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Old Crow

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Posts posted by Old Crow

  1. 10 hours ago, arramus said:

    Hey Old Crow. A20 isn't really going to be touched from hereon unless there is a critical bug. Sorry about that. If this post is for A21, the link is here.



    Ah, sorry! I didn't notice I was in the wrong thread. Thanks!

  2. 19 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    does anybody have more specific information about the "formula" how these pathing decisions are chosen?

    As I understood the previous posts it is just time-based? Like how long will it take to breach/break all blocks between the player and the z, against running a distance?

    Or is there more to it?

    I think I remember there was a "doors are preferred targets" thingy too?


    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to exactly calculate my base around this,

    but at least it would be nice what factors have an impact on a zombie's "decision".


    You'd think so, but I've noticed many times where there will be an open door right in front of them or next to them, and they still prefer to bash on walls or start digging.

  3. 6 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    How is the radiation system going to work? will it just deal damage or work something like in the fallout games? 

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    I know the beginnings of the radiation system are in A21. The mutant zombie (bubblehead) deals radiation damage with his spit, but so far it just deals direct damage to the player. I'm interested to see how it'll pan out once they've put more work into it to get the idea they're going for.

  4. 10 hours ago, meganoth said:


    Correct, I forgot that the supercharger was already included in A20. Though as zombiehunter said the numbers were adjusted in A21, probably to make it so you gladly take detours to search all garages for them.


    I just checked XML and the bonus seems to be 15% to top speed for every vehicle and 25% to cruising speed (i.e. without hitting shift key). I would have expected an acceleration modifier as well since we had the impression the motorbike was accelerating faster as well. Maybe that is just a derived stat from top speed or we have been imagining things



    Gotcha, thanks for clarifying. Is this also the reason the motorcycle and 4X4 take off so sluggishly? Both feel like they're dragging on something when I first start moving, even with a supercharger installed.

  5. I'd say, just remove weapons, armor and tools from traders. Not for sale, not for quest rewards. You want rank 6 weapons armor and tools? Make them findable when you hit certain loot stages. Otherwise, no finding any weapons, armor, or tools rank 2, 3, 4 or 5.


    Is this a perfect solution? Probably not. But it'd at least make crafting those types of items, and thus their magazines, worth getting.

  6. 3 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    That's the one I'm thinking of. What is depicted in the image may be that or something added for A21. Block the entrance with a bit of rubble or topsoil and it should make a good temporary hideout.


    I used that as a base actually during A20, on my single player "testing" world. It really does work great as a single-person bolt-hole..

  7. 6 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    A high enough temperature jet of material at the proper pressure could render what is normally fire suppressant into a rather potent fuel source. Though good luck finding something like that outside of a research lab, much less a man portable version.

    Iirc it was southish of Trader Joel's current location, on top of a hill before you hit the burnt biome. Eastish of his location last Alpha.


    Wasn't that just a small mine? I know there's a little dirt road going to it now.

  8. It might have been because you were so high up, but I'm honestly just guessing. The Fun Pimps would not be nice enough to do something like that so as not to interrupt your questing.


    As for logging out during a quest, I'm not sure, as I haven't had it happen in A21 yet. I'd be curious to know the answer as well (as I've had the game crash in A20 during a quest, removing all progress, but keeping the ! there but making it unavailable).

  9. 12 hours ago, meganoth said:


    They nerfed basic speed so that they could include a vehicle mod with which you can reach the old top speed again (AFAIK). THis top speed is a hard limit for vanilla since TFP has to support 8 minimum spec PCs playing together.





    So this is a mod that isn't in yet? Because the supercharger has been included since A20. If you ARE talking about the supercharger, it doesn't sound like it's supercharging anything.

  10. 49 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    You forget that it wasn't me that brought up the old "bullet sponge" complaint. The demos explosion has 3 effects:


    1) You have a choice exploding him in a save distance if you spot him early enough and have a long range weapon (range is otherwise very useless in the game due to the limited distance that gets loaded).


    2) It makes it more difficult hitting him without exploding him when he is near. Give me a auto shottie or m60 and I can simply burst-kill any demo without explosion ability because I don't need to actually aim too carefully. Our group has seen lots and lots of demos exploding unwanted because we were not careful enough with shooting at him.


    3) The demo himself (depending on base design) seldom kills you. His most interesting effect is that he randomly "changes" your horde base, removing access ways and at worst thinning protective walls to you or opening new access ways for the normal zombies to go through. This tests the redundancy you might have built into your base or your own ability to react to changed circumstances. Ever built up your base so much that the zombies had no chance anymore? Some players like that, but usually it means even horde night gets boring. Only the demo explosion has the chance to mix that up again.


    Some of Rhinos ideas have some of the same effects, for example the kamikazes, but I really don't see why the kamikazes should be such a great idea and the demo the worst idea ever.



    I think the idea is the kamikazes are faster, and thus more of a challenge to deal with. It kind of reminds me of an enemy from Dark Souls 2 - they run up to you, jump at you, and explode on their own.

  11. 6 hours ago, RhinoW said:

    It doesn't take the fact it's a bad enemy design. So many more concepts could've taken its place. It's not like hordes don't get easy anymore, because they do, and they become trivial after a while since its always the same thing, bullet sponges hitting your walls, with the exception of the cop.


    They just put a kamikaze effect on the toughest enemy in the game, that already deals 500 block damage with each attack. You don't need the explosion. Not to mention the concept itself connected to its visual design doesn't make sense at all. (C4 strapped to a military guy and a bunch of nades or canisters whatever around him?)


    Here's better examples:


    Horde of kamikazes, self explanatory, low hp, glowing, really fast zombies that just want to blow up

    Bruiser tank zombie (demolisher but without the explosion, and much more focus on his melee attacks, perhaps a small AoE punch that also damages blocks)

    Driller zombie that while not as fast, would have mutated hands that allow him to destroy stone/concrete blocks really fast.

    Support buffer zombie that, well, buffs nearby zombies

    Screamer that stuns the player with a projected scream, making him miss shots and lose pressure

    EMP zombie that destabilizes and makes turrets and eletric equipment malfunction in a radius around him





    Would we really need driller zombies? The normal ones already dig ridiculously fast anyway.


    That said, I like the other ideas, they'd be be really interesting and would be super fun. Something Meganoth hates. XD


    4 hours ago, meganoth said:


    The demo without the explosion would be just what you deride, a bullet sponge.


    Kamikazes with low hps can just be targeted as priority and are easy cannon fodder unless just one of them has the same destruction potential as a demo and then what is the difference really? Same goes for driller zombie, just that you can easily shoot at him without having to fear the explosion.



    What is the explosion adding though? The demolisher is already a bullet sponge, with or without the explosion, so I don't see your point. And who cares which zombies are prioritized? We already prioritize demolishers, so why would that better than prioritizing a different threat?

  12. Take over a POI with unlit table lamps, or decided to make some for decoration and got disappointed find they don't light up? Have I got the trick for you!


    My buddy discovered this on our multiplayer server. You can craft a lantern (Art of Mining Vol. 7) and place it IN the lamp and voila! Instant lamp! It actually looks pretty good and doesn't seem intrusive.




  13. 17 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I'd really suggest trying the vehicle mod if you want this kind of functionality.  I'm not certain if it's updated for A21 yet, though.



    It is! I wish it could be server side-only (I understand why it isn't), we used some on my buddy's server in A20 and I miss some of the vehicles in that mod.

  14. This was, unfortunately, intentional on the part of the developers. You can keep it "closed" by placing something inside before closing the loot window, but that just becomes annoying after a while.


    The only way to "fix" it for now is to have Chunk Reset turned on and not visit that chunk for a while. Or to take a quest in that POI and use that to reset it once.

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