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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 3 hours ago, Morloc said:

    Testing. Last post before this was Tuesday. Checking to see if there's a problem...

    Please disregard otherwise.




    Wow! I knw they were redoing some of the biomes, but I must say... the new desert looks sooo real! :photo:

    Also, trucks confirmed for A20!! :whoo:

  2. 1 hour ago, Khalagar said:

    It seems like Legendary gear is being pushed towards 7 Days 2 Die instead of an update for this game right? I'm fine with it either way,  super excited for the second game, just curious if there's even any intent / point in putting it in this one

    Duh? Where'd you get that? :tinfoil3:

  3. 7 hours ago, Games'n'Grumble said:

    Well, I need to ask, I have been tormented by this question for several days, I hope I am not alone :) Dear developers, please explain:
    1. The image below the number 1 shows the concept of a primitive rifle, which, apparently, shoots 7.62 rounds. What will such a rifle be made of? After all, it looks too good for the primitive stage.
    2. I understand that this is just a concept, but still it is a rifle with a lever mechanism, which implies faster reloading of rounds. If so, this weapon looks more profitable than a hunting rifle. How will these rifles be balanced?
    3. The image below the number 2 shows, as it says on Twitter, a primitive shotgun. OK, but why is the hole in the barrel so small? As if for 9mm rounds or .44?
    4. Under the number 3 is a picture of a weapon that was not presented to us. What's it? It looks "more shotgun" than under the number 2. Maybe there was just some mistake? :)
    Thank you for your work, I can't wait for the A20.


    All 3 is the new Blundershotrifle gun. It's tier 5.

  4. 2 hours ago, Tahaan said:

    @Devs is there any news about "dynamic prefabs" and about the water rework that is mentioned in A20... What does those things bring us and what do they do?


    Other questions: 
    1. Will you ever offload S.I to the GPU (it is the perfect problem space match) and will you ever use all CPU cores for A.I ?  

    2. I only have a #1.  Sorry.  

    Faatal already answered both questions in the past.


    From what I recall water it's not getting any major update: in A20 it'll be less buggy and look more fluid, that's all.

    As for the use of multiple cores that ain't happening. It's an engine (Unity) limitation, not a game's.

  5. 11 hours ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    If I clear the Shotgun Messiah Factory with a level 1 character and no skill investment whatsoever, on Insane Nightmare mode, will you guys put in a toggle option for old school skill progression and chaotic loot? Can I earn it? I'll livestream every attempt until I earn it lmmfao. I will do ANYTHING. I will clear the Shotgun Messiah Factory with a level 1 wooden club and my good intentions beginning to end no editing on the most difficult settings possible to literally earn this, and you gotta understand, that's probably like months of suffering to achieve it. Worth it, I would commit.

    Problem is, they're "upstaging" POIs by tier in A20 (IIRC), so if you do that in A20 you'll immediately find radiated cops and such... :fear:

  6. 5 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    The player should be expending bullets and the occasional explosive or molotov on horde night, not swinging a sledgehammer or a club all night.

    Melee-only bases are possible, up to a point, independently of the hatch exploit.

    I'd also like to point out that there's people (not me) that can do BM nights out in the open on nightmare/insane exactly going berserk all night. :boxing2:

  7. 32 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    (Pole walls 3.0 is the use of a single row of blocks along the ground and on top of them a layer of plates placed upside down. You can support an entire base in this manner, with the blocks at head height being waver thin; basically a "floating base". Another little fyi.)

    This type of base will always be possible, unless you can make blocks to stop supporting other blocks when they are placed in specific rotations.

    The AI though has already been fixed to attack blocks above their head, though this only happens randomly (not too often).

  8. 6 minutes ago, MonkCrimson said:

    I think you guys are loosing time over something insignificant , we want so much from this game and you are all over some textures .

    Tell you what , even if the dog was 1 plain color but they fix some major issues i would be still happy , like people cheating in multiplayer with glitches making everybodies lifes hard and like make the game more serious at surviving so when i play in survivalist and i end up at first week with loads of steaks , millions of boiled water , and if i mine for 1 day straight i can have so much gunpowder i start putting it in my coffee . Millions of other serious stuff out there and we are talking about textures !

    This has been said a thousand times but apparently people still don't know it... The Fun Pimps is not a one developer business, especially not now.

    They have devs working on "dev stuff" and "artists" working on textures and such... no one is wasting time on something they are not specialized in.

  9. 7 minutes ago, AnUmbralMind said:

    My one question for A20 is...(ignore me if this been asked somwhere in here), will you be fixing the wiring appearance? it hangs under lights and stuff creating shadows and well... looks like it's connected to air. Or maybe even a "hide wires" option? 

    I can answer this... Madmole said (not the exact words) that the entire point of this electric system is to look and feel "ragtag", so if you expect them to make a modern and functional electric system like (e.g.) in EGS, forget it, it's out of theme.


    IIRC they did talk, however, about the possibility to only show wires while you're holding the wire tool in your hand. We'll see.

  10. 1 hour ago, Shado47 said:

    @madmole Hey, I wanted to bring up something that I have been thinking about for a long time and probably suggested once before. Seeing as people keep asking if more basic zombies will be added, its safe to say players want more variety in terms of zombies. Have you considered adding a clothing / hair color system for zombies? Basically all zombie models would be with only basic clothing and individual zombies spawn with different clothing items on, similar to how Minecraft zombies can spawn with different armor items on different slots. This way a horde of zombies of the same type would still look massively different from zombie to zombie. Add randomly tinted hair colors to that (95% natural colors) and hordes will really have all the variety anyone could ever ask for without the devs having to add more zombie types. This would also allow any zombie to become a "special infected" by giving them a gamestage dependent chance to wear special clothing like the Demolitioner zombie's bomb jacket. I mean, you'll most likely be implementing a system just like this for bandits anyway so they can have varying outfits made from different items... there isn't really a reason to not do it for zombies as well and once and for all get rid of the question of variety and making hordes look like actual hordes, not the result of a cloning accident.

    What you just described was called UMA, and it was a complete and utter failure due to performance reasons... :nono:

  11. 1 hour ago, SarkMCPFan said:

    oh i meant the ones that dont give a loot cache at the end of exploring.. i like the others that gives the reward for taking that time to explore the building to completion. just feels nice. (also i was just curious to be honest really)

    You mean the "Remnants"? Those are meant to be easily ready early game makeshift bases... that's the main reason they're in the game.

  12. 1 hour ago, SarkMCPFan said:

    oohh what about what poi you want to see more of? (like more skyscrapers and less of the super boring buildings?)

    Sure, Kinyajuu said there'll be a specific option named "[x] No super boring buildings" that you'll be able to turn on or off as you please.

    He also said that since TFP don't believe there are super boring buildings in the game, that option will actually do nothing.

  13. 1 hour ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    I actually really agree with this. Attributes were a multiplayer-centric imposition on EVERYBODY playing single-player. Is it just me, or did the free-form leveling and leveling-by-doing of Alpha 16 feel more satisfying all across the board than leveling in its current iteration?

    LBD had its own problems and advantages while the current attributes/perks system has other problems and pros IMO.

    The real reason we get bored after some time is simply because the game is not ready yet (NPCs, Bandits, Storyline and such...).


    All the rest depends on personal taste, so there's really no point arguing on what pie tastes better if you don't like pies... :caked:

  14. 1 hour ago, Adam the Waster said:

    i would hope it would look like this

    3D Models | MMORPG Forums

    it could uses 7.62 and could have maybe 10 or 15 rounds. 

    We don't have a side loader in game so why not? like a Makeshift sten? thats what it was basically

    A angry Tube with another tube on the side and some coat hanger on the back! and a trigger 

    Or maybe something like this?


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