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Everything posted by The-Walking-Dad

  1. I used the modlauncher to install, and I'm getting an object reference error when I start the game. [/spoiler] Could someone tell me what I've done wrong, please? Edit: wow, that's a lot of text...
  2. I was cornered by a wandering horde while in a basement. No frames to build my way out. Day 13, nothing more than a mongrel, bow, and frying pan. I thought I was doing pretty well up until that point. Please note, this is a fantastic outcome. I haven't died in vanilla 7DTD in about three years.
  3. I don't know if this will interest you, but you used to be able to make a zombie spawn where the trader does. The zombie could be killed. Might help towards a "last man on earth" feel if it's still possible.
  4. Subquake, you are a legend. Thank you for letting us enjoy this marvellous mod. It has reignited my passion for the game.
  5. I fully and enthusiastically disagree with this thread title My preferred is whisky, but hey. Are you sure thats+'s your house?
  6. I was digging for clay this evening when I heard a growl. I didn't think much of it: I'm near the wasteland, probably just a stray. Nope! I shot the first two dogs with my double barrel, started stepping backwards as I heard louder growls from above me. Four, maybe five bears and at least as many dogs drop into the pit with me. I pull out my m60 and start firing. The bodies of the dead gave cover to the others and they had no problem biting me through them. My back against the wall, I'm at 25% health, I'm bleeding, I'm lacerated, I'm infected, magazine running low. I prepare to say my goodbye to this world... when janky physics result in me being thrown upwards, out of the pit. I run, applying bandages as I go, and I make it to my 4x4. I'm off, a bear and a dog in pursuit. I stopped to deal with them and counted myself extremely lucky to have survived.
  7. Clouds rotate around you, as well, rather than moving in a realistic fashion.
  8. I've just noticed that campfire and forge flames change depending on where you're looking. If you look to their left, they lean right. If you look to their right, they lean left. Certainly not a complaint, just a thing I noticed.
  9. Handy tip: the files you need are in the %appdata% folder, and you should avoid copying the map file. Plus remove any drones, vehicles etc cos the game will think you're at your maximum in the new world.
  10. Be vigilant. Carry a firearm whenever possible for "oh crap" situations. Hunt when you can. Don't be afraid to fight but be wary of getting surrounded. Enjoy the fear of no exploits!
  11. For a brief time, you'd start drowning on dry land.
  12. I liked the neighbourhood idea, but I love this one. Might record it with my son for YouTube.
  13. Sounds fun, I might try this next play through. Imagining Rorke's Drift barricades, and Welsh people singing.
  14. Damnit, Roland! Bomb dropped. Have you had a chance to experience the New Way yet, or is it still on the drawing board at this time?
  15. Weren't they just added in this alpha?
  16. It's been a long time since I played it, but half Life's soldiers seemed to make a decent effort at cover, etc. I know that wasn't a voxel game, though.
  17. I just got trolled by approx 8 of these guys in the Rooster pub. They pushed me away from zombies, spoiling my kills, scared the crap out of me in peripheral vision, jumped out of the top storey window to avoid me, then turned up behind me when I thought it was all clear!
  18. I'm sure I heard once it was introduced as a way of combating a bug which got you stuck inside blocks. With no suicide button (and no death penalty at that time) they introduced glass to fill that function.
  19. My first suggestion/request(s): Toggle HUD on/off, while retaining the ability to interact with the world. Toggle entity types on/off. E.g. zombies off, bandits on, traders on. Or zombies on, bandits off, traders off. Etc. This is coming purely from a selfish desire to play the game the way I like, but hey. You don't get if you don't ask.
  20. You say your issue isn't RNG, and admit to extreme bad luck with RNG. You even say "don't tell me how many breakers you've got" because your point isn't RNG. But it is. You're asking for certain items to have a chance of appearing in RNG at a certain progress point. They already do. You've just extreme bad luck. Personally I'd add a recipe for the items you struggle to find, or add a recipe unlock into one of the skill trees so it unlocks at a certain level.
  21. I dunno, spaghetti and meatballs wouldn't fill me for 2-3 days.
  22. Yep, stops interaction. I developed my own mostly invisible HUD a few alphas back, and someone did a fully invisible one.
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