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Everything posted by JCrook1028

  1. They are no longer hard coded, they now do a stealth check. It's already been fixed.
  2. You're so right. That is not normal and I seriously doubt you have a lvl 6 pickaxe mid day of Day one. You're either modded, bugged or lying to make a point. Which is it?
  3. You can right click the the aim holds, then you shoot with left click. Next shot yes you need to aim again but you do not need to hold to shoot.
  4. There's an option in setting for that. Hold or click and hold.
  5. Ryzen 7 3700x, RTX 3060, 16 gig ram and running smooth as silk on Ultra at 1080p. Bloom and motion blur off. Much better running than A19 was at lower settings.
  6. Your assumption that they were there to educate you was wrong. Your assumption that they were there to educate you was wrong.
  7. Sometimes "rebuilt" etc products are simply put thru the process because of damaged packaging.
  8. I never taken any of the tracker perks. I rarely take any barter or quest perks until late game.
  9. That right there is both condescending and dismissive. Right in the answer to you never being condescending and dismissive... If it's truly unintentional then perhaps you need to learn to change your tone in text.
  10. Lmao, you're kidding right? You're honsetly gonna try and say that was what you meant when you slammed streamers for not working a "rel job"? That's pathetic. Sad really how you can't even stand by your own words.
  11. But you also said they don't work "real" jobs. So which is it? They earn their living by streaming or not? You can't have it both ways.
  12. Well of course they are, that's only the 2nd horde. Did you just respond to Dcsobral that you also had 8k hours in the game? Which is it, newbie recently or 8k hours?
  13. So in your eyes the trader is severely unbalanced yet you still go full hog into the perks to make it even more OP? Lmao, that's just stupid. Actually no, it's balanced around nomad and default is adventurer.
  14. That's not a "normal" game, that's a speedrun game. Normal games don't include crucible and 4x4 by D7. You just prefer to speedrun it. Which is fine but that is also why the game gets boring to you, you do it the same way every time. Playing with "worse" methods increases the fun factor because it is new and challenging.
  15. Are you in the wasteland at night? The respawn there is instant.
  16. Yes, you did. Then as usual you go on to making assumptions such as they're fake and terrible players. On 11/17/2021 at 2:10 AM, bachgaman said: Also, obviously, I was talking about full time streamers, for whom this is a salary, and not about hobby streamers.
  17. Guess what? People play the game in different ways? That does not make their way wrong as you imply here. If we all played the same way what a boring world we would live in.
  18. Completely missing the point. Point is that VERY few streamers make a living from streaming. But that's ok, I understand why you choose to go off topic. It wrecks your delusion of all these professional streamers messing up your life. smh.
  19. "According to the US Census Bureau, the median US household income in 2020 was $67,521. To make that much per year on Twitch, assuming you aren't bringing in money from sources not included in this data, you'd have to be one of Twitch's top 1,322 streamers right now. There are around 8.8 million active streamers on Twitch (via Twitch Tracker), which means you'd need to be in the top 0.015% of all streamers to make the median US household income from direct Twitch streaming revenue. Some of the streamers at that level are live every day of the week for sessions that last anywhere from 2 to 12 hours." https://www.pcgamer.com/twitch-streamer-income-leak/
  20. True but doesn't tell the whole story. When I first start finding iron tools the stamina use is too high so those early finds the level (and so the mod slot number) really isn't the issue.
  21. I switch tiers when the higher tier makes an improvement, not before. I never go the entire game with stone tools tho, that's just be dumb. Iron takes a few mod slots til it passes stone for one reason, stone high quality is easy to find. Notice in your comparison you're using a lvl 6 stone vs a level 3 iron. Not sure why you wouldn't compare with equal mod slots. The mod slots are what really make the difference.
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