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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 6 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

    just fix the glaring problems in the game or take it off the market.


    Sorry you’re having issues. Both Sony and Microsoft have approved the software as meeting their standards to sell in their stores and they have really strict standards. 

    “Complete” was only meant to mean that the console version is a game in its own right and isn’t meant to perfectly mirror the PC version.

  2. 7 hours ago, saoron666 said:

    I feel there isnt much zombies, NEED MORE ZOMBIES!!! when you are in a building i want zombies coming at you from all directions!


    Play A17. POIs were packed with zombies. 

    8 hours ago, hiemfire said:
    10 hours ago, saoron666 said:


    🤨 A20 is "only" getting more POIs, adjusted building system (included expanded shape menu)

    This will be the biggest update ever for builders. The shape menu is….comprehensive. They have been working on it solidly this entire past year which also includes having to go in and adjust existing POIs that used legacy blocks.

  3. The space bar is brake? I haven't experienced any slowdown when adjusting my pitch.  The problem I've seen with family I've tried to teach is that the tendency is to press and hold the space bar and the C button instead of simply tapping them for incremental adjustments. Keep W pressed as well as Shift and then just tap the space bar and the C button as necessary to adjust your pitch.

  4. 20 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Everyone looking the same is fun? Did you play any other games in the past few years? Doesn´t seem like it.


    Have you played this game in the past few years? We have padded armor, leather armor, scrap armor, iron armor, steel armor, military armor. That is six different looks that layer on top of whatever clothes you are wearing. The layering is really bad and everyone looks puffy and poorly proportioned. Once everyone is armored up the look is pretty samey and it has been this way for 7 years now and....yeah, the game has still managed to be fun.


    Six new looks have been introduced as concepts and they are not the only planned outfits. So as far as the concern about how fun the game is based on people looking the same, the new feature is bound to make the game more fun by your metric. There will be a lot more differentiation in looks than the six we currently have. They have also been improving the tinting so two people dressed completely as miners could differentiate in color choices. Finally, there will also be people who will prefer to mix sets and then the permutations really increase over what we have now with the added bonus of it looking better without all the layering getting in the way.


    I agree that designating certain outfits as light armor and heavy armor is a concern because I don't like heavy armor myself and that would put a crimp in which outfits I might like playing with. But to say that this change is going to result in everyone looking the same over what we have right now? I don't agree with that.

  5. 16 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    But you also said



    I think they are intending for players to play with a prefered outfit that has the benefits they want and some disadvantages they'll have to live with.


    So do you think or do you know? Are you speculating or quoting them and if so could you link me to the video or post so I can gather context for it too? Because this is literally all I wanted from this thread.


    As I said, I think. There are things I think (speculation) and things I know. My two statements were not contradictory nor mutually exclusive. I know that the developers value tough choices and role playing.  Hence, I know that their philosophy with the outfits is to facilitate roleplaying and to introduce some tough choices in the form of opportunity cost. I think that they expect that within the community there will be those who wear mixed sets and those who wear whole sets. I'm sure they are aware that there will be those who will feel compelled to switch outfits a lot for the sake of efficiency but I know that it isn't their goal to make players do this. Their goal is to provide a good variety of outfits that provide bonuses to make acquiring the pieces fun and exciting. 


    My statement that you quoted above is from what I know about how Madmole likes to roleplay. He likes to play as a character and even creates his own personal backstory. If he decided that he wanted to play as a farmer, he would seek out all the farmer pieces and then wear those all the time to be a farmer. Even though it would mean he was gimped when doing other activities he would be fine with that and see it as part of the challenge of playing a farmer. So that was the thought process for that statement. If Madmole projects his personal playstyle of roleplaying at the expense of maximum efficiency in all situations then I think he would intend for players to choose an outfit and stick with it and roleplay as that character.  That doesn't mean he isn't aware of those who could care less about roleplaying and value having the best bonuses in every situation. It also doesn't mean that he would try and stop players from min/maxing if they would want to.


    You'll have to trust me on this. I'm not providing sources.


    17 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    I really really want to end the paragraph war now. 



  6. 52 minutes ago, IndustryStandard said:

    Again. Part of the concerns is that it does take a few Alphas until it isn't bad if it turns out bad. That means waiting a few years for A21/22/23 or whenever it comes out if it does. 


    And I feel like if you still aren't understanding the concerns then you just won't ever understand it, that's fine, we all play video games differently.


    I understand the concern. This is part of development and since TFP has put their game out there as an actual alpha project that is being developed it is just the way it is. There will be long periods of time where you have to play with partially completed systems. If they had marketing executives, I'm sure those guys would have clamped down on them and said, "No, don't release that until it is completely done" and "No, that system is good enough, don't rework it again" but they chose to go independent studio rather than marketing executives so they enjoy a lot more freedom in what they do. Amazingly, the game has only become more popular over time rather than lesso-- despite a year of pulling stone axes out of shotgun messiah crates(A18)-- despite 10 months of horrid RWG (A17)-- despite a year and a half of zombies running in circles and being completely deaf and blind at night (A16)-- and on and on. 


    There are two types of people: Those who should wait until early access is over and everything is perfect and those who enjoy really long tunnels.


    And those who categorize people (three types).

  7. 8 minutes ago, IndustryStandard said:

    So I posted this originally as a genuine question about how TFP were envisioning this system working out and when the answers I got seem defaulted to trying to defend the upcoming outfit system from someone not attacking it so I bailed on getting any sensible answers and left for a week. I still don't have an answer to my question on how they pictured this system working and can only assume they have never expressed what they thought players would do with it. If they thought they would swap outfits, mix it up or stick to one etc. So at that point the thread should have just died.


    I'll be clearer this time. The devs intent is for players to use the outfits as they please. They can mix up the different pieces for four different bonuses in four different areas or they can wear a complete set to get the completion bonus as well. Players can change clothing as often as they desire or they can stick to one favored combination and never change clothes again. This is their intent. They pictured you finding farmer pants and replacing your fiber pants with them. Then you might find a miner top and you would wear that. As you find and perhaps come to craft more pieces you would wear the ones you liked best and eventually you might obtain a full set and change to that.


    Did they imagine that some players would feel compelled to swap pieces on and off before doing anything so as to not miss out on the bonuses? Sure....but they rack that up to player choice. Not every player is going to do that. Many will find doing so to be entertaining. For those who feel that they MUST swap outfits constantly but hate the idea of doing it but do it anyway and are just miserable as they play....I don't know what to suggest. Therapy?


    1 hour ago, IndustryStandard said:

    Just because I or anyone else do not like the concept or idea of these potentially upcoming outfit systems that could be wildly unbalanced or perfect in every way does not mean I shouldn't and cannot express it. My concerns did not boil into some heated anger because I saw the number 8 go down to 4 and after that all I saw was red. The only people who seem to have already come here with a predetermined opinion on the matter are the ones accusing people concerned about the outfit system as doing the same thing, saying that I can't not like it because it doesn't exist but they can defend what doesn't exist and just dismissing genuine worries as minmaxing crybabies that are just making a fuss because they don't like things changing or less options. If you cannot get past this simple idea then take your crappy attitude somewhere else.


    You can express it and you have expressed it. But you do not get to express it in a vaccuum of thought. People with differing opinions get to chime in and push back and you get to push back and counter once again. BTW, I was not referring to anyone in this thread about the anger of 8 slots going down to 4. I was referring to when the announcement was first made and the kneejerk reaction to it happened. My point was not that we shouldn't discuss the upcoming feature and speculate on what it might entail. That kind of discussion is fun and creative and exciting. My point was that saying: "If so many people don't like the idea then TFP shouldn't do it" is a pointless and unconstructive line of discussion. That is the truly bad attitude stance to take. This is a development forum. We should be discussing what we want to see and what we hope to see with regards to what is being developed. "Don't develop that!" is the antitheses of what this forum is about.


    1 hour ago, IndustryStandard said:

    But  I don't like the idea of it though and I don't want to wait for the system to come out and find out that it's everything we worried about and won't be touched again for over a year until the next alpha hits


    But you can't control that and this attitude dampens positive and constructive discussion on the topic. TFP has a plan for revamping the original clothing and armor system into something they believe will be better and will look better and they are going to do it despite people telling them, "I didn't ask for this so what do you think you're doing!?".  Early access isn't about forming a community comittee that has equal development power to the TFP development team. It is about playing early what they choose to develop  so we can give feedback and suggestions based on actual play. TFP has never listened to community input on whether they should or should not implement something. They have listened to community input on newly implemented systems to see how they should iterate on them. That is the relationship we have with them.


    1 hour ago, IndustryStandard said:

    So why even bother changing everything anyway if at worst it could be a horrible system that were stuck with for 2 years or at best it not really impacting how we play anyway? Am I the only person seeing this as just a waste of time and resources no matter how it turns out?


    They are changing it because it is a legacy system from the early days that looks bad when seen next to the other systems in the game they are polishing. They want the visual and technical presentation of their game to be as good as it can be and in their estimation the clothing and armor system is dated and ugly and the best they could do with it is not good enough for a shippable product. You have been playing all this time with placeholder mechanic and now they want to make it into a quality mechanic that will make everyone look really good and also provide more fun collection gameplay as well as bonuses. Also, since it is their time and their resources as stake-- again, it really doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks. You are making a judgement call about their time and resources without even a clue of the full picture of what their time and resources and plans are. Its fine to speculate but what a negative and unhopeful speculation.


    2 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    can we please for the love of @%$#ing god see a light at the end of this long tunnel now? Can we get that Alpha that seems to finally be shaping all the games mechanics and content into a lovely bow instead of remaking another aspect again?


    What's wrong with this long tunnel? What do you imagine being different at the end of it? Why do you think that remaking aspects of the game that are not up to snuff is not supposed to be part of the development process? I'd say that revamping the clothing and armor system we had in 2014 is probably part of that process of shaping the mechanics and content into a lovely bow. How do you develop without remaking?


    2 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    invested nearly 600 hours into


    Playing a video game for 600 hours is not an investment. I'd call that the polar opposite of a time investment. Don't get me wrong. I waste time playing video games too. But I call it what it is....lol

    2 hours ago, IndustryStandard said:

    Yet no matter how calmly or polite I act I could still be met with a perceived passive aggressiveness from the more active portion of the community for even expressing negativity. 

    And if the response to suggestions, concerns and criticisms of existing systems really boils down to TFP regardless of community feedback will do whatever they want anyway then why the hell are we even commenting here at all or bothering to give them any feedback to begin with?


    At least you recognize that it is simply your own perception. I don't feel any aggression towards you. I disagree with your stance. If you view disagreement and passive aggressiveness as one and the same then why bother posting on a public board? Write your thoughts in your personal journal and you won't ever be pestered by contrary opinions.


    As I stated earlier and I will state again for super clarity: TFP loves suggestions, concerns, and criticisms of existing systems and they often use that feedback to make alterations as they develop those systems. Community feedback has a huge impact on follow-up versions of existing systems.


    TFP has no interest in armchair developers telling them what they should or should not do about future not yet implemented systems. Please don't spend your time on these forums telling them not to do it. Its pointless and it destroys constructive and creative dialogue. We are here to talk about development and not to demand that development not take place.


    So why are we bothering to come here at all? You'll have to decide that on your own whether what TFP wants from us is what you are interested in giving. And being "stuck" with experimental partially done systems is what true early access is all about. It is proof that these developers take the early access label seriously and are not just using it for marketing with their already 95% developed game. It is a long tunnel and perhaps you didn't understand the length of it when you bought in.

    1 hour ago, IndustryStandard said:

    It should also be said I'm not "mad" right now. So don't get the tone from my text as being mad.


    Word and phrasing choices. Its probably why you felt I was attacking you even though I don't think of myself as attacking you personally. Word and phrasing choices. :)


    And no smilies.

  8. 1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

    An expanded backpack doesn't have the same coolness factor. Nor can it be shot down.


    It is definitely cool as it zips around behind you. I never tested whether it can be shot down....

    1 hour ago, jorbascrumps said:

    There's got to be more to the drone than storage that they haven't revealed yet, otherwise they would have just given us an expanded backpack mod. Hopefully we find out soon.


    There is. I just talked about the basic drone without any enhancements. Anything beyond what I shared will have to be revealed by a developer.

  9. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    They gotta make sure it sells. They can´t just say, fk the market and it´s demands, we do whatever we want even when nobody likes it. They have to make sure they can pay the people who work for them and they need income for their next project. So yeah, they can´t just make a game that nobody will buy, no matter how much they would like it to be that way.


    While that is true as a general principle, it really doesn't apply to this change in outfits. The only people who are upset by the idea of the outfit concept are those who are mentally comparing it with what they already know without even having played with it yet. By the way, all of THOSE people already bought the game and helped to fund their next project.


    People who will buy the game in the future have no frame of reference for whether what they will purchase is better or worse than a version they never knew. All they will do is look at the current list of features and then decide to buy the game. I highly doubt that people who are interested in a zombie horde survival crafting and building game are going to look at outfits and put their wallet away.


    The key here is that objectively looking at the outfits, they appear to be a fun and rewarding mechanic. Will they be more or less fun than what we have now? THAT is the question old timers worry about. But as far as the selling power of the game to new blood-- the question doesn't even register. Will the outfit mechanic be enjoyable enough for those coming to the game to slaughter zombies and survive the world? I'd say yes.

    7 hours ago, beerfly said:

    Will some of the outfits have legendary stats or bonuses ? Not for next alpha, just curious. 


    No idea yet. I still haven't seen a legendary stat or bonus for a single weapon and they've been talking about that for years....

  10. 2 hours ago, RhinoW said:

     the drone really just sounds more like a gimmick than a useful craft (unlike the junk turrets).


    That's exactly what people said about the sledge turret at first. It may not end up being something you'll see as an important addition or it may end up being something that people rant about because it is seen as so critical that they feel forced to put points into Intelligence to guarantee they can craft one. There are still unknowns and still some future iterating after it gets implemented in A20.

  11. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Those won´t be craftable? What?


    I don't know yet. Most likely they will be craftable with some readjustments to the perks that allow armor crafting and the books that allow clothes crafting. Still....you aren't going to have six full outfits to feel annoyed changing between for awhile into the game.




    2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    but we are far beyond the point where they can just make the game they want.



  12. 5 hours ago, Mirelec09 said:

    Maybe someone could upload the finished alpha 6.4 file to mediafire or mega and give a link?


    Please, folks, do not post the full file for any version of 7 Days to Die. That is a clear violation of the EULA.

  13. 10 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I've got a couple questions about it, do you know if it will only be replacing clothing? I believe i read somewhere about it replacing armor as well? Could've been incorrect but just wanted to verify. (I don't mind it getting changed).


    Second, will skills remain somewhat the same? So that miner 69er will still give more wood, stone, and metals? Only making the mining set worth it if you care THAT much about the bonuses? It would be sh***y if it was forced to get intense bonuses.


    Finally, will there be different sets for different items? I'm curious to know if we will have a set for every weapon type. I understand it's all concept and that's okay if you can't answer the questions, just some concerns and curiosity about the direction of some stuff.




    Armor and clothing are integrated into the outfit.


    I don't know what rebalancing of skills might occur with the introduction of the outfit bonuses.


    I don't know how many different outfits there will be. Playless showed some of the released concepts. None of those have been added to the game yet

  14. 3 hours ago, IzPrebuilt said:

    Long shot, but are you allowed to let us know the exact stats of the drone storage at all? like how many slots it has. Probably not but just thought I'd ask for further clarification just in-case.


    Details will come in an upcoming dev stream.

  15. On 6/14/2021 at 7:11 AM, Jost Amman said:

    @The Dev who's Working on the Drone:

    someone posted these interesting questions on Steam... :nerd:


    question 1. what can the drone do once you have built one?
    question 2. can you build more than one drone?
    question 3. can you have more than one drone follow you
    question 4. what is its function?
    question 5. how long does his battery last and how can you recharge it?
    question 6. how do the zombies react to the drone when it is shooting zombies? or how they generally react when they see the drone?
    question 7. does the drone have mods? if so how many and which mods
    question 8. does the drone have built-in or mod cammera with which you can use the drone to explore the environment





    I tested the drone a bit today and can answer some of these without stealing the thunder of any future dev stream.


    1) It follows you around and increases your storage. For those who already mod their storage to huge capacity, the drone will seem underwhelming and unnecessary. However, for those who play it straight the drone will be a nice bonus backpack.


    2) You can build multiple drones and pass them out to friends and family.


    3) Only one will follow you. When trying to place another I was informed that I was at the capacity of drones following. I maxed everything out and read all the tech books and still only one was allowable.


    4) Extra storage in its basic unmodded version


    5) As of now there is no option to recharge or refuel.


    6) They ignore it and it generally hovers out of their reach anyway.


    7) The drone does have mods. How many and which mods will surely be the subject of a future dev stream.


    8. There is not a built in camera nor any switching perspectives or taking over the controls of the drone and flying around viewing the world from its perspective. Whether a mod camera will allow that functionality in the future is unknown.


    Bonus: The drone paths extremely well. I used Godmode to quickly move through a building to a room somewhere in its interior and the drone flew around finding its way through the building to get to me. If it got blocked because a closed door was between us then it flew around in circles seemingly agitated like a puppy separated from its beloved master. It always stays behind you and never once got in the way when shooting enemies. I would say that your expectation for it should be that it is a bonus backpack which--again-- if people have been spoiling themselves for years by modding for themselves huge backpacks then the drone won't seem very spectacular. Of course there are mods for the drone and those mods turn it into a backpack with benefits. But those benefits will be shown at a later date.





  16. 17 hours ago, Colin248 said:

    side note roland, if the fun pimps put out a idea, such ideas should be questioned and thought about. after all isnt that the point of EA? to help the game develop? 

    Sure thing!  But effective questioning about the idea doesn’t necessarily mean questioning whether it should be done at all. That questioning is pointless because whether we want them to do it or not, they are going to do it if they decide it should be done. 

    Assuming that it will be done, questioning how it will be implemented and how it might be an improvement is far more interesting than just asking, “If no one wants it then why are they doing it?”


    The problem is that most critics are NOT questioning. They’ve already decided for themselves that it is a bad idea. 

    so yeah, question and imagine and discuss— but I can answer the question of “Are they going to do this?” definitively: 


    Yes they are if they have time to do it. 

  17. 3 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    First came big momma's underbritches. Then hawaiian's belly jiggle. Now rad-man's popping pustules... where is it going to stop? WHEN IS IT GOING TO END??? 

    Until Trader Jen gets improved it should not end. Although...we could talk about priorities....

    24 minutes ago, Morloc said:


    My customers at work have dedicated sticks and straps they hit me with when I try to tell them that.





    That's the nice thing about the internet. We can all be Unwelcome Motivational Statement Keyboard Warriors. You would never say uplifting team building things face to face with cynical employees but you can to the avatar masses on the internet.


    Carpe Diem, Morloc! I believe in you!!!

  18. 3 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Seems like too much time is being spent on a change few are excited about.


    They haven't gotten to it yet so other than concept drawings very little time has been spent.


    Maybe that is still "too much" though...? ;)


    Speaking of too much time spent....I think all this conjecture and worry about something that Madmole has only given general conceptual information about is what there is too much of. Most people heard that 8 clothing slots are being reduced to 4 and stopped listening at that point as their blood pressure overwhelmed them.  We really need to wait and see how it plays and since the feature won't be coming in A20 it may very well be a year out still-- if it ends up being implemented at all.


    Worrying only makes you suffer twice.

  19. 19 hours ago, mstdv inc said:

    It looks terrible and disgusting.


    That's just the still picture of it too. Wait until you experience the jiggle physics.


    I'm sorry you did not know what you were buying into but the game is still developing. Luckily, you can remain on the current version that doesn't include this zombie-- or mod it out of any of the future versions. People have been removing particular enemies they don't like since the beginning: dog, stripper, screamer, vulture, demolisher...


    Think of it like a club you are about to join.

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