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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Iam sure they will ;)


    I myself cant wait to have the WalkyDad (LOL) Prison back in the COMPOPACK

    (I wait until u added sleepers and quest but than its back in Pack)


    I love your Prefabs


    Thanks Mags. 😎👍, not sure how the rwgmixer works with larger prefabs in A18. If no good, it will have to be in people's custom worlds for now (like sam's)

  2. Even more credit looking after 3 kids! You nailed that prison cell area, made me think Hershel was gonna walk out. Amazing work, can't wait for sleepers being added, i can hear the alarm sirens going off already.


    Thanks!!!! I spent many nights watching episodes, taking screenshots and even reviewing drone pictures of the prison. I had to use alot of creativity since the show doesnt show exactly how some of the prison areas connect with each other.


    Hopefully the community will love it. 😎👍

  3. This may sound silly, but is xpath limited to changes to xml files within only the config folder? I am trying to write a modlet for changes to an xml file contained within the Worlds directory instead.


    For example, adding the following prefab location line to a World Map prefabs.xml file.


       <decoration type="model" name="LazManPrison" position="5755,28,3164" rotation="0" />

  4. Hi. My suggestion: Make an air prefab (consisting of only air block) that has the same size as your POI and add the corresponding entry above the entry for the prison in the prefabs.xml. I think Guppy had the same problem with my ship. There was water in it that belonged to the custom world. Unfortunately, the air prefab trick didn't work but but perhaps you can use it to remove those trees. Not sure.


    Thanks for the idea, I will give that a shot. Side note, after the conversion to a18 inget slot of texture white text messages in the console. Are those anything to be worried about?

  5. Did someone call Dr. Weir(d) ? :mask:

    The actors name is "Sam Neill" :smile-new:


    If you have a layout or fan fiction how TWD map is based i might give it a try ^^


    Not that sam Neill. The one from Jurassic park...😂


    - - - Updated - - -


    Did someone call Dr. Weir(d) ? :mask:

    The actors name is "Sam Neill" :smile-new:


    If you have a layout or fan fiction how TWD map is based i might give it a try ^^


    Here you go...😂



  6. Hi,


    No, no blindness involved. This is correct, I have not updated SMXhudBBM and the reason for that is that I have moved the BBM part over to SMXui, which I am currently developing. SMXhudBBM has been reported to work though, even if I have not even tested to see that for myself.


    If all else fails there are other BBM mods and modlet out there that will work fine with SMXhud as it doesn't touch the backpack.


    When it comes to SMXui I have been saying in a few days for a while now, and at this point I am not gonna say anything as it takes more time than I thought to clean it up for shipping. I am working as fast as I can and it will be ready soon :)


    ...and to those that wait...a small teaser...




    Oh wow that's amazing!!! Definitely needed. Need more opportunities to showcase our character. 😎

  7. Haha lol. I am sure it will. But we wants the precious we needs it haha. The walking dead set lol


    - Prison

    - Woodbury

    - quarry

    - the farm

    - suburb rick lived in lol before zombie apocalypse for when they revisit.

    - the hospital rick on coma

    - Alexandria

    - hill top

    - the kingdom

    - sanctuary lol


    - any others I may have missed 🤣😂🤣😂


    Terminus, The old folks home in Atlanta, CDC...😂

  8. @laz I love you lol. I am obsessed with the walking dead and have loved this prefab for a long time. Any chance of making any other landmark prefab from the walking dead?


    If I had the time to do another it would probably be woodbury....one building at a time tho...😅

  9. Being realistic here, the only chance that the last update being worked on gets finished is if another publisher came along willing to work with IG. But even then, that's assuming TFPs didnt learn anything from this TT debacle....


    Based on their response, my guess is they probably concluded doing another port is probably not worth it until after gold release.


    Condolences to all those who feel cheated and I commend those who choose to take the high road on the matter.

  10. Hello all, release delayed due to a18 release. On the positive side I have been playing some A18 and getting a good sense for the loot balance of A18 vanilla POIs and will adjust accordingly for a more balanced customer experience. Thank you for your patience. 😁

  11. Aren't you on my discord? Tons of cutting edge info there, maybe even someone who can help you with this; I'm not up to snuff on the latest prefabbing technology. :)


    Yes I think so, havent opened it in ages. I may try tonight if I get some time away from my bloodmoon kids..😅

  12. Just a quick update. Just relearned that because of distant terrain meshes (correct terminology?) it seems like large POIs will have visual issues from far away unless the prefab is placed somewhere with completely flat terrain. I have a workaround in mind but it's far from ideal.


    Is there a way to alter/update the terrain and distance mesh of a pregenerated world (i.e. navesgane)? Any links are appreciated. Thanks.

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