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Jost Amman

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Posts posted by Jost Amman

  1. 3 hours ago, pregnable said:

    I mean, not really much of an option... there were like 10 or more of them and it is set to insane/always nightmare run speed. 

    I'll be blunt: the game is not balanced on that difficulty level... so that's still your choice and if you can't find a way to skin the animal before it despawns at that level, well, too bad, not the game's problem. :noidea:

  2. No, that's perfect as it is IMO. You have to make a choice there... do you exclusively focus on the horde, or will you try to harvest the dead mountain lion while fighting them?

    Choices, consequences. I often found myself in the same situation, and while fighting I "circle back" (:biggrin1:) often to harvest a bit each time.

  3. 2 hours ago, VooDoo said:

    i remember reading or maybe one of the videos..  that the traders will only have one category per trader..


    like jen will just have the items to first aid..

    joel will have weapons

    Not exclusively. Jen will be specialized on meds but will also have (less) stuff from other categories.

  4. 4 hours ago, CypherTodd said:

    Please say in gold there is an end game.  The one thing this game is missing is a sense of purpose.  Why am I building, fighting, what is the purpose.  after day 30, I usually stop, cause what's the point.  the fear is gone, the need is gone.  there is nothing keeping me moving forward.  There has to be that drive in order for this game to be truly great.  Velhiem 3 million in 3 weeks, why?  its not that pretty, its not that feature rich.  So what does it have.  It has purpose, and moving to a goal, better gear, to fight the next challenge.  & 7 needs that desperately!  Please I love this game, no doubt one of my all time favorites, but....

    This game is a sandbox, so no purpose is provided since you set your own goals.


    That being said TFP will be adding a story, before gold, that is staged in the Navezgane map, where you complete a chain of quests.

    If you progress to the end you can either try killing The Duke (bad guy) or try killing Noah (good guy). Then you're on your own like now after that. :nod:

  5. 11 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    RUDE. 😒



    @Jost Amman The jerk flipped my jeep over; oddly enough it was stuck like that until I re-entered the vehicle. *Shrug*

    That's surprising because I remember faatal, a long time ago, saying this would not happen when he first started working on the new vehicle code.

    He said there's something in the code that will always revert back your vehicle in the resting position...

  6. 8 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    @Jost Amman Is there a tutorial anywhere on how I can download the trader m*d?

    I'm sorry, i don't know, as I said I just stumbled on it while searching... aren't there instructions on the mod's page?


    Edit: yeah, I see there are no instructions at all... I'd suggest you ask a question there directly to the mod author.

  7. 15 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Are there plans to add a trader restock slider in A20? I would personally set it to every 7 days myself instead of the standard 3.

    You may be interested in this mod in the meantime... I stumbled on it yesterday while searching for an alternative HUD.


  8. 24 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Honestly, I don't fully enjoy those finish kill-moves in Skyrim and deep down I don't tolerate them very well even if they are cool. The reason being that they take away the full control of the player over his avatar even if it's for a short while even if they make nice moves unthinkable for the basic handling of a 1st person game.


    So in the end I prefer any improvement over the animations and first person "feeling" with different kinds of feedback like dismemberment and the like, but I would hate to have my keyboard blocked in a game in which every second matters.

    I understand your worry, but while the FKM is playing time slows down to a crawl and it actually takes almost the same time as the regular manual hit & kill.

    The real problem is, IMO, that implementing such elaborate moves with at least two actors involved would be a huge time sink for the devs.

    So, take my comment for what it was... just daydreaming. :sleep:


    On 2/8/2021 at 1:20 AM, Yomado said:

    Cant wait for the quests changes to come live. I accepted tier 5s as the unlock and I hate not being able to do some of the tier 3 quest locations as they have some pretty nice rewards for the time ratio like books. tier 4s and 5s do not have a large amount of book spawns but 3s and 2s do.


  10. 48 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    @Blake_ So I was flying around in a creative test world exploring POI's for my next base whenever I decide to restart, and my curiosity got the better of me; I decided to loot a reinforced chest and analyze its contents. This is day 1, gamestage 1. It seems that the schematics are not so linearly locked as we had previously thought?



    Yeah, this also happens frequently to me during a normal game (A19 latest).


    IMO it makes sense though, since acquiring a schematic early on isn't OP or unbalanced at all: your crafting level still depends on how much you invested in that weapon's attribute and specifically in that weapon's perk. On top of that some BPs (blueprints) need forged steel or something you can't access yet.


    Even better, I see it as an opportunity for a player to choose between "Do I keep investing in what I wanted at first (e.g.: I wanted to be a stealth archer), or do I start investing points into that BP's tree so that in a few levels I'll be able to craft a very solid weapon?".


    Leave it as it is! :nod:

  11. 4 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    ok, what the hell are you guys making bras out of, yes bras... I am using a stone spear. see grandma coming at me, knock her down and as a follow up. I throw a spear at her, hit her in the boob... and it went "TINK!" wtf? armor plated boobs now?


    edit: sorry mechanical, so, for those who don't know or never experienced boobs. "tink" is not a normal sound they make

    Actually you hit the nipple while she was very excited seeing you! :whoo:

  12. 30 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Agreed. At this rate a new thread should be created that specifically holds criticisms against moderators and the dev team. The thread would be nicknamed "trash".

    I disagree. Criticism should be always allowed, even and especially if you don't agree.

    As long as the discussion remains healthy it should never be "trashed"; redirected if OT? Yes, but never trashed.

  13. 58 minutes ago, The Gronk said:

    Justify it how you like, I've been lurking for quite some time now and the strict rule system is what killed the vibe.

    I'm sorry about that, really. But personally I'm not here for "the vibe", or metagaming, I'm here for info on development and some light conversation with other players on the game we all love.

  14. 3 hours ago, The Gronk said:

    Do what you like with your own forum, I'm just pointing out that what was once a vibrant messy communty now feels like a sterile Q&A session a place where you can quickly get info on the development status.

    There, fixed it for you.

    3 minutes ago, The Gronk said:

    Every form of social structure built by humans suffers from a single faatal flaw, the people involved.

    Ther, fixed it again for you. :bounce:

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