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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. They will be at twitch con to show off twitch integration....🤷‍♂️...😅
  2. Yes, client and server logs would be ideal.
  3. Are you referring to Vanilla? I encourage you submit a bug report with your log files and such. See red banner above.
  4. I can empathize as the old A20 crafting progression was certainly faster than what we now have in A21. Personally speaking, the old method of recipe unlocks through perks felt more like a safety net alternative if RNG didn't bless the player. Remember the old Forge Ahead book gate? Finding or not finding that book was way too important and impacted the player experience too severely. Although crafting progression is slower in some cases, it should be alot smoother and immersive. I personally prefer scavenging the remnants of the world for knowledge of the past versus abstractly learning recipes by pumping skill points down a particular attribute tree. I am hopeful the majority will enjoy the change. For those skeptical, I hope they at least give it a try with an open mind.
  5. Those crack a book POIs are certainly honey pots. However, if it's too OP, I wouldn't be surprised to see alittle reduction of lootable containers, etc. In my current playthrough, I haven't gone out of my way to find a crack a book POI yet, but don't feel my crafting magazine progression is too slow.
  6. You are in luck! Faatal just mentioned in the dev diary that he is currently working on player swimming for A21. 😎
  7. Some of the older paint textures will be removed as block deco replace them. Hopefully that will translate into us getting more textures. I personally, would love more floor / wall textures as it would help vary level design more. 😁
  8. It has been considered before but it's not in the cards for 7d2d. One of the next games will using the Unreal engine though.
  9. It's no so bad yet...haven't seen any dave Chappelle memes yet...😅
  10. The way I see it, some player angst when things change stem from the following. 1) Game has been in public EA for so long some people are either burnt out on changes and/or looking for new content (e.g. new vehicles, quests, etc.) 2) Game is perceived as a "Sandbox" of mechanics and options that player should have full control on how to use or not use.
  11. I don't mind disagreement with dev decisions and modders creating their own vision of the game. It's those who spew nonsense about them knowing better that creates this narrative that modders know best for all. I'm not going to name drop, but see it all the time.
  12. Pretty much this, except the negativity towards the devs on their vision. I've seen modders and content creators both guilty of this despite the occasional appreciation that is mentioned...
  13. Funny meme about gamestaging but that isn't something new introduced by this crafting system change. Believe it or not, this change is comparatively smaller and less disruptive to other systems than a complete redesign/reintroduction of attributes, XP, LBD, perks.
  14. Have you played either Darkness Falls or Undead Legacy? If not, those overhauls might be exactly what you are looking for. AFAIK, both of those overhauls have reintroduced some form of LBD (action skills).
  15. The cement mixer is unlocked pretty early in the workstation crafting category while demolishers come at a pretty late game stage. Players should have more then enough time to get there, especially if they focus on workstation crafting.
  16. Not sure...but it wouldn't be the first time... 😁
  17. I believe the reason has already been mentioned. We are in the gold push now. Could the original LBD be reimplemented in a way that is better then what we already have? Maybe... However, doing so would take too much time which is just not in the cards anymore. It is more likely to happen in the next game potentially.
  18. That's actually the beauty of it. The player has to choose what's more important to them and what trade offs come from it. For example, I am one magazine away from being able to craft something I really want (i.e. junk sledge). Being able to craft that item will help me significantly in the upcoming bloodmoon. Do I choose to loot a few more Mo Power related POIs or do one more quest in hopes to get that last magazine or spend more time building up my base instead? The tougher these decisions are, the better.
  19. Thanks for the video link. There was nothing new in his video that others haven't already expressed concerns over and have been responded to already. In general the following were his worries. 1) RNG would be too heavy handed with drops and will cause player frustration. 2) Non looter players will have a harder time progressing their skills. Magazines are pretty plentiful, so I don't think this will be a problem. Whenever, I was in search of a particular magazine type, I would go out of my way to visit POIs that would have a greater chance of having the ones I wanted. Since you can get them as rewards and for sale from the trader, players have many ways to obtain the types they are hunting for. If there are some edge cases, it will be balanced accordingly. Yes, this change does slow down crafting progression in some cases compared to A20. However, It is 100% more rewarding / engaging. It may not be LBD, but it's the next best thing. It makes crafting more accessible to all players regardless of build AND gives them a new activity to engage in. Magazines are essentially a new valuable commodity for players to use, buy, sell or trade with other players. This should improve the experience for all game modes versus how crafting was unlocked previously. SP players, can work towards unlocking all crafting should they choose to do so, while MP players can work towards pooling their magazines on their dedicated crafters. The team is well aware of all of the concerns, and are eagerly trying to wrap up this Alpha so you guys can give it a try. 😎
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