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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. It was supposed to be Bdub's Vehicles, but the launcher kept adding a second ' for some reason. It technically shouldn't have any ' in it anymore. I don't use the launcher myself so I don't really keep up with it.
  2. Just chiming in that I would be all for traders having limited coin per restock period. Would certainly slow down gameplay, which I like. The item sell limit is good, but there's too many items that are worth so much that the limit is rarely a problem. It would lessen the impact of traders also which is good as they are certainly OP at the moment. And the whole "just don't use them then" argument is silly. They just need to be balanced better. And trader loot being more GS related will help even more, but a limit on their dukes seems like the best move.
  3. Hmm, not sure then. I could've sworn it was possible, but I've never tried it myself. Just to be sure, the mod you made with these tweaks is loading after my mod, right? EDIT- Xyth just pointed it out, should look like "#@modfolder(Bdub''s Vehicles):Resources/db1.unity3d?Dirt_Bike.prefab"/>
  4. Pretty sure it is possible. Maybe you need to remove the @ as well.
  5. I think you can change the "modfolder" to the actual mod folder name to use stuff from a separate mod.
  6. Which direction does your POI face in the editor? Someone in Gup's discord was having the same issue where it was fine when spawned in a town/city, but would be flipped in the wilderness. Sinder recommended making sure your POI is facing either north or south, and that seems to fix that problem.
  7. Probably need to change the stack mod folder name and in the modinfo.xml so it loads after my mod. Add a Z to the name or something.
  8. The only way I can think of that's purely xml is the bundle route you mention. And anything in UL is probably using C# code to drive it, so it wouldn't be possible with just xml.
  9. Those lists are only if you are using those programs to generate your maps. If you use the in game RWG, you don't need them. If you can get the logs for the server and from your client it would probably show what the potential issue is.
  10. Unreal can run a voxel game just as easily as Unity. I know they've said they have at least 2 games in the works. I assume one is some type of 7DTD2, that will probably still be voxel to some degree. Or other type of terrain deformation if they find something they like better. Of course, MM has mentioned making static terrain an option, so the next 7D could potentially have both voxel and static. I think they can make voxel better if they start from scratch and have more experienced devs. Let's be real, 7DTD has been rewritten a bunch due to old, bad code from devs that didn't really know what they were doing. But they can't really rewrite the whole game easily, so some of that junk is still here today. Hopefully a fresh start on a sequel will give better results. I would bet if they start another IP, it will not be voxel related.
  11. But Roland was referring to A20 experimental versions, so it would be a gamebreaker in that case...
  12. It's never a guarantee. Usually adding a mod is fine, removing is where you have problems. But just updating an existing mod shouldn't really hurt anything as long as it isn't an overhaul with a major update or something.
  13. You might be the only person who has ever asked that. Lol. Normally people hate the controls I use for mine.
  14. I just don't wanna be hearing about people dying too much now. Everyone asked for this, so no whining about it.
  15. Xyth just said they seem to be working fine now.
  16. I think it should be the numbers in SleeperVolumeGroup. S_Zom_Businessman,2,2 for example, where I believe it's S_Zom_Businessman,min,max for that volume.
  17. To get that POI, yeah, you'd need a new game. But I wouldn't say it's worth statting over just for that. And I think I fixed the Bull Rush perk. Just need to see if you can reread the book after the fix to get the ability back. Otherwise it'll need a new game or to use the console to give yourself the buff back. Need to make sure it isn't an issue for any of the other perk books as well.
  18. Ideas are always welcome. I have a text document I keep around loaded with ideas. So there's a chance I may already be looking at it. I have thought about some type of radio. I have a pip boy I wanted to add. Snufkin, who made the power armor, also made one that acts like a watch with character stats and stuff. So something like that is also an option. But I thought about making the pip boy more of just a portable radio you could equip. I'm just not sure how easily it would be to control it.
  19. Nah, that's more than enough. Feedback on balance and stuff is something I never get. Not sure if that means it's good or if people are just lazy. Lol. That's why I threw up my test server to play on myself. Me and Arramus put a good amount of time into a couple play throughs and I made several tweaks and changes from that. I had planned on starting it up again but I may wait till a20.
  20. I've tinkered with the idea of them. I don't think I ever found an acceptable 3d asset of them though. I could probably model them myself as they aren't very complicated. Just need to make sure I can make them look good in first and third person. I haven't looked into the power armor perks as of yet. Was trying to finish up what I had planned for that update first. Lost that t4 POI and had to remake it again, so that cost me some time. Got some time off coming up so I'll try and work through those issues then if I haven't already. Then it might be time to hold off till a20 as I don't fancy having to do the same work twice in the event stuff changes.
  21. The Wasteland Updated to 2.3, for A19.5 Download at Git or Nexus -----FIXED/CHANGED----- -Added: Atom Car -Added: Old Semi -Added: Old Pickup -Added: Incinerator mods -Added: New T4 POI -Changed: Metal box no longer uses loot list that destroys on close -Changed: Reverted the NPCs AI so hopefully the ranged ones will attack more consistently -Changed: Old Ambulance loot changed to more appropriate one (will take effect on new worlds only I think, maybe unvisited chunks) -Fixed: Vault 101 small sleeper error -Fixed: Nuka Factory Rad Ghoul sleeper issue -Fixed: Scale issue on Rad B Gone and Rad Z drop meshes On Git, the launcher and Nexus now.
  22. Most of them are inspired by a weapon from other games, mostly Fallouts. So the way they are is how they were in those games, mostly. They are high enough damage that they should still hang with pretty much anything else. I might take a look at the damage values to compare them to some high end, fully modded vanilla ones. But the mods will stay how they are.
  23. Sounds like this should be here: https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/40-discussion-and-requests/ Or in a PM. Or in a thread of Khaine's...
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