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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 2 hours ago, DonDregon said:

    I've decided to build with knuckles this time and to my surprise, I cannot use 4 mods on them which is hilarious.


    1. Ergonomic Grip Mod or Fortifying Grip Mod or Structural Brace Mod
    2. Rad Remover Mod or The Hunter Mod (exclusive, cannot use both at the same time for any reason)
    3. Weighted Head Mod or Serrated Blade Mod (exclusive, cannot use both at the same time for any reason)
    4. ?


    What else can I use? 


    1. Fortifying Grip

    2. Rad Remover

    3. Weighted Head if you want stun, Serrated Blade if you want bleed

    4. Structural Brace (it's not a grip)

  2. 5 hours ago, RipClaw said:
    • BuffInjuryBleedingCooldown that adds BuffResistance after bleeding buffs to help reduce consecutive bleeds

    This is my favorite change. It's ridiculous how often you bleed in A21. Especially in the big final fights in T5 and T6 quests.


    Thank @%$#ing god. Now they just need to fix breaks and sprains for real. So tired of getting hit in the leg and getting a broken arm and vice-versa.


    On 7/30/2023 at 10:30 PM, RipClaw said:

    The fifth player is strapped to the grill of the car in MadMax style.

      Reveal hidden contents




    Or, the fifth player is under the hood, pulling the 4x4 along. No engine!

  3. 4 hours ago, SylenThunder said:


    Placeholder xml for it is already in items. I haven't seen art on it, or heard it discussed, but the data is starting to exist.


    I hope it comes to fruition and gets added!

    2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    And the 10% insta kill chance from the books is amazing. Also NerdTats.


    Pretty sure that's from perking 5 points into Physician.

  4. 2 hours ago, OneManStanding said:

    We see the plane, someone goes and gets the supplies. Nevertheless we keep being surprised by random airdrops that pop up on our map whilst we're heading somewhere. Don't know what to make of it. 


    I've run into that too - I always assumed it was an airdrop that happened while I wasn't on, and no one else bothered to go get it.

  5. On 7/23/2023 at 1:09 PM, SylenThunder said:

    T1 - Pipe baton

    T2 - Stun baton

    T3 - Plasma Baton (Not currently available, but is currently being developed.)




    Wait, for real? Are we actually getting a plasma baton?

  6. 14 hours ago, theFlu said:

    I'm stating the obvious here, but you don't really need many a solar cell. This is based on A20, but I think it should still apply:


    One cell provides enough power to charge a battery bank pretty quickly; set it up with a timer so the solar attaches to the batteries for an hour a day and you can feed the entire battery bank's worth of equipment for the other 23 hours. With a second solar cell, you can set up another circuit to work as backup for the charge time.


    Right, but I prefer to have solar running the daylight hours and have the batteries just kick in at night.

  7. 1 hour ago, RipClaw said:

    If you have a trader Bob close by it is best to start with him as he specializes not only in vehicles but also in electrical items. There you have the best chance to get solar cells.



    Oh nice, I didn't think about that. Thanks!


  8. 4 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I don't know a lot about it, but quest tier for that trader affects it (complete tier 5 at all of them will increase your odds, most likely).  Daring Adventurer of course also has a noticeable impact on trader stage.


    Hmm, alright. I have Daring Adventurer maxed out, but I've only completed T5 at one trader so far. Looks like I'd better get to work!

  9. 2 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    It's probably the trader stage, though I don't know what levels are necessary to get them to show up or to show up more often.  I've seen only a few solar cells - 1 tier 6 and I think a couple tier 3.  Normally I'd have one back of at least tier 4-5 cells by now.  So it is definitely much slower.  They probably need to adjust things so they aren't so rare.  A solar bank without all cells filled is almost not even worth using so solar has become a pain in A21.


    Thanks! We're on a RWG map with 10 traders. I do a loop every few days when they reset and oftentimes, no one has a single bank OR cell for sale. Sometimes, I get lucky and a single trader has a single cell. once, I got really lucky and found cells for sale at 4 out of the 10.


    Do you know what affects trader stage, how to tell what trader stage I'm at? Or is it just a matter of "keep checking" every reset?

  10. I mean, I have killed a zombie with an impact driver. But I think the Fun Pimps want a clear delineation between what's considered a weapon and what's considered a tool. The only exception to this seems to be knives.

  11. With the Secret Stash being gone, I've noticed traders hardly ever have solar cells or solar banks for sale now. I'm assuming this has something to do with Trader Stage now. What affects this? Has anyone noticed the low low chance of them having solar cells and banks for sale, or am I just unlucky? Or is it that my trader stage isn't high enough?

  12. 6 minutes ago, warmer said:

    Because it could potential be useful for my own game, or as the above stated, there could be an easier way to achieve this than using a hex editor. hence the reason I asked.


    Apologies, I mistook your question as hostile. Good luck!

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