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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 1 hour ago, YungZaphod said:

    Totally in agreement. The current point allocation system doesn't make much sense and seems really retrograde.


    I guess I'm used to Fallout/Skyrim-type systems where you also gain points by successfully using the skill.


    Plus, I just started playing a few weeks ago and I'm realizing I have to put far more points into the base attribute to gain higher-level skills? Wha?


    Is there/could there be a mod where your base attribute goes up automatically as you gain more points in the underlying talents?

    You may want to try Undead Legacy. It's an overhaul, but it's close enough to vanilla that it doesn't seem like a totally different game.

    There you have a mix of point allocation and LBD.

  2. I'm greatly annoyed by having to allocate attribute points before I can actually allocate points to skills/perks.

    I'd have liked something like directly putting points in whatever skill and, as a consequence, I'd also raise the related attribute as far as my best skill in that tree.


    E.g.: if I put one point in clubs then also my strength will be 1, when I put 2 my strength will raise to 2 and so on... immediate gain! :smokin:

  3. 4 hours ago, Kirill_226RUS said:

    @faatal, @madmole, will there be an update to Unity and DX12/Vulkan for the current version of the game? For example, in A19.6. Or will it all be only in A20?

    faatal already replied to this: he had problems with Unity and Vulkan (even just in the editor) so he opened a ticked with the Unity guys.

    He's waiting for them to reply/resolve the issue.

  4. 2 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    Dear developers, perhaps @faatal or @madmole, will there be blocks with particles in the game? Or just additional visual effects, for example, sparks from faulty electric lamps, steam from an air duct, smoke, drops from a pipe in some basement? In addition, to enhance the atmosphere of the post-apocalypse, I think it would be interesting to see some blocks with animation - wobbling lamps, curtains that move in the wind, slowly rotating fans, and so on. The animation on the trees looks great, I would like to see something similar in the houses. Are there any plans?

    You mean like the dumpster, burning barrels, or the bar neon sign?

  5. 12 minutes ago, n2n1 said:

    So what? You seem to be busy, too?... but you have time to write. You even had time to "answer" my question...

    The reason why they don't allow kinyajuu to reply on the forum is simple.


    This is faatal reading and replying to questions: :ranger: ... :nerd:... :typing:

    This is kinyajuu reading and replying to questions: :ranger: ... :kev: ... :frusty: ... :smash: 

    :heh: /jk

  6. 12 minutes ago, FA_Q2 said:

    Obligatory is a strong word.  I have no doubts they are going to release a solid product, I think the product is solid right now.  I have very strong doubts that either an actual story is going to make it or bandits though. 

    They've kept their word on every KS goal except the last two ones (NPC/Bandits and a Story), why would they stop now?

    I trust they'll keep their word on these last two points too.


    As for the additional alphas: what you see as "winding down to finishing things" it's actually endurance and motivation.

    They need additional alphas because they want to complete all goals the best way they can.

  7. 6 minutes ago, VegetarianZombie said:

    I am sorry but that is one of the most absurd ways to talk bad about a players style of playing (looting) that I have seen in a while. It is like complaining about people who can't "control themselves" when they want to play permadeath or can't "control themselves" when they want to play with barely any zombies. It actually makes no sense. Besides my main part of the argument wasn't even the looting it was the endless driving back and forth if you want to do traders quests especially late game when you want to refresh POI or plenty of other reasons. You could have other ways to do quests not tied to driving between traders and POI hell there are already non-trader quests in the game and they could be expanded.

    Duh? Are you sure you quoted the right person?

    I wasn't talking about you or anyone's play style... why would you think that?


    Looting is fun and fine.

    I was just talking about people who want to "binge-quest" using the trader: I'm simply saying it's their choice and the game shouldn't be balanced around them. :confused2:

  8. 11 minutes ago, VegetarianZombie said:
    On 4/26/2021 at 1:18 AM, BFT2020 said:

    You can do this, nobody is forcing you to use the traders.  Using or ignorng traders is player choice.

    God do I hate stupid posts like these. I am sure I will get in trouble for saying that but why do people always have to act like they are trying to be smart and make stupid smug smarmy posts like this and ignore the entire discussion of the topic that is about making something about the game better.

    I agree with the sentiment, but not with the way you expressed it.

    32 minutes ago, Roland said:

    The problem is for those who do that and then don't understand the ramifications, and then complain about how soon the game is over or how it gets too hard too fast and then they want the balance changed so that the game works best when you spam the quests because, no matter what, they are going to continue to spam and speed run the quests even if the end result is a game state they aren't satisfied with.

    I don't think the game should be balanced around people who can't control themselves.

    It's like saying that since some people can't stop spam eating cookies, you'll be removing sugar from them to void them getting caries. :brushteeth:


    I know this same logic has been applied in the past to (e.g.) LBD, but in this case, I think we would be stretching it too far.

  9. 2 hours ago, Roland said:

    Getting back to topic...How would you solve the problem of spammed quests? Even if the trader travels you will still have a marker to return to him to gain your reward. What's to stop you from taking a new quest right away? Would you not get a location to return for that quest and have to find the trader to turn in your package for your reward? I don' think that would go over very well. The only way to stop quest spamming is to limit how many can be done per day. Some people will not like that restriction.

    Spammed quests are not a problem in my eyes, they're a choice.

    Hard work needs to be rewarded and if you want to earn more XP in less time, why would you stop that?


    As for the marker, I think that when the trader moves, the player should keep the quest, but the marker should be removed. 

    You'll need to find him/her again at the new location to get your reward. :smokin:

  10. 26 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I cannot do testing at the moment.. but you could theoretically run a dedicated lan server and specify the bedroll deadzone to be.. 200 blocks (can't do that with the in-game settings). And just go to town with an auger on some iron with bedroll nearby or see if it will prevent zombie spawns during bloodmoon

    Thanks, someone did that, and we found out it's not changed apparently. :thumb:

  11. 7 hours ago, Roland said:

    I agree, that a non-tedious way to switch clothes is best. Have a wardrobe workstation for outfits. You open it and can create outfits by mixing and matching the four pieces you want together into an ensemble. Then you can instantly wear an ensemble or switch to a different ensemble. You can always swap clothes quickly and easily at your base using your wardrobe or (if you must) you can carry clothes with you to change tediously out in the field if you want to take advantage of a bonus.

    This is one of those cases where I'd add "class-like" limitations to outfits.

    Example: you can't wear (read get the bonuses from) the Farmer outfit until you invest X points in the "Living from the land" perk. And so on with other types...

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