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Laz Man

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Posts posted by Laz Man

  1. Since steam appears to be down, did this rough sketch (lol) of the utilty room where Laurie died in the prison. This helps me get some rough proportions on how much space I will need and what notable objects to add/create (workbench, pipes, electrical, etc.).







  2. Looks nice, but the concrete floor is a bit to "clean", maybe its just the concrete texture itself looking like that. You could put some rubbish around, but that might only help a bit.

    Maybe terrain textures like asphalt, gravel or even sand ?


    Otherwise it looks nice :-)


    Its dirtier up close but will add more grime...😎


    - - - Updated - - -


    Fantastic Job Gents!


    So is this updated to A17? A18?


    My plan is to release before A18 drops. So A17 and then will do a compatibility release after A18 drops.

  3. Yeah, the street ending nowhere at Northeast of the map, i reserved plenty of space there. If that does not fit i will make space anywhere else modding the TGA ^^

    Do you have a sweet spot in your mind ?


    Nothing particular aside from being in the forest biome.

  4. Slaan made a very good video about that - i hope that is the one you watched, helped me tremendously. Setting up Sleeper Volumes is something i need to proceed into too :frusty:


    Yeah I watched the mesh video from Slaan.


    - - - Updated - - -


    I'm going to drop the prison in your world when I'm ready to test drive. Do you have a recommended flat area for me to drop it in?

  5. Ah, its finished ? Very nice :smile-new:


    No, but very close. :) I can feel it...


    I watched some videos on distant POI meshes and sleeper volumes last night. Cant wait to release the Kraken on all of you. 😎


    Edit: I'm at work right now revising an SOP but all I can think about is prefabbing lol....

  6. *cough* scope creep




    Haha, since a18 got pushed out to October figured I had some more time. Lots of empty space that needed more utilization. 😎


    - - - Updated - - -


    Real cool design. A lot of room to get an andventure.

    Maybe there is a chance, when the Prefab pre A18 is finished, that I can integrate it into my Modlet?


    Sure thing. It will be available to all.

  7. Here's what I whipped up.


    Link: Download


    Unzip into gamefolder/data/worlds


    So basically I flattened some areas and put some roads down, removed all prefabs and made the entire biome forest... the coordinates are as follows:


    Atlanta: -1616,124,-1888

    Quarry: 269,71,-1858

    Woodbury: 629,124,547

    Prison: 1257,124,62

    Hilltop: -175,147,1378

    Alexandra: -748,124,1689

    Negan's Compound: -1214,124,1881














    Feel free to let me know what else you'd like; biome changes, mountains, etc... the layout is pretty similar to the one I did in mspaint above. =)


    Nice!!!! Ty ty


    Was this created with that gaia unity thing?

  8. 3) You're going to love being able to specify a corner spot for Atlanta, have a spot for the quarry, farmhouse, the prison, Woodbury, Alexandria, and the skin walker area... make a little quest driven adventure that brings you from place to place...




    I would love u forever if you made me a custom world of that to use in the world editor. 😎



  9. very nice u work on this

    I know this prefab will be superfantastic again when finished - I love ur works


    I cross all my 11 fingers we get this baby spawned on RWG in A18


    Ideally I'd like to release 3 versions.




    3)custom map like Guppy's

  10. Damn perfectionists... always holding off on releases. =)


    Yeah I can be at times. Problem has mostly been scope creep. There were alot of the areas in the old prison that felt so plain that I felt the need to expand and more substance. C'est la vie.

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