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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 19 hours ago, NinjaMoa said:

    What is done for the Y aspect then?


    The main problem I have found with this is dropping / climbing into another room and having them appear as i do so.

    I found these nice tips from @Jackelmyer in his thread on POI design:


    TIPS - Sleeper Volumes


    1. Overlapping volumes can behave funny. But they sometimes are the only way to make your Prefab spawn zombies in a way that makes sense considering a player can come from any direction. I personally found it beneficial to place zombies in key areas that I knew i wouldn't overlap with multiple Sleeper Volumes. Then I had Sleeper Volumes placed overlapping to ensure zombies spawn when a player enters a certain area and they don't get the zombie flashing up in front of them. Not an easy task.
    2. Keep in mind that when you enter a Sleeper Volume, there can be as much as an 8 second delay it seems (may vary even more) on when zombies spawn. So be cautious with how tight your Sleeper Volumes are. You may expect a player to have to break down a door to get into a sleeper volume... But what about after they broke down the door and come back to the Prefab a few game weeks later? No door, and they walk right into the room. Delay... zombies pop right in front of the player... ew.
    3. Definitely import your Prefab after you've setup your Sleeper Volumes and give it a test run. Things may not behave exactly as you expect it. And they won't behave exactly as you want them. So test it out, tweak it some, but don't go crazy (i did. marginally helped... eh.)
    4. IMO less is actually more when placing Sleeper Zombies in regards to how you want a Sleeper Volume to perform. You want to balance how many places you've put zombies, the size of the area that a Sleeper Volume is going to cover, and the Group you're using to spawn the zombies. The Groups are more important than placing a bunch of zombie positions. Out of the standard groups you get to use, note that the Default group types have a *chance* to spawn zombies, as to most all the other groups. Where as the Loot group types are guaranteed to spawn zombies. Play testing is a must! :)



  2. 2 hours ago, Shado47 said:

    I didnt say they're not adding any good stuff, but like half the content per update is reworks of stuff that has already been redone many times over. Not improvements and tweaks that build on the current system. No. A complete rework from scratch. And in the case of the skill trees or world gen, often the new iteration isn't even any better than the previous one.

    Look, I understand that from the perspective of an uninformed player that's all you see, but trust me, I've been following these devs for years in a very detailed way, long before I started posting on the forums, so I think I know what's what.


    True, they did experiment a lot over the years, but every single change or "rework" they've made has been for good reasons. Sometimes it's a technical reason (like when they decided to ditch the Unity UMA system) and sometimes is a design reason (like with the Perk/Skill tree system changes), but every single time they're doing it weighing pros and cons.


    Most naysayers like you portray TFP like crazy monkeys throwing pins on a whiteboard to choose the content for the next alpha. What's really happening is that you (meaning most people) are completely oblivious of the "behind the scenes" and don't really have a clue on how they work through each decision they take.

  3. 6 hours ago, Roland said:

    This is crazy....this is not a bug reporting thread. If you believe there to be a bug with zombie AI, test it, reproduce it, and post it to the bug thread. Faatal doesn’t need us to hand him A19 bugs to work on. That is the job of the QA team.

    My bad, shouldn't have brought up the issue here... :yield:

  4. 1 hour ago, JCrook1028 said:

    You can already do that in A19 vanilla as well. So glad Subquake finally got around to including it also.

    Are you sure? I can't remember locking inventory slots to be working in A19.

    They surely talked about it, but I don't think it was ever added. :confused2:

  5. 19 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Exactly. The behaviour is as expected (they hit a random block if they can't reach you).

    Did you guys even watch most of the video??


    At some point he (the player) jumps down and goes right behind some zeds, and they keep ignoring him and hitting the wall.

    Blake_ gave the best explanation IMO, but you guys ignoring the fact that the AI is not working very well doesn't help the game or faatal. :nono:

  6. 1 hour ago, Subquake said:

    No, UI is designed to complement the mod, it's not compatible with vanilla/other mods.

    Thanks for the reply anyway. Maybe I'll try your full mod some day, though I'm just not the type for mods.

    There's always something that seems unbalanced or weird about mods (my opinion, not criticizing your mod).

  7. @faatal Someone posted on Steam this short video claiming that by changing a couple values in the Windows Registry they can solve the "FPS drops" some people have while playing the game. Since I'm no expert, I'd like to know if this makes any sense to you and also maybe it can help you understand some other way (if it works) to crank up performance even more. Thanks (it's just 5 minutes)




  8. 57 minutes ago, wolfbain5 said:

    well, not really your place to questions others either, but if you must know, I am in the group that does the CP pack. I am trying to stream line lag and such. server zombie count for dedi vs coop, range to trigger zombie population, texture streaming and the like all contribute. so, If I know the range, I can better tweak the prefabs for smoother game play for the many that use it. as it is zeds stay in memory for a certain amount of time after triggering them. overload that and you get wonky zed spawns  and empty volumes that spawn after you enter if not done right.

    I was talking more in general, I just picked your question as an example... but I see you're actually more "deserving" of an answer than most other people, as your purpose is not of exploiting the game or just idle chatter, but make the game better for others. :thumb:

  9. 6 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    Why ask why?

    It's a bit presumptuous IMO that people keep asking for an official response about everything related to how the game works "behind the scenes". You're lucky I'm not TFP, not only because the game would now be a total and utter mess (since I'm no programmer), but also because I'd be very secretive about how the internal workings of the game... well, work. I think most people are, what was that word?... "Meta gaming" the game. That's why we have cheese bases and infinite loops, people know too much about how the game works, and they exploit every tiny bit of this knowledge. But don't worry, after the CCP takes over TFP this problem will be over! :ballchain: :evil:

  10. 2 hours ago, pregnable said:


    Well I was playing Nomad with default settings not that long ago, but Charismatic Nature does not really need you to even play the game to see issues with it. 


    The fact that it is useless for solo play makes it stick out as odd.  The bonus to attributes also seems like it was just thrown in as a place holder. 


    I do not actually care if it gets changed, just pointing it out.  Just like I did with stealth... it seems off and should probably be changed, but I do not really care because I am not going to use it anyway. 


    I have said the last rank should probably be something like better barter, so it is still useful as a solo. 



    My favorite idea is still to have the last rank of charismatic nature extend the characters melee range, with a play on words about being able to reach out to people. 


    Also kinda makes sense if you are playing as a Bard, heh. 

    I actually agree on Charismatic Nature, I posted something along the lines a couple of months back IIRC.

    My idea, at the time, was to use it also to help with animal taming (yes, it was still a possibility back then), so it would make sense and be used both in SP and MP.


    But that's all water under the bridge now.

  11. 5 hours ago, pregnable said:


    I am pretty sure you can already get to where you take very little damage with armor and other perks... depending on how the 10% stacks it could be OP, but kinda hard for me to test solo without doing a bunch of extra stuff.  It is not like it would be hard to miss something like that with all the other buffs in the game. 


    The attribute bonus is the thing I do not really like though.  It is anywhere from 5 to 17 levels worth of perk points per player, but at the same time the perk is totally useless in solo. 


    Being close to the player with the perk is not that big of a deal, because the radius was huge last time I checked.  I think it might be the same radius as the hunting perk. 


    I believe part of the plan was that there will be npcs or companions or something that the perk will affect. 



    I think the perk should be changed, but I do not really care if they change it or not, heh.  I do not mind being a Bard when I play MP if it is going to stay. 


    I am sure some of the perks are going to get tweaked, and charismatic nature is likely to change, so I was just curious if there was any information about any potential perk changes. 

    It's curious how the most observations on game balancing are made by someone who's playing 7D2D on the extreme scale of settings... :confused2:

  12. 43 minutes ago, roughgalaxy said:

    A white board/chalkboard where we could leave notes to ourselves/teammates in game for what we plan on doing I think would be a well received addition. Base builders and looters could use this equally. Leaving a grocery list of stuff needed for the base, or a plan for the next day. A small thing, but I think it could be really valuable.

    This can already easily be done.

    Craft some signs and put them on a wall: you and your mates can edit the text at will... enjoy! :nerd:

  13. 4 hours ago, pregnable said:

    The despawn time on the mountain lions corpse seemed very short though, and both times a horde was summoned while I was fighting it

    Then I suggest, if you can make this happen again, to open the console and check there.

    I think there should be a log of why/how the spawns happen (but that's @Blake_ expertise TBH).

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