the second hardest difficulty and stuff like the stun baton and junk turrets are cool but are kind of a liability compared to just using a shotgun and club. Junk Sledges are amazing though


    No doubt. Turn down the difficulty when playing pure intellect if it feels impossible to pull off at your current difficulty. With your skill level there must be a setting at some level that will feel challenging but not impossible so you can play pure intellect and feel that you can be successful.

  16. 13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    It might help better sell how they intend it to be used if the UI for the Attributes and Perks was not tabbed in the same manner as a MMORPG's class specialization system.


    Let me rephrase... They intend for players to play it however they want whether that is mixed or singular--whatever strikes the player's fancy. They communicate this by not graying out any options once you have made a choice. You are never stopped from choosing whatever perks you wish to choose. So a player may mix it up or they can play intelligence purely if they want. It sounds like some people don't want to play intelligence purely as it has been designed. This is perfectly fine. They can mix it. Others do like to play intelligence purely and they enjoy the challenge that it brings which is different than playing a game using pure strength or pure fortitude or pure agility or pure perception.


    I don't think anyone would argue that playing a pure intelligence game would be more challenging than other pure builds. But so what? Its nice to have a challenge if you want to choose that and intelligence is a great build to mix with one of the others.



    20 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Without having tested it I'm sure most people here could play a stun baton- or knife-only build at the lowest difficulty setting.


    When we say stun baton only are we saying that you cannot use any other weapon at all or just that you won't perk into any other weapon and you will only perk into the stun baton? What about before you find a stun baton? Do you just run away or use your fists or can you use whatever you have until you find a stun baton but then from then on you can only ever use a stun baton?


    What's the exact challenge here?

  17. 3 minutes ago, Khalagar said:

    And yeah yeah yeah, yOU cAN mIX atTRiBUtEs.


    You admit this mockingly but you should know that this really is how the devs intend for players to play. YOU want to be able to play a pure int build without using anything that belongs to another attribute and have it be viable according to your criteria of viability. But that isn't necessarily the goal of the developers for the intelligence attribute-- that it be played as a pure build without crossing into anything else. And if they have zero intention of making intelligence be a build that you can play pure, why would they ever take the time to try playing it pure?

  18. 6 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    If this has to be a discussion among players a mod could as well lock it


    So...here it seems like you are griping that the players have to answer questions because the devs aren't answering.


    5 hours ago, Roland said:

    or you could simply refrain from answering questions directed to the devs and wait for them to answer.


    So, I answered that concern to let you know that you don't have to answer questions at all. You can just let the devs do it.


    4 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    With all due respect... this is bull crap. If I can answer a question that has already been answered before, I'm actually saving time for the devs who'd have to repeat themselves.


    To which you reply, that if you know the answer to a question you should be able to answer it and save dev time.


    What the heck are you talking about Jost? You're griping that the players are answering each other and then when I say its fine if you don't, you gripe that its your right to answer questions you know....


    Go ahead and answer questions if you know them. Nobody is stopping you.



    3 hours ago, ShellHead said:

    Isn’t this thread meant more for us to talk about the dev diaries amongst ourselves and ask the devs things occasionally? Especially since TFP is deep into A20 at the moment. Just seems odd to be @%$#ed off that devs other than faatal haven’t posted in a bit.


    Yes. These posts complaining about posting were moved out of the developer diary because they are off topic for there. So it is a bit confusing because when he is saying "this thread" he isn't talking abou this thread.


    This actual thread is absolutely for carrying on conversations and debates and conjectures about A20 and beyond. The dev diary thread is for posting questions to the developers and waiting patiently for them to answer-- if they choose to answer at all. They don't always answer questions and many details that people are demanding, they are holding back until they can present them a la video presentation.

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