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Everything posted by n2n1

  1. n2n1

    sphereii's DMT Mods

    Corpse-looting can be implemented easily from the xml, it is verified. But you will pay for it by not being able to pull arrows out of corpses while they exist (but this is inaccurate, there are some features). I think removing loot from zombies was precisely this reason - devs exchange loot on opportunity extricate arrows.
  2. ???...hmm... If it is not 7dtd i can hardly help directly, because i did not use this Utility outside of this game, but maybe this will give you an idea: you should be warned how resources .resS work https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=488856&viewfull=1#post488856 https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=502817&viewfull=1#post502817 here is a method where you can make an offset and specify a different data location - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?32600-Overriding-vanilla-files-(assets-)&p=314195&viewfull=1#post314195 By the way, the added resources in the asset are just there and they are not included in the header, the list by which the program can know that it is there. And just remember that there may be separate header files like "globalgamemanagers" that may contain paths for files from other bundles. PS: perhaps you are asking how to make the created file have a path in the resource....yes so can be done...it's possible and i did ... but i forgot as, if I recall write here.... PPS: oh yes - but this is same... https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=492165&viewfull=1#post492165
  3. I don't quite understand what you want, but it seems this problem is similar to mine. Here are links that may be lead you to the answer: this is the theme i created back then - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?49611-adding-extra-terrain-textures-with-UABE that's what said DerPopo about this, (it worked) - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?22675-Unity-Assets-Bundle-Extractor&p=492165&viewfull=1#post492165
  4. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Hallo Pille! You can tell me briefly what the files contain."ins"? And, for what now need <property class= "Stats"> in prefab-xml?
  5. Thank you that share information, which can useful whom any
  6. I have not dealt with this, but maybe this topic will shed light on something: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?52179-A16-Colored-Crosshairs&highlight
  7. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Just pretend there's nothing there.
  8. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Yes, trader spawn occurs through "SpawnEntity" class. Now spawn is repeated. You told me about something https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?62501-Prefab-Editor-(Alpha)&p=980620&viewfull=1#post980620 i would like to clarify whether it is possible to use it, because spawn through a trader works for my purposes incorrectly... Or, maybe, there's another way?
  9. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Entity spawn via trader("SpawnEntity" class) spawn now works incorrectly (spawn happens repeatedly). Do you have another way to spawn an entity in a prefab without using sleepers? (I need to spawn in a viewable area and be immediately active, but sleepers can't spawn in an open/viewable area, and not active)
  10. n2n1

    True Survival

    Come on back! Or we'll all be running away soon...
  11. Unfortunately you'll have to try to find the answer in the topic if it exists, because local users are unlikely to help you due to the fact that in 7DTD there is no need to use batch processing. The author rarely appears here. Start the search from the end, this feature was not added at the beginning, in addition - may be worth reading the Usage.txt file.
  12. Hey guys, i don't use batch extraction so i can't tell, but i'm sure the answer to this frequently asked question has already been answered by the author in this thread .
  13. @Westr276 hmmm... i extracted any meshes i needed. Specify in which bundle you are trying to pull this mesh (sorry i can't understand where it is). -------------------------------- UPD okay i found this ..... sadly, yes indeed this mesh i could not open, too. But most of the others that i came across - there were no problems. How many did you come across that don't open?
  14. Do you have any problems with A18? Support for the new Unity has long been implemented in UABE.
  15. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    And, by the way - yes! Sometimes it maybe helps for eye fatigue. I'm used to it - many utilities have dark themes for long work.
  16. To avoid getting blurred textures - try off "streaming textures" in the graphics settings.
  17. n2n1

    Prefab Editor (Alpha)

    Thanks for the conversion instructions! I'll put it off for later, but knowing that there is already a method - saves me from an extra headache
  18. When you extract a mesh in OBJ format you always get a UV-scan, this goes along with the geometry. It is not clear what kind of problem you encounter. Perhaps you want to get a texture? Then you manually need to find the appropriate image file - and all the cases.
  19. @puhumight Not quite clear your problem. There is a format obj and fbx (this is a 3D model format). To what format do you want to convert? ....just find the appropriate Converter and it's done! What question? hmmm....maybe you want to ask a batch conversion method? or do you want to create an asset/bundle in Unity that will contain only selected/desired models? ...but then i don't see the advisability of it...
  20. Well...question a wide. I'd say so, perhaps in most practical cases - Yes this needs. But, for example about collider: you don't have to change collider - but then it will remain the same... The question is whether - it is acceptable or not. Texture - you can leave if your mesh changes are not significant and do you re-create his UV. A lot of nuances...
  21. Mein übersetzer übersetzt gut aus dem Deutschen, also verstehe ich Sie besser als englisch
  22. I do not know the answer to your question, but if no one answers you for a long time - look at the whole thread, such questions have already been, perhaps you will find the answer.
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