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Everything posted by JCrook1028

  1. Some people will always feel entitled to something they can't have. It's ok, you're not alone in your sense of entitlement.
  2. Wow, just wow. No matte rby who or how many times you're told you just refuse to acknowledge facts. Ok, feel free to live in your own little fantasy world.
  3. You're not paying attention. I've already answered this. You WILL NOT get it on a FRIDAY! Ever. This will not change even if there were no streamer event at all. The streamer event DOES NOT affect when you get the game. Period. Fact. End of story. and you've listed none. How does that make your point about most of them not having 9-5 jobs? It doesn't. you have NO facts on the matter at all. Just spouting off bs numbers pulled out of thin smelly air.
  4. No I'm from the same universe that you are. The one where we get the game on a Monday. Not on a Friday. Streamer weekend does NOT change when we get the game, at all. Of the Streamers I watch. most work other jobs. Kage848, Midnight Designer, Fubar Prime, GameEdged. Skippy0330, KnightRath, Skillincarnate, TomGirlGamer, Kumquat_Tv, CnlFailure, SF_Gaming_Channel. I can't offhand think of a single streamer I've watched that did not work a "real" job also. Have you any actual specifics to back up your argument?
  5. So how do you know which streamers work 9-5 jobs and which do not? I'll tell you how. You Don't. That's just a fact. Your just inventing stuff out of thin air. Thin, smelly, hot air.
  6. No, it does not affect you, other than in your own mind. You would NOT get it when they do anyway. You would still get it on the exact same Monday regardless of whether they got it on Friday or not. They have ZERO affect on when you get the game. Fact.
  7. Ahh bit it's not "brainless". It's a fact that they advertise it more widely than someone who doesn't have that many people following them. Also, how do you know who "cares" about the game more? Able to read their thoughts are you?
  8. So where did your insider info come from on who is a "hard worker" and who is not? Or are you just spouting off BS from your nether regions?
  9. It's not a week, it's a weekend. They get it Friday, we get it Monday. They funded the game as much as you did. they didn't get the game for free, they bought it same as you did. Nope, they are not. You would not get the game on a Friday when they would be out of the office for the weekend. They have said many times they will not again release to the public pre weekend. You would get it on a Monday. Same as you do now with the streamer event.
  10. Is motion blur turned on?
  11. Youtube channel "Hardware Unboxed" does excellent in depth reviews of monitors. they are your source for actual info on the subject.
  12. Personally I'd stick with Win 10. We all know how these Windows release are, 11 is gonna suck, bad. Unless you're really desperate I'd absolutely not breaking your pattern, Build the system yourself even if it means using your old gpu for another year. The value is pre builts, even with selecting the parts, simply is not there. I recently built my system (Ryzen7 3700x on an Asus x570 mb with 16 gig ddr4 3200 and a Seasonic 650 watt 80+ gold) and went to 15 select parts sites and every single one of them was a ripoff both in price and in lack of name brand parts options. I waited 6 months in EVGA queue for a 3070 til I couldn't stand it anymore then caved and paid too much for a 3060 ($629, same as I'm in queue for a 3070 for). I figure the shortage is gonna be another 6 months at least. I'm still in the queue so will probably buy the 3070 when my number finally hits and sell the 3060 for whatever I can get for it at the time. Up to you ofc but just my 2c. Go AMD and build it yourself. Don't ever buy cutting edge tech and especially never early adopt any new Windows release.
  13. Ever played the Undead Legacy mod? That's how it would coexist.
  14. One is weight and the other is slots I think?
  15. But it would only be "healing you with no effect because you put the wrong bandage in" if you ASK it to. So don't ask for a heal when you're not hurt. Yea in the stream he only put in regular bandages and it went ahead and used them when he told it to. Still useful if you're actively bleeding. How do you know how or if it chooses higher level meds when more than 1 is in it's inventory? You assume it doesn't but that was not shown so you're inventing a problem to complain about that you don't know actually exists? It may already know to use a higher level if one is available.
  16. Just a point I think people are missing. Those icons hovering over the small stones and wood... are ONLY there for the opening quest. They are meant to help the new guy who may not know those little bushes give wood and show that a small pebble is as much counted as a stone as the boulders are. They will not be there for the entire game. That would be idiotic. As for the drones jokes and conversation? Yea that's gonna get real annoying real fast. I like the drone itself tho.
  17. They already do both of those randomly. Do you even play the game?
  18. Read the first post and you will have your answer...
  19. Actually no. In talking about adding new models it's as "simple" as knowing a friend that can do graphics and having them make the models for you. Or buying pre-made models. Once you have the models themselves adding them into the game is child's play modding wise and a few basic questions in the Mod section of the forum will surely find someone willing to walk you thru it.
  20. That right there is your problem. It is not a "survival" game. It is a game with elements from many genre's of which survival is one. get that fact thru your head.
  21. So how does that change what I wrote? If someone wanted what you want they would mod it. Obviously no one else has. Must be because no one wants it enough to do it. Just like you don't want it enough to learn how to do it. It CAN be done tho, that's the whole point you seem to miss no matter how many people have already told you that.
  22. Because no one has wanted it enough to do it. Btw, there have been mods with children zombies. I think it was the winter mod? I could be remembering wrong on which it was. That was interesting because the entire world was buried down below snow, you had to dig down into POI's.
  23. Well ofc. But new models CAN be added. If the modder is either good at 3d modeling then they can add high quality HD models. If they are not they can buy stock assets, of varying degrees of quality. So everything you say about models goes right out the window. New models at high quality can be added. Fact. New story can be added like in Darkness Falls. Fact. Entire new mechanic systems like weight and learn by doing in Undead Legacy can be added. Fact. New locations and maps can be added. Fact. What cannot be added?
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