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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    Thing is that this doesn´t only depend on TFP. Sony and MS need to give their ok and have a ton of rules for it. It´s quite the process and can take a long time from what i know.


    So just because TFP plans to have it, doesn´t mean it´s gonna happen.


    Like bandits!

  2. 1 hour ago, Rotor said:

    I think you can click on the wp in map and it disappears from compass, or delete alltogether??


    That unfortunately doesn't work currently. On a RWG map, a single trader may create multiple duplicate waypoint markers on your map's list. The game won't allow deletion of the duplicates currently. I know TFP are aware of the issue though.

  3. I call the female zombie in the button-up shirt "Lois" and Mama is "Wal-Mart Wilma."

    1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    I don't have nicknames for the zombies but I do have nicknames for the bullets... as someone who has no background with guns playing 7days for the first time I could never remember the numbers for ammo like 7.62 or .44 and I would read out the units so 9mm would be "9 em em" (someone did eventually correct me) 

    I ended up just calling them magnum bullets, pistol bullets, and pointy bullets 😅


    I like to call the auto-shotgun "The Home-Wrecker"

  4. 16 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    It´s actually still better looking than the new iron armor. That thing is a true abomination. I just saw the new motorcycle on a picture. But the first thing i saw was the ugly iron armor. Says a lot...


    Also i think we all want to use the nerd armor. At least for crafting.




    I might throw it on for crafting but.. no promises. That iron armor just has Iron Man mk1 armor vibes.

  5. 15 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Wild vulture In the desert?? 


    I guess that would explain why they mauled me. But I also had to fight a rattlesnake


    Yup. They like chasing and attacking no matter what my HP or injury status is.

    12 hours ago, Dreyseth said:


    The POI spawned vultures for sure attack on sight, however it seemed to me that out in the environment they would follow menacingly, but not actually attack.  Not like I really want to turn my back to confirm such theories.  


    I know POI vultures will. These were wild ones though.

  6. 4 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    Well make them spawn in the day sometimes and much more in the dark 


    Maybe some animals won't activatly hunt you down until you say have lower hp like what vultures do. 



    They are kinda stupid compared to zombies. Lmao 


    Vultures hunt me down even when my HP is at full.

  7. 3 hours ago, HB_H4wk said:

    Make it a challenge, say a zombies hits you in the head with their hand you are injured on that side of your face for a day or so and can only see out of one eye.


    Knowing this game, the zombie would hit you in the head and you'd get a broken foot.

  8. 22 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Nice. Also the minibike looks like the only one you could actually use.


    I am rather amused about the nerd armor and the amount of insecure people saying they will never wear it. 😛


    I won't be using it. It's ugly as hell, and it's heavy armor. I prefer light armor.

  9. 1 hour ago, Laz Man said:

    Game is still being balanced.  Expect crafting / looting / survival to continue to evolve.  The new character armor sets will be the next big addition that shakes up the balance of it all.


    Are those still at least coming in A22? If not, A22 is going to be very boring.

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