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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. I was thinking that 7D2D was first created in 2012 when a fully voxel world, at that time, would use a huge amount of memory, stress the graphic cards and provide any number of technical challenges to the devs.

    So, here we are, 8 years after the Kickstarter, with a fully playable world and (AFAIK) the only game on the market that has a FULLY destructible world.

    Still, the devs had to add many other elements to the game (AI, Structural Integrity, Vehicles and so on...) so they're again struggling to squeeze out of modern computers (and Unity) the necessary power to run the game smoothly.

    That's why I was struck by the thought that, after all, dragging development along for all these years it's probably the best thing that could have happened to this game (and to us).

    Think about it: now, on average, players have better machines, more memory, faster CPUs and GPUs, more hard disk space and better graphics overall.

    This game will actually benefit A LOT from better hardware. While most other games out there on the market are tailored around the available tech, this game was initially developed with a vision in mind without completely understanding (at the time) the shortcomings of choosing a fully destructible voxel world. But that "bad choice" could be what has actually made this game great among the copycat run-of-the-mill games that flood the market.

    Oh! The irony of it all. :popular:


  2. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Not again! This was already discussed to death. Now I'm gonna say "Not all stealth players" and we get stuck in a time loop

    Sure, keep ignoring the problem unless you have a 100% accurate statistics about that... sounds like what politicians do.

    Are you one? 😉

  3. 1 hour ago, EggsAisle said:

    If memory serves, there's somewhere between 300-400 different POIs as of A19. So it's not quite doubling what we have now, but it's still a huge increase. It's also possible that some of the old POIs are being reworked to meet the new standards, but I'm not sure if those count as "new" or not. Either way, I'm really excited to see what the level designers have come up with, hoping we can get another stream in the not-too-distant future!

    I hope the designers will also rethink and make more natural (I don't know how) the auto-trigger rooms.

    They're spoiling part of the fun for stealth players.

  4. 2 hours ago, Ladarian said:

    The folks who want to get to the loot room faster already do and they always will.    Unless they make poi's non destructible by players it will never change.

    Doesn't really matter. That's not the point.


    If TFP used your logic, they wouldn't have put ANY path in the "dungeon" POIs.

    They place obstacles in the path so that whoever enjoys that type of "adventure" can play it like a dungeon.

  5. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    I have no idea what you have said above. I am just saying that it was once part of the game and it was took out not (as far as I know) for the reason you stated but because they stopped zombies doing it so players shouldn't be able to do it.

    I wasn't talking about the reason why they took it out before, I'm talking about why it's very difficult for them to re-add it now for players.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    To this day I am convinced I read a post from madmole saying the reason that one block egress was removed was if zombies can't do it then players shouldn't be able to do it. If it is going to be reinstated for zombies then it should be for the players as well.

    But it won't. The problem is, as soon as you allow players to squeeze through one block the designers will have to re-check every single POI for unexpected new "shortcuts".

    That would take tons of dev/designer time which they don't have before beta.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    They have good range but preety small dmg so i think it should be buffed at least  throwned dmg like : weak melee but when it throw it would do massive dmg ( 1 quality spear like 2 quality shotgun )

    Raising the damage would solve nothing if you can't hit... :scared:


  8. 20 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Ironically wouldn't a hazmat zombie be the least threatening of the lot? Their mouth, hands, and almost every part of their body is trapped inside the protective suit. 😛

    Quite the opposite. In fact, it was them who were spreading the infection when it started and the Hazmat was to avoid being infected themselves. But the plan went wrong, the people turned into zombies started attacking them too and broke their suits, so the virus they were carrying turned them with the strongest of effects since they had the biggest concentration of it in their suitcases. Now they roam the land and can easily infect anyone they come in contact with... BWAHAHAHAH! :evil:


  9. 34 minutes ago, Thaledwyn said:

    How about this idea:

    Give us the ability to build a skateboard with 1 wood (1 iron) and 4 plastic (rolls).


    No items storable but a little bit faster moving at beginning without blueprint.

    That's a nice idea on paper, but in reality it would entail a huge amount of work for the whole team.

    A few issues I can think of out of the top of my head are:

    • They'd need to do MOCAP sessions to capture the movements of a skater
    • They'd need to add the new animations into the game while you're skating
    • They'd need to add a new vehicle type and crafting recipes and probably update the connected skills
    • They'd need to do all the testing to see if there are any problems with collisions
  10. Thanks everyone for your feedback. I see most people don't want to be starting the game without any knowledge on how to build structures, so I guess I'm in a very small minority on that. I thought there were more hard core survival players here to be honest.


    Anyhow, if that's your reasoning here, I'd like to point out a few inconsistencies in the game that go against that same logic:

    • As already said we should start the game knowing how to cook Bacon & Eggs (much easier than even building a wood frame)
    • Since we know how to build basic stuff IMO we should also be able to build a forge from the get go, if you think about it, it's the most commonly used thing in the game, so why do we have to waste a point on it? (Same as building)
    • Following the same logic I don't understand why we have to start the game as wimps! Iron Guts for example, or Rule 1 Cardio should be inherent to every healthy man/woman from the beginning (at least level 1), instead we start out with the same endurance as a COVID patient.
    • One other thing that has always bothered me is that you can't craft armor at the start... that's preposterous, the "gate" there (if you want to call that) should be only about the necessary materials (everyone can strap some leather on his/her body with duct tape *wink wink*).

    Ok, I'm just pulling your leg here... but I really think the Masonry and Carpenter skills should be added *at least* for higher tier building.

    I like both the idea to limit the types of materials you can use AND the idea about the fancier shapes to be only available to more expert builders.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

    I like the idea but the implementation seems kind of poor.


    I would remove the mason, and just have a carpenter perk that gives you +>value<reach  so you can build and upgrade from further away, and at later levels will consume less materials when upgrading and let you place blocks faster.

    Yeah, that actually makes sense.

    It's more similar to how (e.g.) learning weapons works: you can shoot any weapon without having the skill, but you'll get bonuses if you invest. :sad:

  12. 41 minutes ago, Lemmers said:

    Pet Peeve: Nature blocks (sand/dirt/asphalt) don't connect to building blocks. There's that terrible looking slope between the two that is impossible to hide sometimes, or possible to hide but only if you weaken your walls by keeping dirt undeath.

    Yeah, that's a "side effect" of the diamond voxel terrain I suppose.

  13. 1 hour ago, Hyperbolt said:

    So if we translate that to your suggested skill: there must still be a way to build and upgrade our base without said skill. This could either be achieved trough schematics, or make it more expensive to upgrade without the skill?

    That's actually an excellent idea!

    It would work like some of the other existing skills that way, seamless! :thumb:

  14. I know some of you guys will think I must be crazy to say this... but I just realized that of all the skills we have we've never even thought about needing skills to actually build structures.

    I mean... think about it, we even need to learn how to cook Bacon&Eggs, but for some weird reason we already start the game with full carpenter/mason knowledge! :confused2:


    IMO, if (and that's a BIG if) they ever give skills a second pass, they should add both a Carpenter AND a Mason skill.

    The Carpenter skill would allow you to build anything with wood in it, while the Mason skill will enable you to build with Flagstone, Cobblestone and Concrete.


    What y'all think?

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